Unreal Revision Control (URC) lists all submitted snapshots from the beginning of the project in the Snapshot History tab. This tab allows you to quickly find important snapshot information, asset conflicts, and filter snapshots by date.
When you press Sync Latest, the conflicts found cause a conflict change popup message. Opening the Conflict Resolution tab provides a way for you to view which assets are in conflict and open all asset changes made in the viewport or the associated asset editor.
After reviewing the asset changes, select which change to use as the current state of the project from the Conflict Resolution tab. This easily resolves the asset in conflict and creates a new snapshot for the project state.
These features reduce project blockers and free teammates to resolve conflicts independently. Conflict resolution results in a new snapshot in the Snapshot History tab where team members can view all snapshots and resolved conflicts.
Snapshot History Tab
Open the Snapshot History tab by selecting Revision Control > View Snapshot History.

Double-click on a snapshot or click on the Expand icon to open the snapshot details. Here you can view the asset and its state as well as the date and time of the change.

You can work with the Snapshot History tab open. From the top of the tab you can check in changes, sync to the latest snapshot, and filter snapshots to a particular time stamp.

As you add assets and actors to your project, the Check in Changes button highlights. Click the button to submit a new snapshot. The new snapshot is added to the top of the snapshot history list.
View an earlier snapshot by clicking on the Rewind icon.

Restoring an earlier snapshot from the history list is coming soon. This means you can restore the project to an earlier version and continue working from that snapshot.
After syncing to the latest you can also find assets in conflict from the Snapshot History tab. Conflicts in the list appear with the conflict icon and the number of conflicts in the snapshot.

You can view the assets in conflict by clicking on the conflicts in the right-hand side of the list.
Conflict Resolution
Resolving conflicts can only be done from the Conflict Resolution tab. The tab only appears when you have assets in a state of conflict. There are four different types of conflicts that can be resolved from the Conflict Resolution tab:
Changes you made after losing connection and working offline on an asset.
Changes you made with Auto Checkout turned off and working on assets without syncing to the latest snapshot or without checking in your changes.
When you make changes to project files from Windows Explorer.
Two teammates working on the same Verse code.
Clicking Sync to Latest reveals asset conflicts. Attempting to sync your project files when there’s a conflict with an asset results in a Conflicting Changes popup message. You can start to resolve the conflict by clicking the Review Conflicts button on the popup message.

This opens the Conflict Resolution tab where you’ll resolve the conflict by choosing whether to save the snapshot of your changes or the snapshot of your colleague’s changes. At the top of the tab list, you can select between All Mine and All Theirs, or you can select which individual changes should be kept from All Mine or All Theirs.
Asset conflicts are represented by two thumbnails. You can select an asset change from the conflict list and click Reload level to preview. The changes made to the asset appear in the associated asset editor or in the viewport. Once you select which changes you’re keeping, click Resolve Conflict.

To further examine the information for each thumbnail, click on the expand icon next to the asset name, this opens the conflict view. Each thumbnail becomes more detailed to provide a brief look at the changes applied to the asset by each team member.

On each thumbnail there are three icons:

Focus Icon - Finds and focuses on the asset in the viewport.
Folder Icon - Shows the asset in its folder in the Content Browser.
Link Icon - Displays the Dependency Tree with all the changes applied to the asset and what other assets are affected by this change.
You can view a summary of changes in the Conflict Details panel by clicking the expand icon next to Summary at the bottom of the asset preview window in the tab. This shortcut allows you to review the difference between the changes you made and those made by your teammate. The summaries reveal the following information about the changes:
Date of change
Snapshot description
Snapshot ID

Choose Mine, Choose Yours
View your teammate’s asset changes in the viewport by selecting the thumbnail representing their changes and clicking the Reload level to preview button at the bottom of the Conflict Resolution tab. The changes they made to the asset appear in the viewport.
You can use the icons on the thumbnail or open the Conflict Details panel to review more information about the asset change while you examine the changes your colleague made to the asset.
View your changes by clicking on the thumbnail representing your changes and clicking the Reload level to preview button at the bottom of the Conflict Resolution tab. This produces a side-by-side comparison of the asset changes in the viewport.
Decide which asset change to promote, select the thumbnail representing those changes, then click the Resolve Conflict button at the bottom of the tab. A snapshot description window opens. Add a brief description of the conflict resolution and the snapshot being promoted, then click Submit to add the snapshot to the Snapshot History list.
Choose Mine, Choose Yours in Verse
Verse conflicts do not appear as thumbnails and can’t be found in the Snapshot History list. Opening Visual Studio Code and making changes to a file without syncing to latest first will put you into a conflict state if a colleague has already made changes to the file before you.

Click either the Check in Changes or Sync to Latest button at the bottom of the UEFN screen to reveal the conflict warning popup message. Click Review Conflict or Review icon to open the Conflict Resolution tab.
Click Resolve in VS Code button in the Conflict Resolution tab. The conflicting Verse files open in Visual Studio Code in a three-way merger window. One set of changes is in green on the left, the other changes are in purple on the right, and the current state of the file is in yellow on the bottom of the window.
Click image to enlarge.
Clicking on the overflow menu of the changes on the left, right, and current state of the Verse file reveals different options.
On the left you can select Accept All Changes from Left to accept the changes to the Verse file on the left. On the right you can select Accept All Changes from Right to accept the changes to the Verse file on the right, or compare the changes from the left or right against the base file at the bottom. On the current version you can select Reset to reset the file.
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Resolve Left | Resolve Right | Reset |
Click image for full size. | Click image for full size. | Click image for full size. |
Resolve the conflict by selecting a file to accept the changes and put the file in a resolved state. Next click the Resolve Conflict button to save the changes to the project. Afterward, you’ll go through the URC workflow of creating and submitting a snapshot.