You can migrate your assets to Fab on or after the following dates:
- You can migrate assets from the Unreal Engine Marketplace on or after September 17, 2024.
- You can migrate assets from Sketchfab in early October 2024.
You can migrate your assets into Fab from Unreal Engine Marketplace and Sketchfab.
In Fab:
- An asset is a standalone item, such as a 3D model, that you offer for sale or for free.
- A product is a general way to refer to items for sale. Can be an individual asset or a pack.
- A pack is a single product that contains many individual assets.
- A listing is a page in Fab a publisher uses to offer products for sale or for free.
- You publish a listing to make the listing visible, and the associated product available to buy or download.
To migrate your assets, you start the migration process, which automatically moves all of your assets from Unreal Engine Marketplace or Sketchfab into Fab. For instructions, see the section Migrate Your Assets on this page.
Automatic Migration of Unreal Engine Marketplace assets
If you are a seller on Unreal Engine Marketplace and do not migrate your assets to Fab before it launches, then the Fab team will move your account and assets to Fab for you. However, there are advantages if you carry out the migration yourself before Fab launches. For more information, see the section Advantages of Migrating your Unreal Engine Marketplace Assets Yourself on this page.
How Your Migrated Assets are Structured on Fab
The migration process brings your assets into Fab as follows:
- For each of your Unreal Engine Marketplace products, it creates a Fab product and associated listing. If the Unreal Engine Marketplace product is a pack (a product with multiple assets), then all of the assets in that product become part of the Fab product.
- For each of your Sketchfab models, it creates a Fab product and associated listing.
After you migrate your assets to Fab, you can edit the migrated information before you publish the listing on Fab.
Before you publish a Fab listing, you must send it for content review by the Fab team. Fab has a different set of content guidelines than Unreal Engine Marketplace or Sketchfab. Your assets might not pass review in Fab, even though they passed review in Unreal Engine Marketplace or Sketchfab.
More information:
- For more information about Fab's content guidelines and content review practices, see the rules at and the Fab Terms of Service:
- For information about how to publish assets for sale, see the Publishing Assets for Sale documentation.
To migrate your assets to Fab, you must sign up for a Fab account if you haven't done so already. For more information, see the Getting Started as a Publisher documentation.
What Can You Migrate?
You can migrate the majority of your assets to Fab, but some assets are not eligible for migration. The sections below for Unreal Engine Marketplace and Sketchfab explain which assets are eligible for migration in each of these platforms. If you have an eligible listing that does not migrate as you expect it to, contact Fab support for assistance.
Asset metadata is information stored as part of the asset that is not part of the image or video content. It includes information that you add manually, such as a title or description, and data that is populated automatically, such as the number of vertices and the texture size.
The migration process automatically populates the asset files and simple metadata for each listing, such as title and description. However, you might need to manually enter some settings, including license type, price, and category before you can submit the listing for review.
For platform-specific information, see the following sections of this page:
Migrate Your Assets
To migrate your assets into Fab, use this workflow:
If you want to migrate assets from Sketchfab, link your Sketchfab account to your Fab account.
After migration, check your listings and make changes if necessary.
1. Link Your Account to Your Fab Account (Sketchfab only)
Before you can migrate assets from your Sketchfab account, you must link that account to your Fab account. You do not need to do this for an Unreal Engine Marketplace account.
To link your Sketchfab account to your Fab account:
- Sign in to Fab.
- In the top navigation, click Publish.
At the top right corner, click Migrate Listings.
To access the Migration page directly, go to
- In the Sketchfab section, click Link account.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to link your Fab account to your Sketchfab account.
2. Start the Migration Process
The migration process migrates all of your eligible assets to Fab. You cannot choose to only migrate specific assets. However, after migration you do not have to publish all of the migrated assets on Fab. You choose which assets you publish.
The migration process takes from five minutes to more than one hour, depending on the number and complexity of your assets.
You do not need to watch the migration process. After you start the process, you can close your browser tab. When the migration process is complete, Fab sends you a notification email. After you receive the email, you can go to Fab to see your listings in a draft state. A listing is in the draft state when it exists in Fab, but is not yet published.
To start the migration process:
- Sign in to Fab.
- In the top navigation, click Publish.
- Click Listings.
- At the top right corner, click Migrate listings.
- In the UE Marketplace or Sketchfab section, click Migrate listings.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to begin the migration process.
- Wait until the migration process is complete before you edit any listings or start to publish them. You don't need to leave your browser tab open while you wait.
- When the migration process is complete for all your products, Fab sends you an email notification.
Your migrated assets appear in Fab as new draft listings. The migration process populates each listing with the appropriate asset files and metadata.
3. Check Your Listings and Make Necessary Changes
After you migrate your assets from Unreal Engine Marketplace or Sketchfab, check that your listings are complete. Add any missing required information.
To check your listings:
- Sign in to Fab.
- In the top navigation, click Publish.
- In the top navigation, click Listings.
Click the draft listing that you want to check.
When you are ready to publish a listing, see the Publishing Assets for Sale page.
Unreal Engine Marketplace Assets
The migration process creates a Fab listing for each of your Unreal Engine Marketplace products. If a product is an Unreal Engine Marketplace pack (a product with multiple assets), then all of its assets become part of the listing.
Published assets only. Unreal Engine Marketplace assets are only eligible for migration if they are currently published. The migration process does not migrate assets that are in any other state on Unreal Engine Marketplace.
Some metadata is preserved. The migration process preserves as much metadata as possible from your original assets. For example, it migrates asset titles, the long description, and technical information. Fab maps Unreal Engine Marketplace fields to the corresponding Fab fields (for example category and price). Fab migrates the gallery images from the product page.
Not all asset metadata automatically transfers over to Fab. This includes the product category, which is mandatory in Fab. After migration, you must set the product category manually in your product settings for the listing. Documentation: Publishing Assets for Sale–Create or Edit a Listing.
The migration process does not migrate buyer reviews and questions. We recommend for questions that you want to keep, you do the following:
- Save them to a separate document. Make sure that you delete the username of the person who originally posted the question.
- Link to this document in your Fab product description.
If you publish new products on Unreal Engine Marketplace after you migrated your assets into Fab, you can start the migration process again to migrate these new products into Fab. The migration process migrates only these new products. It does not repeat the migration of any products it has already migrated.
Licenses and Pricing
The migration process sets the current product price on Unreal Engine Marketplace as the Standard–Personal license price on Fab. If you want to set a different price, you can manually change the price after the migration. We recommend that you set prices for both Personal and Professional price tiers.
For more information on Fab licenses and pricing, see the Licenses and Pricing page.
Product Categories
The migration process automatically maps the product categories as shown in the table below. For example, if a product has the category "2D" in Unreal Engine Marketplace, the migration process sets the Fab product type category to "2D Assets".
Unreal Engine Marketplace Product Category | Fab Category | Fab Subcategory |
2D | 2D Assets | |
Animations | Animations | |
Architectural Visualization | 3D Assets | Buildings & Architecture |
Blueprints | Smart Assets | |
Characters | Smart Assets | Characters & Creatures |
Code Plugins | Tools and Plugins | |
Environment | Environments | |
Materials | Materials & Textures | |
Music | Audio | Music |
Props | 3D Assets | |
Sound Effects | Audio | Sound Effects |
Textures | Materials & Textures | |
Weapons | 3D Assets | Weapons & Combat |
Visual Effects | Visual Effects | |
UE Online Learning | Education & Tutorial | Tool Tutorial/Unreal Engine |
Epic Content/Showcase Demos | Education & Tutorial | |
Learn | Education & Tutorial | |
UE Feature Samples | Education & Tutorial | |
UE Game Samples | Education & Tutorial | |
UE Legacy Samples | Education & Tutorial |
Product Type
The migration process migrates all Unreal Engine Marketplace product types to Fab.
Advantages of Migrating your Unreal Engine Marketplace Assets Yourself
If you are a seller on Unreal Engine Marketplace and do not migrate your assets to Fab before it launches, then the Fab team will move your account and assets to Fab for you when Fab launches.
If you migrate your assets yourself, you get the following advantages:
- If you accept the Fab Terms of Service and set your products to the Fab Standard License, you will receive 100% commission on any sales of Fab-licensed products until the end of 2024.
- You can set the details of the listing before it goes live, such as the following:
- Add a real-time 3D preview to your products' media galleries.
- Add additional file formats to your listing.
- Select the license and price.
- You won't have to worry about updating everything down the road (all sellers who don't move themselves will have until February 1, 2025 to accept Fab terms and update their products, or their products will be unpublished).
If you do not migrate your assets to Fab yourself, then the following apply:
- When Fab launches, your assets initially go for sale even if you don’t take any action. However, you can still edit your listings after the migration.
- Documentation: Publishing Assets for Sale–Create or Edit a Listing.
- Your assets go for sale under the UE Marketplace License. Assets with this license type do not earn the promotional 100% commission until the end of 2024. Instead, they earn the standard 88% commission. However, you can still change the license type and price for your assets.
- Documentation: Publishing Assets for Sale–Create or Edit a Listing.
- You must log in and update your listings before February 1, 2025 if you want to continue selling your assets on Fab.
Migrate Your Assets from Unreal Engine Marketplace
To migrate your assets from Unreal Engine Marketplace, see the Migrate Your Assets section on this page.
Sketchfab Assets
The migration process creates a Fab listing for each of your Sketchfab models. Each Fab listing has a single asset based on the migrated Sketchfab model.
Sketchfab models are eligible for migration if you offer them under licenses and file formats that Fab supports. More information: the Eligible Licenses section on this page and the Eligible File Formats section on this page.
The migration process preserves as much metadata as possible from your original assets. For example, it migrates asset names and descriptions. Fab maps metadata to the corresponding Fab fields (for example category, price, and license).
Eligible Licenses
Sketchfab offers a number of for-purchase and free license types that are not supported by Fab. This means that there is not a one-to-one mapping between Sketchfab licenses and Fab licenses.
The migration process maps Sketchfab licenses to Fab licenses as follows:
- Free Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license: Mapped to Fab's Creative Commons license.
- Sketchfab Standard license (both free and paid): Mapped to the Fab Standard license at the "Personal" price tier. After migration, you can change the price tier of your listings.
- Editorial license: The migration process does not migrate assets that have this license type because there is no equivalent license on Fab.
- Free Creative Commons licenses other than CC BY (such as CC BY-SA and CC BY-NC): The migration process does not migrate assets that have these license types because there is no equivalent license on Fab.
For more information on Fab licenses and pricing, see the Licenses and Pricing page.
Fab listings that the migration process creates from migrated Sketchfab models are subject to the following agreements and licenses:
- The Fab Distribution Agreement you agree to when you sign up to Fab.
- The rules of the Fab license under which you publish the listings. For more information, see the Fab End User License Agreement.
- The Fab content guidelines and content review practices.
Any agreement, license, or restrictions that apply or previously applied to the Sketchfab models no longer apply to the listings in Fab.
Eligible File Formats
The following 3D formats are supported by both Sketchfab and Fab, so they are eligible for migration from Sketchfab:
- OBJ (+ MTL)
- Blender
The migration process only migrates a Sketchfab model if it has one of the above source formats. The "source format" is the format of the file that you originally uploaded to Sketchfab.
If your model has one of the above formats, then any other elements associated with the model (such as textures, extra file formats, packs of multiple files, and so on) are available to Fab buyers.
A Fab listing can contain files of multiple formats. After migration, you can add any files to a listing, as long as their file type is in the list of eligible formats above.
Basic Metadata
The migration process migrates the title and description of your Sketchfab model into the title and description of your Fab listing.
Sketchfab asset descriptions support Markdown, but Fab listing descriptions do not. Where possible, the migration process preserves basic formatting from the Sketchfab Markdown like text styles, lists, and anchored links. However, it does not preserve embedded images. You can add images to the media section of your Fab listing after migration.
Additional Files
The migration process migrates all files in the Additional Files section of a Sketchfab listing to the Additional Files section of the corresponding Fab listing. The file type does not matter: the list of eligible file formats shown in the Eligible File Formats section on this page does not apply for Additional Files.
The migration process does not support some types of compressed archives. For details, see the Compressed Archives section on this page.
Compressed Archives
Sketchfab supports ZIP, RAR, and 7-Zip archives. Fab supports only ZIP archives. This is to give a consistent experience for buyers and plugin developers, and to help streamline content review processes. As a result, the migration process does not migrate any assets or additional files that you uploaded as RAR or 7-Zip archives.
Server Location, Privacy, and Security
All Sketchfab servers are located in the European Union, specifically Ireland. The migration process copies your 3D model data to Epic Games servers in the United States.
Epic Games always complies with data and privacy regulations such as GDPR, regardless of where your data is stored.
Sketchfab servers and Epic Games servers are both powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). During and after migration, Epic Games maintains the same or a greater level of encryption and other layers of security as in Sketchfab.
A Sketchfab model can have custom tags, but a Fab listing has a fixed list of tags. This means that the migration process cannot always migrate tags because the Sketchfab model might have tags that do not exist in Fab's fixed list. The migration process maps tags in Fab as follows:
- It migrates any tag applied to your Sketchfab models that matches a Fab tag.
- It cannot migrate a tag that does not match a Fab tag. The tag does not appear on your Fab listing.
The migration process tries to merge known synonyms and alternate spellings of approved tags. For example, it merges the tags "archaeological", "archaeologist", and "archeology" into "archaeology".
The list of tags in Fab is translated into several languages. The migration process tries to preserve Sketchfab tags that match translations of Fab tags when they are available. For example, it merges the French word "chat" and the Spanish word "gato" into the English word "cat". The translation process translates "cat" into all of Fab's supported languages.
Sketchfab supports up to 42 tags per model and Fab supports 15 tags per listing. If your Sketchfab model has more than 15 tags, you must choose which tags to keep before you migrate the model to Fab. For information on how to edit the tags on a listing, see documentation: Publishing Assets for Sale–Create or Edit a Listing.
Model Categories
Sketchfab 3D models can have zero, one, or two categories, each with one level. Fab listings have exactly one category with optional subcategories.
The migration process maps most Sketchfab categories to corresponding Fab categories and, where appropriate, subcategories. For example, Sketchfab's "Architecture" category maps to Fab's "Buildings & Architecture" category.
If a Sketchfab model has two categories, the migration process applies one of them to the migrated listing.
Some Sketchfab categories have no equivalent on Fab, such as Sketchfab's "News & Politics" category. You must recategorize any listings with these categories after migration.
If a Sketchfab model has no categories, or if the migration process cannot map any of its categories to Fab categories, then the migrated listing in Fab has no categories. In this situation, you must add a category to the Fab listing before you can publish it.
For information on how to edit the categories on a listing, see documentation: Publishing Assets for Sale–Create or Edit a Listing.
The migration process maps categories as follows:
Sketchfab Category | Fab Category | Fab Subcategory |
Animals & Pets | Characters & Creatures | Animals |
Architecture | Buildings & Architecture | |
Art & Abstract | Objects & Decor | Arts & Statues |
Cars & Vehicles | Vehicles & Transportation | |
Characters & Creatures | Characters & Creatures | |
Cultural Heritage & History | Objects & Decor | |
Electronics & Gadgets | Electronics & Technology | |
Fashion & Style | Clothing & Jewelry | |
Food & Drink | Food & Drink | |
Furniture & Home | Furniture & Fixtures | |
Music | Objects & Decor | Musical |
Nature & Plants | Nature & Plants | |
News & Politics | ||
People | Characters & Creatures | Humans |
Places & Travel | Buildings & Architecture | |
Science & Technology | Electronics & Technology | |
Sports & Fitness | Objects & Decor | Sports |
Weapons & Military | Weapons & Combat |
Model Prices
Sketchfab models can have any price between USD $3.99 and $10,000. Fab listings have a price that you select from a fixed list that includes the following values: $1.99, $2.99, $3.99, $10, $20, $30, $100, $150. Note that this example does not include all values in the list.
The migration process rounds down each Sketchfab price to the closest Fab price and applies this rounded-down amount as the Standard–Personal license price. After migration, you can edit prices on listings. For more information on licenses and pricing, see documentation: Publisher Get Started Guide–License and Pricing.
For more information on Fab licenses and pricing, see the Licenses and Pricing page.
Other Fields on Models
The migration process migrates the following Sketchfab fields to Fab:
- "No AI"
- "Created with AI"
- "Restricted" (maps to the Fab field "Mature")
- "Promotional Content"
Generated Asset Formats
Sketchfab automatically generates glTF, GLB, and USDZ versions of your models based on your source file and any edits you have made in Sketchfab's 3D Settings. Fab does not automatically generate different versions of your assets.
However, when you edit your listings on Fab, you can choose to generate new glTF, GLB, and USDZ files, which you can add to your listing. Documentation: Using the 3D Editor–3D Viewer.
Differences Between the Sketchfab 3D Viewer and the Fab 3D Viewer
The Fab 3D viewer has different features from the Sketchfab 3D viewer. The following Sketchfab 3D viewer features are not currently available in the Fab 3D viewer:
- Annotations
- AR mode
- VR mode
- Custom backgrounds
- Custom HDRI environments
The table below lists material and lighting differences between the two viewers. When you preview a migrated asset in Fab's 3D viewer, elements of the model may appear different than the render in Sketchfab's 3D viewer. You can make adjustments with Fab's 3D editor. To learn more, see Using the 3D Editor.
The Sub Surface Scattering channel and Depth of Field post-process are currently unavailable. Models you migrate with those effects will not be active in the 3D viewer. We plan to release both effects before the end of the year.
Property Differences | Description |
Refraction Opacity | Sketchfab Refraction Opacity becomes Transmission in Fab's 3D viewer. Due to the change,refracted objects might not look exactly as they were in Sketchfab (specifically the distortion of refracted elements through the refractive medium). To try and match a closer look to the one in Sketchfab, you can adjust the Transmission channel parameters in the Advanced panel of the Materials menu. The Transmission channel has a Thickness property that defines the global thickness of the refractive medium. Changing this parameter affects the refracted objects through the medium. In Sketchfab, refraction had a separate roughness attribute that controlled how cloudy a model appears, with an option to use the roughness texture as a source. In Fab, roughness is always the source, the roughness of the surface determines how cloudy a model appears. You can adjust the Roughness channel to achieve the desired look. For a cloudy model with a smooth surface, or the other way around, you can add a Clear Coat channel for an additional surface layer and control its roughness. |
Sheen Channel | In Sketchfab, surface sheen was only affected by direct lights (directional, point, and spot lights). In Fab, environment lighting also affects sheen. Because of this, sheen on migrated models might look more intense than in Sketchfab. You can make adjustments with the Sheen parameters in the Advanced panel of the Materials menu. |
Environment Shadows | In Sketchfab, environment shadows were emulated by adding a directional light to the scene. This tended to make light exposed areas brighter, rather than making shadowed areas darker. In Fab, environment shadows darken shadowed areas as expected. This means that on migrated models, the scene might appear under-exposed. To fix the exposure you can go into the Camera menu and adjust the brightness, or in camera advanced mode adjust the Exposure compensation. When you migrate a model, Fab automatically compensates the shadows. If the model doesn't render exactly like you expect, you can make further adjustments to this parameter. |
Physically Based Rendering (PBR) | Sketchfab Classic rendering is converted to PBR rendering. While solid color can be converted in an acceptable way, models with textures might be rendered differently and you might have to tweak the material for it to render as desired. Specifically, classic specular textures aren't imported. However, Diffuse texture is used as the PBR base color. The conversion also applies to Sketchfab's specular workflow, where PBR specular texture won't be imported. However, the Albedo texture is used as the PBR base color. |
Anisotropy | The Anisotropy channel works differently in Fab than in Sketchfab. Parameters in Fab conform to the GlTF (Graphics Library Transmission Format) anisotropy extension. To learn more about the extension, see the respective GitHub Read Me file. The use of this extension means the following:
Statistics and Metrics
- Fab has no "Like" feature, so the migration process does not migrate Sketchfab "likes".
- Fab listings have no public view count, so the migration process does not migrate Sketchfab "views".
- The migration process does not migrate Sketchfab "download count" and "order count".
- Fab has no open text reviews or comments, so the migration process does not migrate Sketchfab open text reviews or comments.
- The migration process averages and merges Sketchfab's ratings into Fab's 5-star rating system.
- Fab has no collections feature, so the migration process does not migrate Sketchfab collections.
- Fab has no follow feature, so the migration process does not migrate Sketchfab follower and following relationships.
Migrate Your Assets from Sketchfab
To migrate your assets from Sketchfab, see the Migrate Your Assets section on this page.
Migration FAQ
Migration Process
Q: Can I migrate content from my Unreal Engine Marketplace or Sketchfab account more than once?
A: The migration tool only migrates assets that have not yet been migrated to Fab. After you migrate an asset, you cannot migrate it again.
If you migrate assets to Fab, then make changes to the original assets in Unreal Engine Marketplace or Sketchfab, your changes are not reflected in your Fab product listings. You will need to make the equivalent changes to your assets in Fab.
Q: What happens if I don't migrate my assets to Fab before Fab launches?
A: If you are a seller on Unreal Engine Marketplace and have not migrated your assets to Fab before it launches, then the Fab team will move your account and assets to Fab for you when Fab launches. The Fab team will publish your assets on Fab under an Unreal Engine Marketplace license.
If you are a seller on the Sketchfab Store and have not migrated your assets to Fab before it launches, your for-purchase models will no longer be available for purchase but will remain publicly visible on Sketchfab. There will be a grace period after Fab launches when you can migrate your Sketchfab models to Fab.
Q: I have similar listings from multiple marketplaces–should I migrate both? Or just one?
A: If you offer assets on both Unreal Engine Marketplace and Sketchfab, migrate both of your libraries to Fab. The migration process brings assets into Fab as follows:
- Sketchfab assets migrate into Fab as 3D models.
- Unreal Engine Marketplace assets migrate into Fab and remain as
After you migrate your assets from both marketplaces, identify any duplicate listings in Fab. For each duplicate, decide which one you want to keep and remove the other one. We recommend that you keep the asset from Unreal Engine Marketplace because entitlements carry over from Unreal Engine Marketplace, but not from Sketchfab. If you keep the asset from Unreal Engine Marketplace, anyone who bought your product on Unreal Engine Marketplace keeps their access to it. You can then upload the Sketchfab version of the asset to the listing as 3D DCC or 3D Exchange files. Documentation: Publishing Assets for Sale—Unlist or Delete a Listing.
There are differences in the formats of Unreal Engine Marketplace and Sketchfab assets. As a result, there might be one or more unique files in the listing that you remove, and you might want to keep these files. In this situation, add the files to the listing that you plan to keep. Documentation: Publishing Assets for Sale–Create or Edit a Listing.
Q: Are draft models or assets that are pending review migrated?
A: No, only published and licensed Sketchfab models and published Unreal Engine Marketplace assets can be migrated to Fab.
Q: I have assets on the Fab UEFN plugin. Can I migrate those or do they migrate automatically because I'm already on Fab?
A: Epic Games has migrated all Fab assets from the UEFN plugin to Fab. The assets also remain active in the UEFN plugin.
When you migrate your assets from Unreal Engine Marketplace or Sketchfab, if any of them are duplicates of your already-migrated assets from UEFN, then Fab merges the duplicate listings.
Q: Can I migrate my products from ArtStation Marketplace to Fab?
Not at this time. We are building a migration wizard for ArtStation Marketplace sellers. For news about the release of this migration wizard, see the Epic Games Community Fab home page.
If you are part of the ArtStation community and want to become a Publisher on Fab, we invite you to sign up. Until we release the migration wizard, you can manually upload supported product formats. For more information, see documentation: Asset File Format and Structure Requirements–Accepted Asset Formats.
Product Metadata and Ratings
Q: Do my assets' user ratings and reviews carry over to Fab?
A. The average star rating for a product transfers to Fab.
Open text fields (such as reviews, comments, or questions) and individual ratings do not transfer to Fab.
If there is important product information in Q&As, you can add this information to your Fab product description.
For more information on what content is migrated, see the What Can You Migrate? section on this page.
Q: How can I categorize my assets after migration?
A: The migration process automatically sets the product type (such as 3D Models, Environments, or Tools & Plugins), and you cannot change this yourself. If you need to change the product type, contact Fab support for assistance.
However, you can set the product category within the product (such as 3D Model: Buildings & Architecture, Environments: Dungeon, Tools & Plugins: Dialog Systems).
Product type and product category are both mandatory on a listing. Documentation: Publishing Assets for Sale–Create or Edit a Listing.
Product Changes and Availability
Q: After I migrate my assets to Fab, are edits that I make to an original listing on Unreal Engine Marketplace or Sketchfab reflected in the Fab listing?
A: No. The original assets and the migrated assets in Fab are not connected.
To update your Fab listing, edit it in Fab. If you want to edit original assets on Unreal Engine Marketplace or Sketchfab, edit them on those marketplaces.
Q: Do people who purchased my assets on Unreal Engine Marketplace or Sketchfab have access to them on Fab?
A: It depends on where you migrated the assets from.
Yes, your customers can continue to access any products they bought on Unreal Engine Marketplace through the Epic Games Launcher Vault. Any Unreal Engine Marketplace products migrated and published to Fab, will also in your customer's Fab Library.
No, if you migrated the assets from Sketchfab. Customers do not have access to them in the Fab Library but still have access to them on Sketchfab.
Q: Will my assets still be available on Unreal Engine Marketplace?
A: After Fab launches, buying or selling on Unreal Engine Marketplace will no longer be available.
However, your customers can continue to access any products they bought on Unreal Engine Marketplace with the Epic Games Launcher Vault.
Q: What Happens to Sketchfab Models after I migrate them to Fab?
A: Before Fab launches:
After you migrate a model to Fab, any changes you make to that model on Sketchfab are not reflected in the corresponding Fab listing. After you migrate a model, you cannot migrate it again.
After Fab launches:
- Models cannot be bought or sold on Sketchfab. All paid models appear as "view only".
- For paid models that are not migrated to Fab, Sketchfab embed-codes continue to work normally as "view only".
- When you publish a Fab listing that you created by migrating a Sketchfab model, the Sketchfab model page automatically includes a link to the Fab listing.
- Sketchfab embed-codes for migrated models continue to work until further notice. This includes embed-codes embedded with the Viewer API (documentation: Sketchfab Viewer API).
Pricing and Licensing
Q: How do asset prices work in Fab?
A: Fab maps your licenses and prices where possible. You can edit licenses and pricing for your listing before you publish it on Fab.
More information
- Migrations from Unreal Engine Marketplace:
- How the migration process maps licenses and pricing: see the Licenses and Pricing section on this page.
- Migrations from Sketchfab:
- How the migration process maps licenses: see the Eligible Licenses section on this page.
- How the migration process maps pricing: see the Model Prices section on this page.
- For more information on licenses and pricing, see documentation: Publisher Get Started Guide–License and Pricing.
Q: What types of licenses are available on Fab?
A: Fab licenses vary slightly from the existing licenses on Unreal Engine Marketplace and Sketchfab. For more information on Fab licenses and pricing, see the Licenses and Pricing page.