Unreal Plugin Language (UPL) is a simple XML-based language for manipulating XML and returning strings. It contains an section which is evaluated once per architecture before any other sections. The state is maintained and carried forward to the next section evaluated so the order the sections are executed matters. While UPL is a general system for modifying and querying XML it is specifically used to allow plug-ins to effect the global configuration of the package that they are a part of. For example, this allows a plug-in to modify an Android APK AndroidManfiest.xml file or an IOS IPA plist file. UBT will also query a plug-in's UPL xml file for strings to be included in files that must be common to the package such as some .java files on Android.
Enable Tracing
If you need to see the instructions executed in your plugin context add the following to enable tracing:
<trace enable="true"/>
After this instruction all the nodes actually executed in your context will be written to the log until you do a
Variable Types
Bool, Int, and String variable types are supported. Any attribute may reference a variable and will be replaced with the string equivalent before evaluation using this syntax:
$B(name) = boolean variable "name"'s value
$I(name) = integer variable "name"'s value
$S(name) = string variable "name"'s value
$E(name) = element variable "name"'s value
The following variables are initialized automatically:
$S(Output) = the output returned for evaluating the section (initialized to Input)
$S(Architecture) = target architecture (armeabi-armv7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64)
$S(PluginDir) = directory the XML file was loaded from
$S(EngineDir) = engine directory
$S(BuildDir) = project's platform appropriate build directory (within the Intermediate folder)
$S(Configuration) = configuration type (Debug, DebugGame, Development, Test, Shipping)
$B(Distribution) = true if distribution build
With the exception of the above variables, all are in the context of the plugin to prevent namespace collision; trying to set a new value to any of the above, with the exception of Output, will only affect the current context.
Variable Manipulation
The following nodes allow manipulation of variables:
<setBool result="" value=""/>
<setInt result="" value=""/>
<setString result="" value=""/>
<setElement result="" value=""/>
<setElement result="" value="" text=""/>
<setElement result="" xml=""/>
<setElement> with value creates an empty XML element with the tag set to value.
<setElement> with value and text creates an XML element with tag set to value of unparsed text.
<setElement> with xml will parse the XML provided. Remember to escape any special characters!
Variables may also be set from a property in an ini file:
<setBoolFromProperty result="" ini="" section="" property="" default=""/>
<setBoolFromPropertyContains result="" ini="" section="" property="" default="" contains=""/>
<setIntFromProperty result="" ini="" section="" property="" default=""/>
<setStringFromProperty result="" ini="" section="" property="" default=""/>
Strings may also be set from an environment variable using the
<setStringFromEnvVar result="" value=""/>
You can also check if a specific environment variable is defined (again, wrapped in '%' characters):
<setBoolEnvVarDefined result="" value=""/>
A general example for using environment variable nodes:
<setBoolEnvVarDefined result="bHasNDK" value="%NDKROOT%"/>
<setStringFromEnvVar result="NDKPath" value="%NDKROOT%"/>
Boolean variables may also be set to the result of applying operators:
<setBoolNot result="" source=""/>
<setBoolAnd result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setBoolOr result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setBoolIsEqual result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setBoolIsLess result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setBoolIsLessEqual result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setBoolIsGreater result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setBoolIsGreaterEqual result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setBoolFromPropertyContains result="" ini="" section="" property="" contains=""/>
Integer variables may use these arithmetic operations:
<setIntAdd result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setIntSubtract result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setIntMultiply result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setIntDivide result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
Strings are manipulated with the following:
<setStringAdd result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setStringSubstring result="" source="" start="" length=""/>
<setStringReplace result="" source="" find="" with=""/>
String length may be retrieved with:
<setIntLength result="" source=""/>
The index of a search string may be found in source with:
<setIntFindString result="" source="" find=""/>
The following shortcut string comparisons may also be used instead of using
<setBoolStartsWith result="" source="" find=""/>
<setBoolEndsWith result="" source="" find=""/>
<setBoolContains result="" source="" find=""/>
Writing Messages
Messages are written to the log with this node:
<log text=""/>
Conditional Execution
Conditional execution uses the following form:
<if condition="">
<-- Executes if boolean variable if the condition is true -->
<-- executes if boolean variable in condition is false -->
<setBoolNot result="notDistribution" source="$B(Distribution)/>
<setBoolIsEqual result="isX86" arg1="$S(Architecture)" arg2="x86"/>
<setBoolIsEqual result="isX86_64" arg2="$S(Architecture)" arg2="x86_64/">
<setBoolOr result="isIntel" arg1="$B(isX86)" arg2="$B(isX86_64)"/>
<setBoolAnd result="intelAndNotDistribution" arg1="$B(isIntel)" arg2="$B(notDistribution)"/>
<if condition="intelAndNotDistribution">
<-- do something for Intel if not a distribution build -->
The "isIntel" could also be done like this:
<setStringSubstring result="subarch" source="$S(Architecture)" start="0" length="3"/>
<setBoolEquals result="isIntel" arg1="$S(subarch)" arg2="x86"/>
Two shortcut nodes are available for conditional execution: The following code:
<isArch arch="armeabi-armv7">
<-- do stuff -->
Is the equivalent of:
<setBoolEquals result="temp" arg1="$S(Architecture)" arg2="armeabi-armv7">
<if condition="temp">
<-- do stuff -->
The following code:
<isDistribution> blah
<-- do stuff -->
Is the equivalent of:
<if condition="Distribution">
<-- do stuff -->
Execution may be stopped with:
Loops may be created using these nodes:
<while condition="">
<-- do stuff -->
outside a <while>
body will act the same as <return></return>
Here is an example loop which writes 1 to 5 to the log, skipping 3. Note the update of the while condition should be done before the continue otherwise it may not exit.
<setInt result="index" value="0"/>
<setBool result="loopRun" value="true"/>
<while condition="loopRun">
<setIntAdd result="index" arg1="$I(index)" arg2="1"/>
<setBoolIsLess result="loopRun" arg1="$I(index)" arg2="5"/>
<setBoolIsEqual result="indexIs3" arg1="$I(index)" arg2="3"/>
<if condition="indexIs3">
<log text="$I(index)"/>
It is possible to use variable replacement in generating the result variable name as well. This makes the creation of arrays in loops possible:
<setString result="array_$I(index)" value="element $I(index) in array"/>
This may be retrieved using the following (value is treated as the variable name):
<setStringFrom result="out" value="array_$I(index)"/>
It is possible to use variable replacement in generating the result variable name as well. This makes the creation of arrays in loops possible:
<setString result="array_$I(index)" value="element $I(index) in array"/>
This may be retrieved using the following (value is treated as the variable name):
<setStringFrom result="out" value="array_$I(index)"/>
For boolean and integer types, you may use
Inserting Text
Nodes for inserting text into the section are as follows:
<insert> body </insert>
<insertValue value=""/>
<loadLibrary name="" failmsg=""/>
The first one will insert either text or nodes into the returned section string. Please note you must use escaped characters for:
< = <
> = >
& = &
<insertValue value=""> /pre>
- Evaluates variables in value before insertion. If value contains double quote ("), you must escape it with quote.
<loadLibrary name="" failmsg="">
- Is a shortcut to insert a system.LoadLibrary try/catch block with an optional logged message for failure to load case.
Search and Replace
You can do a search and replace in the Output with:
<replace find="" with=""/>
You can also manipulate the actual $S(Output) directly, the above are more efficient:
<setStringAdd result="Input" arg1="$S(Output)" arg2="sample\n"/>
<setStringReplace result="Input" source="$S(Output)" find=".LAUNCH" with=".INFO"/>
XML Manipulation
XML manipulation uses the following nodes:
<addElement tag="" name=""/>
<addElements tag=""> body </addElements>
<removeElement tag=""/>
<setStringFromTag result="" tag=""/>
<setStringFromAttribute result="" tag="" name=""/>
<setStringFromTagText result="" tag=""/>
<addAttribute tag="" name="" value=""/>
<removeAttribute tag="" name=""/>
<loopElements tag=""> instructions </loopElements>
The current element is referenced with tag="$". Element variables are referenced with $varname since using $E(varname) will be expanded to the string equivalent of the XML. The addElement, addElements, and removeElement by default are applied to all matching tags. An optional once="true" attribute may be added to only apply to first matching tag.
<addPermission android:name="" .. />
<addFeature android:name="" .. />
<addLibrary android:name="" .. />
Any attributes in the above commands are copied to the element added to the manifest so you can do the following, for example:
<addFeature android:name="android.hardware.usb.host" android:required="true"/>
Copying of Files
Finally, these nodes allow copying of files useful for staging jar and so files:
<copyFile src="" dst="" force=""/>
<copyDir src="" dst="" force=""/>
If force is false the file(s) are replaced only if length or timestamp don't match. The default for this is true.
The following should be used as the base for the src and dst paths:
$S(PluginDir) = directory the XML file was loaded from
$S(EngineDir) = engine directory
$S(BuildDir) = project's platform appropriate build directory
While it is possible to write outside the APK directory, it is not recommended.
Removing FIles
If you must remove files (like development-only files from distribution builds) you can use this node:
<deleteFiles filespec=""/>
It is restricted to only removing files from the BuildDir. Here is example usage to remove the Oculus Signature Files (osig) from the assets directory:
<deleteFiles filespec="assets/oculussig_*"/>
Packaging or Deploying
The following sections are evaluated during the packaging or deploy stages:
For all platforms
<-- init section is always evaluated once per architecture -->
<init> </init>
Android Specific sections
<-- optional updates applied to AndroidManifest.xml -->
<androidManifestUpdates> </androidManifestUpdates>
<-- optional additions to proguard -->
<proguardAdditions> </proguardAdditions>
<-- optional AAR imports additions -->
<AARImports> </AARImports>
<-- optional base build.gradle additions -->
<baseBuildGradleAdditions> </baseBuildGradleAdditions>
<-- optional base build.gradle buildscript additions -->
<buildscriptGradleAdditions> </buildscriptGradleAdditions>
<-- optional app build.gradle additions -->
<buildGradleAdditions> </buildGradleAdditions>
<-- optional additions to generated build.xml before ${sdk.dir}/tools/ant/build.xml import -->
<buildXmlPropertyAdditions> </buildXmlPropertyAdditions>
<-- optional files or directories to copy or delete from Intermediate/Android/APK before ndk-build -->
<prebuildCopies> </prebuildCopies>
<-- optional files or directories to copy or delete from Intermediate/Android/APK after ndk-build -->
<resourceCopies> </resourceCopies>
<-- optional files or directories to copy or delete from Intermediate/Android/APK before Gradle -->
<gradleCopies> </gradleCopies>
<-- optional properties to add to gradle.properties -->
<gradleProperties> </gradleProperties>
<-- optional parameters to add to Gradle commandline (prefix with a space or will run into previous parameter(s)) -->
<gradleParameters> </gradleParameters>
<-- optional minimum SDK API level required -->
<minimumSDKAPI> </minimumSDKAPI>
<-- optional additions to the GameActivity imports in GameActivity.java -->
<gameActivityImportAdditions> </gameActivityImportAdditions>
<-- optional additions to the GameActivity after imports in GameActivity.java -->
<gameActivityPostImportAdditions> </gameActivityPostImportAdditions>
<-- optional additions to the GameActivity class implements in GameActivity.java (end each line with a comma) -->
<gameActivityImplementsAdditions> </gameActivityImplementsAdditions>
<-- optional additions to the GameActivity class body in GameActivity.java -->
<gameActivityClassAdditions> </gameActivityOnClassAdditions>
<-- optional additions to GameActivity onCreate metadata reading in GameActivity.java -->
<gameActivityReadMetadata> </gameActivityReadMetadata>
<-- optional additions to GameActivity onCreate in GameActivity.java -->
<gameActivityOnCreateAdditions> </gameActivityOnCreateAdditions>
<-- optional additions to GameActivity onDestroy in GameActivity.java -->
<gameActivityOnDestroyAdditions> </gameActivityOnDestroyAdditions>
<-- optional additions to GameActivity onStart in GameActivity.java -->
<gameActivityOnStartAdditions> </gameActivityOnStartAdditions>
<-- optional additions to GameActivity onStop in GameActivity.java -->
<gameActivityOnStopAdditions> </gameActivityOnStopAdditions>
<-- optional additions to GameActivity onPause in GameActivity.java -->
<gameActivityOnPauseAdditions> </gameActivityOnPauseAdditions>
<-- optional additions to GameActivity onResume in GameActivity.java -->
<gameActivityOnResumeAdditions> </gameActivityOnResumeAdditions>
<-- optional additions to GameActivity onNewIntent in GameActivity.java -->
<gameActivityOnNewIntentAdditions> </gameActivityOnNewIntentAdditions>
<-- optional additions to GameActivity onActivityResult in GameActivity.java -->
<gameActivityOnActivityResultAdditions> </gameActivityOnActivityResultAdditions>
<-- optional libraries to load in GameActivity.java before libUE4.so -->
<soLoadLibrary> </soLoadLibrary>
Supported Nodes
Here is the complete list of supported nodes:
<isArch arch="">
<if> => <true> / <false>
<while condition="">
<log text=""/>
<insert> </insert>
<insertValue value=""/>
<replace find="" with""/>
<copyFile src="" dst=""/>
<copyDir src="" dst=""/>
<loadLibrary name="" failmsg=""/>
<setBool result="" value=""/>
<setBoolEnvVarDefined result="" value=""/>
<setBoolFrom result="" value=""/>
<setBoolFromProperty result="" ini="" section="" property="" default=""/>
<setBoolFromPropertyContains result="" ini="" section="" property="" contains=""/>
<setBoolNot result="" source=""/>
<setBoolAnd result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setBoolOr result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setBoolIsEqual result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setBoolIsLess result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setBoolIsLessEqual result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setBoolIsGreater result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setBoolIsGreaterEqual result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setInt result="" value=""/>
<setIntFrom result="" value=""/>
<setIntFromProperty result="" ini="" section="" property="" default=""/>
<setIntAdd result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setIntSubtract result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setIntMultiply result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setIntDivide result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setIntLength result="" source=""/>
<setIntFindString result="" source="" find=""/>
<setString result="" value=""/>
<setStringFrom result="" value=""/>
<setStringFromEnvVar result="" value=""/>
<setStringFromProperty result="" ini="" section="" property="" default=""/>
<setStringAdd result="" arg1="" arg2=""/>
<setStringSubstring result="" source="" index="" length=""/>
<setStringReplace result="" source="" find="" with=""/>