This Quick Start Guide shows you how to implement some basic in-game HUD elements using Unreal Motion Graphics UI Designer (UMG). Get familiar with example of the process of creating dynamic elements: health bar, energy bar, and counter of ammo. Also learn how to add them to the Viewport.
All actions are described step by step and in detail. However, if you have never worked with Unreal Engine, then it is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the Level Designer Quick Start. Here you will find basic knowledge and terminology for working with UE. Also, this course contains links to more detailed information. Check them out if necessary.
1 - Required Project Setup
For this tutorial, use the Blueprint First Person template with Starter Content enabled.
Character appears unarmed at the start of game process. Ammo indication should appear in case Character take a weapon. For this reason, use two Widgets: HUD and HUD_AmmoCount. You should adjust HUD Widget to display health and energy of the Character from the start of game process, and HUD_AmmoCount Widget to display ammo in case taking a weapon.
Create Widget Blueprint. Click the Add New in the Content Browser, then select User Interface > Widget Blueprint. Name this widget HUD.
Use a Widget Blueprint to create and set up UI elements (HUD, Menus, and so on). With the help of this, you can visually layout UI elements and provide scripted functionality for it.
For more information on Widget Blueprints see Widget Blueprints in UMG.
Create three more Widget Blueprints, name it HUD_AmmoCount, MainMenu, PauseMenu.
Create new Level. Right-click in the Content Browser select Level. Name it Main.
You will use this later in the guide for Main Menu setup.
Adjusting BP_FirstPersonCharacter Blueprint
In the Content Browser, open the BP_FirstPersonCharacter Blueprint located under the Content/FirstPerson/Blueprints folder.
This is the Character Blueprint you control in the game. You should adjust it to construct HUD Widget and display it in a viewport.
In the Blueprint Editor window, click the Add Variable Button.
In the Details panel of this variable, select a Float variable type and input the name Health. Set the Default Value to 1.0.
You will use this variable for adjusting Health Bar of the character in the the HUD Widget.
Create another variable with Float type and name it Energy. Set the Default Value to 1.0.
You will use this variable for adjusting Energy Bar of the character in the the HUD Widget.
You should compile Blueprint by clicking the Compile button from the Tool Bar before input a Default Value.
Create another variable with Integer type and name it Ammo. Set the Default Value to 25.
Create one more variable with Integer type and name it MaxAmmo. Set the Default Value to 25.
Right-click inside the Graph window, add the Event Begin Play node, then add a Create Widget node. Set the Class to HUD Widget.
For the Return Value of the Create HUD Widget, select Promote to Variable and name it HUD Reference.
With the help of this, you create HUD Widget, when the game is started, and set it as a variable for later calls. This is usefull in case you need call some functions or set properties of the HUD Widget via Blueprint. For example, if you need hide the HUD, while the game is paused, you can access the HUD through this variable.
Add the Add to Viewport node to the out pin of the Set node.
With the help of this, you've added the HUD Widget to the viewport from start of game process.
Compile and Save the BP_FirstPersonCharacter Blueprint and close it.
Adjusting BP_Rifle Blueprint
The process of adjusting BP_Rifle Blueprint is similar to adjusting BP_FirstPersonCharacter Blueprint. In case you need more detail see section above Adjusting BP_FirstPersonCharacter Blueprint.
In the Content Browser, open the BP_Rifle Blueprint located under the Content/FirstPerson/Blueprints folder.
Find the On Component Begin Overlap (SphereCollision) node. Right-click on the execution pin and select Break All Pin Link(s).
Drag the execution pin of the On Component Begin Overlap (SphereCollision) node and add a Create Widget node. Set the Class to HUD_AmmoCount Widget.
For the Return Value of the Create HUD Widget, select Promote to Variable and name it HUD Ammo Count Ref.
Add the Add to Viewport node to the out pin of the Set node.
Connect the execution pin of the Add to Viewport node with the execution pin of the Cast to BP_FirstPersonCharacter node. Your script should look as following.
With the help of this, you've added the HUD_AmmoCount Widget to the viewport in case Character take a weapon.
Compile and Save the BP_Rifle Blueprint and close it.
Adjusting Character Variables in BP_FirstPersonCharacter Blueprint
In this chapter you can find information about the adjusting declaired variables and adding them to the Blueprint.
In the Blueprint Editor of the BP_FirstPersonCharacter, hold Alt and drag the Energy variable into Graph window and place it next to the Jump script.
Hold Ctrl and drag a copy of the Energy variable into Graph window. Add Substruct operator node, connect and set to 0.25 as shown below.
With the help of this script, every time the Character jumps, the Energy is reduced by 0.25 from current Energy value.
Set up the same script for the Health variable but use an F Key Event (or any other key press event) for testing.
With the help of this script, you will be able to test if Health is reduced by 0.25 from current value, every time you press F.
Compile and Save the BP_FirstPersonCharacter Blueprint and close it.
To add the ability to reload ammo do the following. Add the R Key Event. Hold Alt and drag the Ammo variable. Hold Ctrl and drag the Max Ammo variable. Connect it as shown in the image below.
Adjusting Character Variables in BP_Rifle Blueprint
Open BP_Rifle Blueprint. Find the OnFireProjectile Custom Event. Right-click on the execution pin and select Break All Pin Link(s).
Near this node, Right-click and add a Branch node.
Hold Ctrl and drag a copy of the FirstPersonCharacterReference variable into Graph window. Drag the pin and select Get Ammo.
Add Greater operator node, set to 0 and connect as shown below.
Character you play can fire if their ammo is greater than zero, due to this script.
At the end of the OnFireProjectile Custom Event script following the Montage Play node, hold Ctrl and drag a copy of the FirstPersonCharacterReference variable into Graph window. Drag the pin and select Get Ammo. Drag the pin again and select Set Ammo.
Add Substruct operator and set Ammo to equal Ammo - 1. Your script should look as following.
Every time Character you play fires it decreases ammo by one, due to this script.
Compile and Save the BP_Rifle Blueprint and close it.
2 - Displaying Health, Energy & Ammo
At this step you should set up the visualization of Health, Energy and Ammo variables in the Widgets and adjust connection with game process.
Visual: Health and Energy
To set up the visualization of HUD Widget do the following.
Open HUD Widget Blueprint to access the Widget Blueprint Editor. With the help of this, you can create the visual layout and scripted functionality of HUD Widget.
For more information on the different facets of the Widget Blueprint Editor, see Widget Blueprints in UMG.
Find the Horizontal Box in the Palette panel under Panel and drag it onto the Canvas Panel in the Hierarchy panel.
Panel Widgets are like containers for other widgets. You can provide additional functionality for the widgets that are inside it.
Also under Panel, drag two Vertical Boxes onto the Horizontal Box.
Under Common, drag two Text widgets onto the first Vertical Box and two Progress Bars onto the second Vertical Box.
Select the Horizontal Box, find it in the Graph, resize the box and place it in the upper left corner of the window.
Select both Progress Bars, then in the Details panel set both to Fill under Size.
Select the Vertical Box containing the Progress Bars, then in the Details panel set both to Fill under Size as well.
Select the Horizontal Box again and resize it so the bars line up with the text.
Select the top-most Text widget in the Hierarchy panel, then in the Details panel under Content enter Health:.
Do the same for the other Text widget, but enter Energy:. It should look as following.
By default, UMG text widgets use a font from Unreal Engine. It allows you get started work in Unreal Engine quickly. However, this built-in font has some limitations. For example, it only supports a small set of languages. In most cases, it is necessary import custom fonts into Assets. For more details about setting up text widgets to use custom fonts see Creating and Assigning Fonts in Unreal Engine User Interface.
Select the Progress Bar next to Health, then in the Details panel set the Fill Color and Opacity to green color.
Progress Bar does not change color when assigning a color. This is because the Percent value to fill the bar is set to 0.0. You can change this to test out different colors. Later you will link this to the Health variable value of the Character.
Also set a Fill Color and Opacity for the Energy bar (For example, an orange color).
Your HUD Widget layout should look as following.
Compile and Save the HUD Widget Blueprint and close it.
Visual: Ammo
To set up the visualization of HUD_AmmoCount Widget do the following.
Open HUD_AmmoCount Widget Blueprint to access the Widget Blueprint Editor.
Use the same way to add widgets to the Hierarchy panel. Your structure of layout should look as following.
Select the Horizontal Box in the Graph, resize the box and place it in the upper right corner of the window.
Select the Horizontal Box, then in the Details panel click Anchors and select the upper-right Anchor.
With the help of this, you place the Anchor Medallion to the upper right corner of your screen.
You fix the Horizontal Box position regardless of screen size, due to the Anchors settings. The Widget stays the same distance from the Anchor Medallion when the screen is resized.
You can test different screen sizes by clicking and changing the Preview Size option inside the graph.
Compile and Save the HUD_AmmoCount Widget Blueprint and close it.
Script: Health and Energy
The next step is provide functionality for the HUD Widget elements.
Open HUD Widget Blueprint to access the Widget Blueprint Editor.
Click the Graph button in the upper right corner of the Widget Blueprint Editor window.
In the Graph under the Event Construct node, Right-click and add Get Player Character node.
Drag the Return Value pin of Get Player Character node and select Cast to BP_FirstPersonCharacter.
Drag the As BP First Person Character pin and select Promote to Variable (name it My Character), then connect as shown below.
With the help of this, you will be able to access the variables from BP_FirstPersonCharacter Blueprint.
Click Compile in the toolbar to compile the script.
Return to the Designer and select the Progress Bar next to Health.
In the Details panel under Progress, click the Bind option next to Percent and click Create Binding.
With the help of this, you can create custom bindings by adjusting function script in opened window.
Hold Ctrl and drag the copy of MyCharacter variable into the Graph.
Drag the pin MyCharacter and select Get Health.
Connect the Health pin to the Return Value of the Return Node. It should look as following.
Do the same procedure to adjust Progress Bar next to Energy. It should look as following.
Compile and Save the HUD Widget Blueprint and close it.
Script: Ammo and AmmoMax
Procedure of setting up Ammo variable is similar to setting Health and Energy variables. For more detailed information see section above Script: Health and Energy.
Open HUD_AmmoCount Widget Blueprint and go to Graph tab.
Create script for connection HUD_AmmoCount Widget Blueprint to BP_FirstPersonCharacter Blueprint as described before. This should look as following.
Click Compile in the toolbar to compile the script.
Return to the Designer and select the 25 text following the Ammo text. In the Details panel for Text, click Bind and Create Binding.
In opened window, hold Ctrl and drag the copy of MyCharacter variable into the Graph. Drag the pin MyCharacter and select Get Ammo. Connect the Ammo pin to the Return Value of the Return Node. It should look as following.
A conversion node To Text will be created automatically after connecting Ammo node to the Returned Node.
Repeat the process above for other 25 text and creating a binding for the "AmmoMax" text.
It is not necessary to do this if your max ammo is constant. However, with the help of this AmmoMax variable setting, you will be able to change it by creating a script in BP_FirstPersonCharacter.
Click Compile and Save, then click the Play button to play in the Editor.
With the help of this quide, you have adjusted displaying Health and Energy Bars via HUD Widget, and displaying Ammo via HUD_AmmoCount Widget. All these Widgets display current values from your Character Blueprint. In game process, the pressing Space cause the jump Character, reducing Energy; pressing F cause the reducing of the Health; the pressing Left Mouse Button cause fire the weapon, reducing Ammo.
In the next section, you will find the information on creating a Main Menu, which you can use to load into game you set up. Also, there is additional information on working with Unreal Motion Graphics and Blueprints.
3 - Further Reading
Further reading related to the topics in this guide:
- For more information on Unreal Motion Graphics, see: UMG UI Designer.
- For more information on Blueprints, see: Blueprints Visual Scripting.