Deserted: Domination is a domination-style game where players battle to capture objectives in two teams. This gameplay uses devices like the Capture Area device, and even custom devices created with Verse.
By following this tutorial, you will learn how to create advanced gameplay in Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN). In addition, you will be introduced to Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) features like Level Sequencing and Post Processing.
There will be external links to resources to help guide you on Verse and UE5 features, as well as other content we cover.
You can find Deserted in the Sample Projects section of the Project Browser.
The following is an overview of the steps you’ll need to recreate this island:
Create a new project and modify the Island Settings to set up the game.
Create a Verse script for player spawning.
Add and customize the core gameplay devices.
Add a custom spawn system.
Add the player’s loadout.
Add sound effects.
Add visual effects.
Creating a New Project
Read our Project Organization page to learn more about creating a new project.
To set up the island settings, place an Island Settings device from the Content Drawer.
Customize its settings as shown below.
Option | Value | Explanation |
Voice Chat Scope | All | Determines whether voice chat should be allowed within teams, between all players, or not at all. |
Max Players | 12 | Determines the maximum number of players allowed into the game. |
Teams | Team Index - 2 | Determines how many teams players will be divided into. |
Team Size | Split Evenly | Determines how the players are split between teams. |
Default Class Identifier | Class Slot - 1 | Defines the default Class for players at game start or if their Class is set. |
Total Rounds | 5 | Determines the number of rounds to play before the game ends. |
Team Rotation | True | Determines how frequently teams should be rotated. |
Team Visuals Determined At | Game Start | Determines whether team names and colors change each round or stay as they are at game start. |
Time Limit | 15.0 | Specifies the duration of each round, or the game itself if there is only one round. |
Score to End | 500 | Causes the round to end when a player or team has achieved the specified score. |
Only Allow Respawn if Spawn Pads Found | True | Only allows players to respawn if there is a valid spawn pad available. |
Auto Start | 30.0 | Specifies whether the game will start automatically after the selected amount of time. |
Allow Spectating Other Teams | Allowed | Determines whether spectating players can watch other teams. |
Elimination Score | 3.0 | Determines the amount of score awarded to a player when they eliminate another player. |
Assist Score | 1.0 | Determines the amount of score awarded to a player when they assist in eliminating another player. |
Disable Player Collision | True | Determines whether players collide with or pass through each other. |
Creating a Verse Script for Player Spawning
You can use verse to control the player spawner so that players always spawn in their territory (near owned capture areas or areas near allies). To do this, use a combination of standard creative devices and Verse.
Add a new verse script as described on this page. Then, paste the following:
# Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
## This device manages the player spawners
## An intial set of spawners starts enabled
## After a short time, the initial spawners are disabled
Use this guide to learn more about Verse.
For this tutorial, we'll use Verse tags to obtain references to other creative devices.
Next, compile the Verse script.
In the Content Browser, find the DominationSpawnManager device you created, and drag it into the world to customize its settings.
These settings and new Verse devices will only appear after you compile them.
Adding and customizing the Core Devices
Player Spawn Pad Devices
Player Spawn Pad devices are controlled by the Verse script determining valid spawn locations.
You will use multiple varieties, each with its own settings and functionality. You will communicate with some of these using Verse by disabling or enabling them to determine viable spawn locations.
You will need a total of 16 initial spawners, eight for team 1, and eight for team 2. Place these out in the open, they will only be used for the first set of spawns on every round.
To customize this device:
From the Content Drawer, select and place a Player Spawn Pad device.
Customize its settings as shown below:
Option Value Explanation Player Team
Team Index / Team 1 or Team 2
Sets whether Team 1 or Team 2 will spawn on this specific spawner.
Use as Island Start
This device will not be used as an island starter teleporter.
Visible in Game
This device will not be visible during gameplay.
Priority Group
Check the box for Priority Group. This is the priority used for spawning, with a lower number having higher priority.
Display Enemy Range
This is a visualizer to see the Enemy Range Check in the editor. All were set to off by default, even if they did not use Enemy Range Check.
Follow the instructions below to add the Verse Tags. Verse gameplay tags let you find devices marked with a specific tag while the game is running.
To do so, follow the steps below.
Select VerseTagMarkup in the Details panel.
Under Gameplay Tags, click Edit to bring up a list of true/false checkboxes.
For initial spawners, select the initial tag. Make sure each has a TeamOwnership of team 1 or team 2.
Copy and paste this device 15 times (for a total of 16 devices).
Place half of the devices on one side of the map along with a Capture Area device, and the other half on the opposite side, with another Capture Area device. Add a third Capture Area device in the middle of the map. Name the three Capture Area devices Capture Area_A - Capture Area_C.
These player spawners will only be used at the very start of gameplay before being disabled by Verse.
You can define Verse tags anywhere. This tutorial’s tags are defined in ProjectName.verse
, which is whatever you named your project.
Paste the following tags into the file after opening them to set them up.
# Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
using { / }
DominationSpawnTags<public> := module:
Tag_SpawnGroup<public>:= class(tag){}
Tag_SpawnGroup_Initial<public>:= class(Tag_SpawnGroup){}
Tag_SpawnGroup_GroupA<public>:= class(Tag_SpawnGroup){}
Tag_SpawnGroup_GroupB<public>:= class(Tag_SpawnGroup){}
Tag_SpawnGroup_GroupC<public>:= class(Tag_SpawnGroup){}
Like the photo above, place clusters of spawners in safe areas away from combat. Verse will turn these spawners off or on depending on whether they are valid according to your script.
The red Player Spawn Pads are for one of the three spawner groups controlled by Verse. There are two overlapping spawners in the group, one for team 1 and another for team 2, which is repeated elsewhere on the map.
The white spawner in the spawn pad cluster is known as the Fallback Spawner. These are used if there is no other valid location for the player to spawn when Verse checks.
You can add groups of spawners, consisting of team 1 and team 2, around the map. Tag the spawn group as either Group A, B, or C to indicate which capture area it should react to.
Set up the groups around the Capture Area device you link them to.
To set up groups of spawners:
In a safe area, place two spawn pads on top of each other. One should be assigned to team 1 and the other to team 2.
Customize their settings as shown below.
Option Value Explanation Player Team
Team Index / 1 or 2
Set the Team Index to either team 1 or team 2 to spawn players.
Use as Island Start
This will not be used as an island start teleporter.
Visible in Game
The spawner is not visible during gameplay.
Enabled During Phase
These will only be used by Verse and set to disable by default.
Priority Group
Check the box for Priority Group. This is used for spawning, with the lower number having higher priority.
Enemy Range Check
This is the distance used to check enemies to determine if this is a valid spawn point. The size can be adjusted depending on the map size. Use a bigger area if your map is larger and smaller if your map is not as sizable.
Display Enemy Range
This is a visualizer to see the Enemy Range Check in the editor. All were set to off by default, even if they did not use Enemy Range Check.
Like you did in the last section, add the Verse Tags with the following checkboxes.
Check GroupA for the spawn pads surrounding Capture Point A.
Check GroupB for the spawn pads surrounding Capture Point B.
Check GroupC for the spawn pads surrounding Capture Point C.
Place another Player Spawn pad beside the two you just placed. This will be the Fallback Spawner.
Customize its settings as shown below.
Option Value Explanation Player Team
Set the Team Index to either team 1 or team 2 to spawn players.
Use as Island Start
This will not be used as an island start teleporter.
Visible in Game
The spawner is not visible during gameplay.
Enabled During Phase
These are always valid spawners for players to spawn..
Priority Group
Check the box for Priority Group. This is used for spawning, with the lower number having higher priority.
Enemy Range Check
This is the distance used to check enemies to determine if this is a valid spawn point. The size can be adjusted depending on the map size. Use a bigger area if your map is larger and smaller if your map is not as sizable.
Display Enemy Range
This is a visualizer to see the Enemy Range Check in the editor. All are set to off by default, even if they did not use Enemy Range Check.
Copy and paste this device evenly across the map. You can also place them in the same spots as the spawners linked to capture points.
Place a total of 16 of these, which are not restricted by a team. This means capturing all 3 points will make the defeated enemy appear randomly throughout the map instead of in a predictable area.
Lastly, there are numerous spawns used for the pre-game lobby, where players will wait for the game to queue. There are a total of 16 of them, placed within an area created for the players on both teams to wait.
To set up these devices:
Create a pre-game lobby.
Place a Player Spawn Pad device in your lobby.
Customize its settings as shown below.
Option Value Explanation Player Team
These are only used as island starts.
Use as Island Start
These will be used for the pre-game island start.
Visible in Game
The spawner is not visible during gameplay.
Enabled During Phase
Pre-Game Only
Determines the game phases during which the device will be enabled.
Priority Group
Check the box for Priority Group. These pads will always be used during the pre-game.
Display Enemy Range
This is a visualizer to see the Enemy Range Check in the editor. All are set to off by default, even if they did not use Enemy Range Check.
Copy and paste this device 15 times.
Capture Area Devices
Next, customize the Capture Area devices with the following steps:
Edit a placed Capture Area device.
Customize its settings as shown below.
Option Value Explanation Capture Radius
This is the capture field’s radius surrounding the device in tiles.
Visible During Game
This device’s base is not visible during gameplay.
Periodic Scoring
Owning Team
Every number of seconds, the score is given to the team that currently has this point captured.
Score On Taking Control
This is the amount of score awarded for capturing it.
Accent Color Type
Team Relationship Color
Shows the color of the team that currently holds the point.
Capture Height
This is the capture device’s height in tiles.
Enemies Contest Scoring
Periodic scoring is disabled when an enemy is within the capture area.
Can Be Captured By Team
Any team can capture the points.
Control Time
This is the number of seconds required to be in the capture area to take control of it.
Neutralize Time Override
No Neutralize
Once a point is captured by a team, the other team doesn't need to neutralize it first.
Take Control Faster Per Player
This is the multiplier to capture and neutralize speed for each additional teammate assisting.
Progress Decay Type
Over Time
This determines how partial capture progress is treated.
Partial Progress Decay Speed
This is the speed that partial progress degrades when no teammate is present within the capture area.
HUD Elements
The capture areas are shown on the UI as badges.
Requires Line Of Sight
Capture area badges are always shown regardless of line of sight.
Hostile Icon Text
This is the UI text shown when an enemy controls a capture point.
Hide HUD Icon At
This is the meter distance required to no longer see the HUD Badge.
Clamp To Screen
When rendering the Badge, clamp it to the screen.
Friendly Icon Text
This is the UI text when your team controls the capture area.
Neutral Icon Text
This is the UI text when the capture area is uncontrolled.
HUD Text Size
The size of the text shown along with the badge.
HUD Message
Captured A - Captured C
Sets the message to display on the HUD with the score. Set each device to have a unique message ranging from "Captured A" - "Captured C".
Show Map Marker
Determimnes if the objective icon will be shown on the minimap.
Sort Order
1 - 3
Determines the objective orders in the UI. Set each device to have a unique order ranging from 1 - 3.
Repeat this step for every Capture Area.
As explained before, you should have two Capture Area devices on opposite sides of the map and one Capture Area device in the middle. You should spread the devices across the map, with each team having proximity to one Capture Area device, and a third in the middle for the teams to compete over.
Good capture point placement should include consideration of cover, surrounding geography, elevation, and distance to other capture points.
You should also think about how to visually indicate capture areas. The Capture Area device has some good default options, but also think about how you can use world art, lighting, and decals.
In Deserted, the base is replaced by a spinning light fixture to distinguish it visually.
Player Counter
Place three Player Counter devices, one adjacent to each Capture Area device.
Next, set up the Player Counter devices to create the volumes that link to the above devices. You can name the devices LargeZone_A - LargeZone_C.
In the photo above, you can see a red volume surrounding Capture Point C. The size of the volume will vary depending on the size of the area it’s covering.
Customize the Player Counter devices to have the following settings.
Option | Value | Explanation |
Compare Player Count | Do Not Compare | Relative player counts will not be evaluated for this zone. |
Info Panel Visible | False | The info panel will not be visible during gameplay. |
Use Zone | True | Check this box to use a zone for calculations instead of the entire map. |
Zone Width | Variable | Set this zone to cover the entire area surrounding one of the capture points. |
Zone Depth | Variable | Set this zone to cover the entire area surrounding one of the capture points. |
Zone Height | Variable | Set this zone to cover the entire area surrounding one of the capture points. |
Repeat steps three and four for devices LargeZone_B and LargeZone_C.
Verse Device
Use this device to link direct event binding to the needed devices so they can be referenced by the Verse script.
To customize the Verse device:
In the Outliner tab, find and select DominationSpawnManager.
In the Details panel, select DominationSpawnManager (Instance).
Customize its settings as shown below:
Option Value Explanation Visible In Game
This device will not be visible in the game.
Enabled At Game Start
This device will be enabled at the start of the game.
Under DominationSpawnManager use the following settings:
Option Value Explanation 0
Capture Area_A
Informs the Verse script which team captured the point.
Capture Area_B
Informs the Verse script which team captured the point.
Capture Area_C
Informs the Verse script which team captured the point.
Works in conjunction with TriggersLargeZoneEntered by informing the Verse script when a player leaves the area to deduce viable spawners.
Works in conjunction with TriggersLargeZoneEntered by informing the Verse script when a player leaves the area to deduce viable spawners.
Works in conjunction with TriggersLargeZoneEntered by informing the Verse script when a player leaves the area to deduce viable spawners.
Lock Device
Paired with many of the player spawn areas are Lock devices. Each Lock device should be given its own unique name.
You can create spawn closets with locks and doors to make sure players can’t re-enter.
We recommend numbering their interlocked components together to keep track of each location. For the purposes of this tutorial, there will be a total of four enclosed safe spawn areas.
Use the following steps to customize locks one through four.
Place a Lock device on the outside of a closed door.
Place two Trigger devices inside the room to cover the door.
a. Name the Trigger devices in a way that helps you to easily reference them. The Triggers in this tutorial are named TriggerDoorOpen1 - 4 and TriggerDoorClose1 - 4.
Customize the Lock device’s settings as shown below.
Option Value Explanation Visible During Game
This device will not be visible during gameplay.
Hide Interaction When Locked
The player will not see the interaction when locked during gameplay.
Set up Direct Event Binding to pair the Lock device with the Trigger device.
Device A | Function | Device B | Event | Explanation |
Lock | Open | DoorOpenTrigger1 - DoorOpenTrigger4 | On Triggered | When the TriggerDoorOpen1 device is activated, it will open this door. |
Lock | Close | DoorCloseTrigger1 - DoorOpenTrigger4 | On Triggered | When the TriggerDoorClose1 device is activated, it will close the door. |
Repeat these steps three times for each safe area, changing the Direct Event Bindings to match the Triggers next to it.
The Trigger devices that covers the door requires a player to contact it which then sends a signal to the Lock device to open the door. This is shown on the left Trigger device covering the doorway.
On the right, a second Trigger device will wait two seconds before sending a signal to close the door behind them. This allows players inside to leave, but potential campers outside will not be able to enter.
To customize these devices:
Use the following table to customize TriggerDoorOpen1 through 4.
Option Value Explanation Visible In Game
The trigger will not be visible during gameplay.
Trigger VFX
This device will not have visual effects.
Trigger SFX
This device will not have sound effects.
Use the following table to customize TriggerDoorClosed1 through 4.
Option Value Explanation Visible In Game
This device will not be visible during gameplay.
Triggered by Player
Contact with the player will not activate this trigger.
Trigger Delay
After two seconds, this device will send a signal.
Trigger VFX
This device will not have visual effects.
Trigger SFX
This device will not have sound effects
Next, set up Direct Event Binding.
Device A Function Device B Event Explanation Trigger
TriggerDoorOpen1 - TriggerDoorOpen4
On Triggered
This sends a signal when the door trigger is activated, causing this device to activate two seconds later and open the Lock.
Repeat this setup with escalating numeric naming conventions in each confined room with a closed door that needs automatic opening.
You may want a door to remain open, closed, or locked at the start of gameplay. You can also achieve this with Lock devices. In this example case, we want this door to be open to allow a better movement flow.
To set up this mechanic:
Place another Lock device with the name LockDevice5.
Customize its settings as shown below.
Option Value Explanation Visible During Game
This device will not be visible during gameplay.
Hide Interaction When Locked
The player will not be able to see the interaction when locked during gameplay.
Initial Door Position
The door will start open during gameplay.
HUD Controller
The HUD Controller device can tailor numerous settings for your island. To set up this device:
Place a HUD Controller device on your island.
Customize its settings as shown below.
Option Value Explanation Show HUD
Shows the HUD in the UI.
Show Minimap
Hides the minimap in the UI.
Show HUD Info Box
Shows the HUD info box in the UI.
Show Build Menu
Hides the Build Menu in the UI.
Show Player Inventory
Shows the player’s inventory.
Show Wood Resource
Hides this element from the UI.
Show Stone Resource
Hides this element from the UI.
Show Metal Resource
Hides this element from the UI.
Show Gold Resource
Hides this element from the UI.
Show Map Scoreboard Prompt
Shows the map scoreboard prompt.
Show Storm Timer
Hides the storm timer in the UI.
Show Player Count
Hides the number of players in the UI.
Show Elimination Counter
Hides the elimination counter from the UI.
Show Round Timer
Hides the round timer from the UI.
Barrier Device
Surrounding the main combat arena are many invisible Barrier devices that prevent players from leaving the arena. You can tailor the number and size of these to the map created but they should have the following basic settings.
To customize the Barrier device:
Place a Barrier device in a location that would block players from leaving the arena.
Customize its settings as shown below:
Option Value Explanation Barrier Material
No texture is used, allowing it to be invisible during gameplay.
Barrier Depth
Adjusted as needed to fully enclose the area.
Adjusted as needed to fully enclose the area.
Barrier Height
Determines how many tiles high the invisible barrier will be.
Copy and paste this device to create a seamless barrier around your arena.
Mutator Zone Device
Underneath the level is a Mutator Zone device. The device’s width, depth, and height should be sufficient to encompass the entire arena.
Some of the settings are done in lieu of the My Island settings to enforce certain rules. To customize this device:
Place a Mutator Zone device underneath the level.
Customize its settings as shown below.
Option Value Explanation Zone Width
Adjusted as needed to fully enclose the area.
Zone Depth
Adjusted as needed to fully enclose the area.
Zone Height
Adjusted as needed to fully enclose the area.
Affects Creatures
Creatures will not be affected by the zone.
Affects Guards
Guards will not be affected by the zone.
Allow Editing
This zone will not allow editing player-built structures.
Enable VFX
This device will not have visual effects.
Allow Weapon Fire
Players can fire weapons within the zone.
Allow Building
Players will not be able to build within the zone.
Enabled On Phase
The Mutator Zone is always on and active during any gameplay.
Pickup Life Span
True: 25
When set to true, any dropped items will last the integer in seconds before being destroyed, in this case, 25 seconds. This allows players to pick up weapons from eliminated players.
Adding the Player Loadouts
You can create a loadout for players to use as they battle for the capture point. Pair the Class Selector UI device with the Class Designer device to create and display classes for players to choose from at the beginning of the match.
Each class will need its own Class Designer device. You may only place one Class Selector UI device.
To set up loadouts:
Place a Class Selector UI device and use the default settings.
Place one Class Designer for each class and loadout you want players to use.
a. Register the weapons and ammo to the Class Designer with the primary weapon registered first.
Customize its settings as shown below.
Option Value Explanation Class Name
Enter the name you want the class to be called in the Class Selector.
Class Description
Enter a description of the class and loadout to be used in the Class Selector.
Class Identifier
Each class will need a separate identifier for it, going from 1 to X, with X being the number of classes you made.
Equip Granted Item
First Item
Equips the first item in the registered loadout upon spawning.
Adding Sound Effects
Click here to learn more about importing audio.
Import a sound effect then drag it from the Content Browser to the area the sound originates from.
You also can add a selection of global sound effects to an area of your choice.
To do so, drag and drop the sound wave from the Content Browser into the arena. The location doesn’t matter, so cluster them in a way convenient for you.
Open the Sound Wave asset, and in the details panel set Looping to True. Unlike the cue created further above, this sound will be played across the entire map, so there’s no need to do anything else.
Cues are useful if you want more advanced control of the audio.
Right-click and select Create Cue from your sound wave asset custom .wav to create a looping wave player with output linked. The above-linked blueprints should be created automatically when the cue is made.
To do so:
Click on the Wave Player and change Looping to True.
Then click Looping Wave Player, and change Override Attenuation to True to set the Inner Radius and the Falloff Distance.
Adding Visual Effects
Using Post Processing Effects you can change the look and feel of your project, for example using color grading or applying camera effects. Follow these steps to have a Post Process Volume affect the entire level.
Add a Post Process Volume to your level. See Using Post Process Volumes for steps on how to place one.
In the Details panel of your Post Process Volume under Post Process Volume Settings, enable Infinite Extent (Unbound), which means the post process volume will affect the entire level.
This project uses the following post process effects:
Bloom: Controls the Haze/Glow to brighter areas of the scene
Chromatic Aberration: Adds some separation of color channels / distortion at the edge of the screen
Lens Flares: Controls how bright lights cast lens flares on the camera
Vignette: Adds a Darker Gradient around the edges of the screen
Film Grain: Adds Film Grain
Color Grading: Of Saturation / Contrast / Gamma, we're only tweaking Saturation (scene is desaturated meaning less color, more grayscale)
This project also uses the following post process materials:
Heat Shimmer Effect to Scene
Material Based Color Grading
Scene Coloration Based off Camera Look Direction
You can also add decals. Decals are authored in the Material editor, then dragged into the scene.
Find and drag a decal from the Content Browser into the area you want it to appear.
Use Scale options and Proximity to display the decal actor on your static mesh. This can create additional textures upon dirt, create custom textures to represent things like spilled paint, or broadcast to create signs and battle damage atop static meshes.
You can even add Klaxon lights to your gameplay.
The Klaxon light is a static mesh with a rotating material component, combined with a point light using a Light Material Function.
The Klaxon was originally created as an FBX file and imported into UEFN.
UEFN can import all kinds of content such as 3d objects, audio files, textures, and more in many different formats. Right-click in the folder that you want to import, and you will see an import option.
Once the object is imported, it will need materials added from your scene file. To do this, just double-click on the object and apply Materials to the Material slots of the object that you have imported.
There is more information about how to import and use 3D objects in UEFN available in other tutorials not covered in this document.
Niagara can be used to create dynamic visual effects.
Find the completed assets in the content browser, then drag and drop. The assets can have their scaling tuned.
With Level Sequencers, you can also design your gameplay to have atmospheric seagulls orbit an area.
This is a global asset available to all creators from the core UEFN Content Browser. To add this, drag and drop Atmospheric Seagulls Orbit after searching the Fortnite folder in the Content Browser.
You can also add jets to fly over your gameplay.
The jet uses the Cinematic Sequence device. A physical model of a jet is used and hidden underneath the level for the flyovers.
You need to create Level Sequences for the Jet, click here for information on how to make your own. They contain Jet Transform Keyframes, Audio SFX, Camera Shake, and VFX Emitters.
You can use Verse to control when the sequences play. To do so, you'll make a new verse device, using the script below.
Compile the Verse script below. The new device will be created in the Content Browser and can be dragged and edited normally within the level.
# Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
## This device references an array of Cinematic Sequence Devices, and plays them randomly with a variable cooldown in between.
sequencer_randomization_device := class<concrete>(creative_device):
Add a Cinematic Sequence device for each of the flyby directions, and set them to the following.
Option | Value | Explanation |
Sequence | Created Sequence | Place a cinematic level sequence in this field. This tutorial uses three Level Instances in three Cinematic Sequences with the Verse script randomly determining the flyby time. |
Add the Verse device from the Content Browser and customize it to have the following settings.
Option | Value | Explanation |
CooldownMin | 180 | The cooldown in seconds, at minimum, before a jet flyby will occur again. |
CooldownMax | 500 | The cooldown in seconds, at maximum, that the Verse script will wait before doing another jet flyby. |
PreventBackToBackRepeats | True | The jet will never fly in the same direction twice as long as there are more than one sequencer linked up to it. |
It also requires references to each of the Cinematic Sequencer devices to trigger them.
Device A | Function | Device B | Event | Explanation |
Sequencer List | Jet | CinematicSequenceDevice | 1-3 | Add a reference to each cinematic sequence device. |
You can also use the Level Sequence and Cinematic Sequence devices to create moving pipes.