Module import path: /
Classes and Structs
Name | Description |
creative_device |
Inherit from this to create a custom creative device. Inherited classes will appear in the UEFN content browser the next time Verse compiles. Instances of your derived |
creative_device_base |
Base class for creative_device. |
creative_device_asset |
Internal asset for representing creative devices. |
creative_object |
Base class for creative devices and props. |
creative_prop |
A Fortnite prop that has been placed or spawned in the island. |
creative_prop_asset |
Asset used to spawn |
device_ai_interaction_result |
Payload of |
animated_mesh_device |
Used to select, spawn, and configure a skeletal mesh to play a specific animation. |
automated_turret_device |
Used to create a customizable turret that can search for nearby targets. |
class_selector_ui_device |
Used to allow players to select their Class from a Class Selector UI. |
service_station_device |
A one stop automated refueling and repairing station for your vehicles. |
post_process_device |
Used to apply Post Process Effects to players through the creative device rather than a Post Process Volume. |
ai_patrol_path_device |
Used to create patrolling behavior for guards spawned with the |
accolades_device |
Used to set up islands so players will earn Battle Pass XP when they interact with your island. Accolades are achievements or accomplishments that players can complete to earn XP. |
audio_player_device |
Used to configure and play audio from the device location or from registered |
analytics_device |
Used to track |
audio_mixer_device |
Used to manage sound buses via control bus mixes set on the Audio Mixer Device. |
campfire_device |
Used to place a campfire in the world that an |
creature_manager_device |
Used to customize one creature type at a time. Place multiple |
creature_placer_device |
Used to spawn a creature at a specified location. |
creature_spawner_device |
Used to spawn one or more waves of creatures of customizable types at selected time intervals. |
elimination_feed_device |
Used to send custom messages to the elimination feed. |
firefly_spawner_device |
Used to spawn fireflies that can be collected by |
down_but_not_out_device |
Used to customize (or prevent) the 'down but not out' player state between 'healthy' and 'removed from game'. |
end_game_device |
Used to configure rules that can end the current round or game. |
input_trigger_device |
Used to listen for the player activating or releasing certain inputs. The input is defined by the Input option. Players can configure the key for the input in the Creative Input Actions section of the Keyboard Settings. |
item_placer_device |
Allows pickup items to be placed in the world.. |
item_remover_device |
Used to cause |
changing_booth_device |
Allows players to change their outfit in game! |
prop_manipulator_device |
Used to manipulate the properties of one or more props in a specified area (e.g. Visibility/Destructibility). |
player_counter_device |
Used to track and react to how many players are in a particular area, and optionally display that information in game. |
player_marker_device |
Used to mark an Example configuration options:
Example marker appearance options:
customizable_light_device |
Used to create a light which can have its color and brightness manipulated in response to in-game events. |
race_checkpoint_device |
Used in tandem with |
race_manager_device |
Used with the |
skydome_device |
Controls how the sky looks, as well as giving you options for changing the sun, clouds, stars or other objects in the sky above your island. You can control the sun and moon, and add other atmospheric elements like stars, fog and clouds. You can change the color of your light source, and blend different colors for your island's sky to create the perfect atmosphere for your game. |
real_time_clock_device |
Used to trigger in game events based on real world time. |
prop_mover_device |
Used to move around a building or prop, and customize responses to various collision event types. |
sentry_device |
Generates an AI bot that spawns in a location and usually attacks players when they come in range. |
supply_drop_spawner_device |
Used to spawn and configure an aerial supply drop that can provide players with customized weapons/supplies. |
switch_device |
Used to allow agents to turn other linked devices on/off or other custom state changes. |
vfx_creator_device |
Used to create and customize your own visual effects. This is more flexible than the |
water_device |
Used to create and manipulate volumes of water where players can swim, fish, or drive boats. |
map_controller_device |
Used to control the behavior of the map & minimap.
Activation for a given |
skilled_interaction_device |
Used to create a minigame which expects specific input timing from the player. Visuals may vary, but always feature a scrubber that moves from 0.0 to 1.0. Good and perfect zones are defined on the device, describing at what point the player must provide input to succeed. |
hud_controller_device |
Used to show or hide parts of the HUD for players or teams. Use this with other devices such as the |
player_spawner_device |
Used to spawn an |
player_checkpoint_device |
Used to set an |
player_reference_device |
Used to relay |
bouncer_device |
Used to create a bouncer that can launch players, vehicles, and more into the air with optional effects. |
signal_remote_manager_device |
Used to trigger a custom response to a Primary or Secondary signal, sent by a Signal Remote item. |
crowd_volume_device |
Spawns a crowd to cheer you on. |
crash_pad_device |
Used to place a crash pad that can bounce players and protect them from fall damage. |
fishing_zone_device |
Used to add fishing mechanics to experiences, such as:
vfx_spawner_device |
Used to place visual effects around your island. You can use these effects to enhance the overall theme and experience of your game. |
video_player_device |
Used to display curated videos onto in-game screens or player HUDs. |
volume_device |
Used to track when agents enter and exit a volume. |
chair_device |
Creates a chair where |
guard_spawner_device |
Used to spawn guards that can patrol and attack other |
dance_mannequin_device |
Used to project a hologram of a character performing dance emotes. |
barrier_device |
Creates an impenetrable zone that can block |
damage_volume_device |
Used to specify an area volume which can damage |
effect_volume_device |
Base class for types of volumes with special gameplay properties. |
fire_volume_device |
Used to specify an area which allows (or prevents) various objects, terrain, or buildings from being set on fire. |
mutator_zone_device |
Used to specify a zone where custom gameplay effects can be applied (e.g. gravity, no build, no weapons). |
skydive_volume_device |
Used to create a zone where players are put into a skydive state. Can customize the amount of force used to push the player, and how fast players are launched into the air. The direction of the push is in relation to the device, so you can rotate and overlap several devices, then use variable speeds to create pneumatic tubes that propel players in different directions. You can even create unique traversal (traveling) options, where players can use these zones to reach places on your island they couldn't reach any other way. |
advanced_storm_beacon_device |
Used in conjunction with |
advanced_storm_controller_device |
Used to control a Battle Royale-style storm with up to 50 phases. Like |
air_vent_device |
Used to boost |
attribute_evaluator_device |
Evaluates attributes for |
ball_spawner_device |
Used to spawn various types of balls. Can be used to control HUD elements related to the spawned balls. |
base_item_spawner_device |
Base class for devices that spawn items. |
basic_storm_controller_device |
A simplified storm device that provides a way to create a single-phase storm and control its basic behaviors.
To control multiple phases of the storm see |
beacon_device |
Used to show an in world visual effect and/or a HUD marker at the desired location. |
billboard_device |
Used to display custom text messages on a billboard. |
button_device |
Used to create a button which can trigger other devices when an agent interacts with it. |
capture_area_device |
Used to create a zone that can trigger effects once players enter it. Can be set up to be capturable by a team, to provide a score while held, or to require a specific item as a drop-off. |
capture_item_spawner_device |
Spawns and tracks a single item as a game objective (e.g. flag). |
channel_device |
Sends an Event for every signal it receives. A simple relay to connect multiple devices together. It can also broadcast an event to the playspace and listen for any other channel devices broadcasting to the playspace. |
class_and_team_selector_device |
Used together with |
class_designer_device |
Used together with |
collectible_object_device |
Used to place a collectible item into the world. |
color_changing_tiles_device |
Used to create a tile that changes colors when |
conditional_button_device |
Used to create a specialized button which can only be activated when |
damage_amplifier_powerup_device |
Used to amplify an |
elimination_manager_device |
Used to spawn items when an |
experience_settings_device |
Used to customize high level properties of the game mode. |
explosive_device |
Hazard which deals damage in a radius around it when destroyed or triggered. |
fuel_pump_device |
Used to provide fuel sources for vehicles. Can also be used to deal considerable damage to |
grind_powerup_device |
Used to let |
holoscreen_device |
Used to create a holographic screen that displays a clock or other curated images. |
hud_message_device |
Used to show custom HUD messages to one or more |
item_granter_device |
Used to grant items to |
item_spawner_device |
Used to configuration and spawn items that players can pick up and use. |
lock_device |
Used to customize the state and accessibility of doors. |
map_indicator_device |
Used to create custom points of interest and markers on the minimap and overview map. |
matchmaking_portal_device |
Used to take players to different islands and to link experiences together. |
movement_modulator_device |
Used to temporarily modify the speed of |
objective_device |
Provides a collection of destructible devices that you can select from to use as objectives in your game. |
perception_trigger_device |
Specialized |
pinball_bumper_device |
A triggered bumper that can knock players back, damage them, and award points. |
pinball_flipper_device |
Used to move, damage, and give scores to players that interact with it. By default, it is activated by any player touching its front face, which rotates it counterclockwise and knocks those players away from it and slightly upward. |
powerup_device |
Base class for various powerup devices offering common events like |
prop_o_matic_manager_device |
Allows customization of the Prop-o-Matic weapon functions and how the game reacts to players using it. |
prop_spawner_base_device |
Base class for devices that spawn a prop object. |
pulse_trigger_device |
A device used to damage players who collide with it. Can also be used as a trigger to activate other devices. |
radio_device |
Used to play curated music from the device or one or more registered |
rng_device |
Used to generate random numbers between a minimum and maximum value. Events are signaled when numbers are generated.
round_settings_device |
Used to customize gameplay for any round-based game. It generally defines what happens to the |
score_manager_device |
Used to manipulate scores using in-experience triggers. If Activating Team is set to a specific team, then you should use the |
shooting_range_target_device |
A single customizable pop up target that can be hit by |
shooting_range_target_track_device |
A set of customizable pop up targets that can be hit by players to trigger various events. |
storm_controller_device |
Base class for various specialized storm devices. See also: |
support_a_creator_device |
DEPRECATED This device is no longer supported.Used to inform players of other content made by a creator using a Support-A-Creator code. When players activate the device, it will bring up the same Support-A-Creator dialog box they would see in the Creative hub. The Support-A-Creator information shows when the dialog box opens for the player. |
sword_in_the_stone_device |
Used to place the Infinity Blade on your island. When placed, the Infinity Blade becomes available to any player regardless of team affiliation. |
team_settings_and_inventory_device |
Provides team and inventory configurations that go beyond the choices the My Island settings provide. Can also be used to customize individual devices and create variations in team setup. |
teleporter_device |
Customizable rift that allows |
timed_objective_device |
Configures game modes where players can start or stop timers to advance gameplay objectives, such as Attack/Defend Bomb objectives. |
timer_device |
Provides a way to keep track of the time something has taken, either for scoreboard purposes, or to trigger actions. It can be configured in several ways, either acting as a countdown to an event that is triggered at the end, or as a stopwatch for an action that needs to be completed before a set time runs out. |
tracker_device |
Allows creation and HUD tracking of custom objectives for |
trick_tile_device |
A trap device that destroys the tile it's placed on when activated. |
trigger_base_device |
Base class for various specialized trigger devices. See also: |
trigger_device |
Used to relay events to other linked devices. |
vending_machine_device |
Holds and spawns items, with an optional cost for each item. Can hold up to three items, and |
visual_effect_powerup_device |
Used to trigger a visual effect (a glow or an outline) when |
vehicle_mod_box_spawner_device |
Used to spawn customizable boxes containing vehicle mods. Hit a box with a vehicle to apply the mod. |
vehicle_mod_box_settings |
Settings for vehicle mod boxes, used with vehicle_mod_box_spawner_device. |
vehicle_spawner_atk_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_baller_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_pickup_truck_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_biplane_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_boat_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_cannon_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_driftboard_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_big_rig_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_sedan_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_quadcrasher_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_shopping_cart_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_surfboard_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_taxi_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_device |
Base class for various specialized vehicle spawners which allow specific vehicle types to be spawned and configured with specialized options. |
vehicle_spawner_sports_car_device |
Specialized |
character_device |
Used to configure a single interactive mannequin, that can visualize characters, clothing, and perform emotes. |
item_shop_device |
Allows the item shop to be opened when activated |
health_powerup_device |
Used to regenerate an |
popup_dialog_device |
Used to create HUD text boxes that give players information, and allows responses to be customized to player choices. |
physics_boulder_device |
Physics boulder that can be dislodged and damage |
physics_object_base_device |
Base class for various physics-based gameplay elements (e.g. boulders/trees). |
physics_tree_device |
Physics tree that can be chopped down, and damage players, vehicles, creatures, and structures. |
stat_creator_device |
A device that generates a scoreboard stat that can be used by the game to determine Game End and Round End conditions. The stat can apply to individual players, teams, or everyone in the match. It can also generate a Level that will increment by 1 each time Value reaches Max Value, resetting Value to 0 when Level increments. |
stat_powerup_device |
Used to increase or decrease a stat for an |
earth_sprite_device |
Use to create a sprite that players can trade in a weapon for a random legendary weapon or a custom item list. |
nitro_hoop_device |
Use to create a flaming hoop that accelerates and applies nitro to players and vehicles. |
vehicle_spawner_octane_device |
Spawns a lightweight vehicle made for defying gravity with its rocket boosting, jumping, and aerial maneuverability capabilities. |
vehicle_spawner_armored_battle_bus_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_dirtbike_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_helicopter_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_heavy_turret_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_ufo_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_siege_cannon_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_nitro_drifter_sedan_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_sportbike_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_valet_suv_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_tank_device |
Specialized |
npc_spawner_device |
Used to spawn NPCs made with Character Definition asset. |
conversation_device |
Used to set and trigger conversations made via the Conversation Graph. The conversation triggered is assigned to the device. |
gameplay_camera_device |
Used to update the camera’s current viewpoint and rotation based on current camera mode. |
gameplay_camera_fixed_point_device |
Used to update the camera’s current viewpoint and rotation based on a fixed point. |
gameplay_camera_first_person_device |
Used to update the camera's viewpoint from the perspective of the player character. |
gameplay_camera_fixed_angle_device |
Used to update the camera’s current viewpoint and rotation based on a fixed angle. |
gameplay_camera_orbit_device |
Used to update the camera's viewpoint to follow the target and be rotated manually. |
wilds_plant_device |
Used to create plants with explosive pods that players can detonate and launch. |
grind_rail_device |
Used to create customizable Grind Rails. |
vine_rail_device |
Used to create a customizable vine version of the Grind Rails. |
gameplay_controls_device |
Used to update the gameplay controls scheme based on current control mode. |
gameplay_controls_side_scroller_device |
Used to adapt the controls to side scroller functionality |
gameplay_controls_third_person_device |
Used to adapt the controls to the camera perspective |
nitro_barrel_spawner_device |
Used to create an environmental prop that applies Nitro to those around it when it is destroyed. |
vehicle_spawner_getaway_device |
Specialized |
cinematic_sequence_device |
Used to trigger level sequences that allow coordination of cinematic animation, transformation, and audio tracks. |
healing_cactus_device |
Use to create a cactus with healing fruits that can be burst to heal nearby players. |
wildlife_spawner_device |
Used to spawn various wildlife that players can herd, hunt, or tame. |
vehicle_spawner_war_bus_device |
Specialized |
vehicle_spawner_rocketracing_device |
Specialized |
assembly_device |
Used to dynamically assemble or disassemble one or more building actors. Only available in LEGO islands. |
Name | Description |
creative_object_interface |
Name | Description |
GetCreativeObjectsWithTag |
Deprecated, use |
GetCreativeObjectsWithTags |
Deprecated, use |
SpawnProp |
Spawns a |
SpawnProp |
Spawns a |
Name | Description |
spawn_prop_result |
Results for |
move_to_result |
Results for |
Name | Description |
DefaultCreativePropAsset |