In Parkour Elimination Race, players must finish a challenging parkour race, then get teleported to a free-for-all elimination arena to battle it out. The winner of the race gets to be the first to purchase a weapon to use during the elimination phase of the game.

Their arrival in the elimination arena sets off a 30-second timer. The rest of the players must finish the race in this time! After 30 seconds, everyone who has not completed the race is teleported to the arena and must rush to buy a weapon to defend themselves.
The first player to get 10 eliminations wins the game.
If this is your first time using UEFN, take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with basic Controls and Outliner Tips in UEFN.
UEFN provides a way for you to playtest your level at any point in the production process. Click the Launch Session button located on the upper left side of your viewer:

Wait for the FN client to load your level, then start testing.
Here is an overview of the steps you'll need to recreate this island in the ideal sequence:
You cannot skip a section if you want to build a working parkour elimination game. Each step is essential to get to the final product!