The Media Plate Actor is a pre-built Actor that you can add to your scene to play video, image sequences, and any URL towards a Media framework supported asset.

The Media Plate Actor supports:
- A simplified process for importing video
- Optimized streaming for tiled EXR image sequences with the built-in Sphere and Plane meshes. Requires DX12 or higher.
- Media Playlists
- Drag and drop assets and Actors
- Sequencer integration
- View frustum culling
Creating a Media Plate Actor
There are multiple ways to create a Media Plate Actor.
You can either:
- Drag a media file (video file or an image from a sequence) directly into the Viewport.
- Drag a media source asset from your Content Browser into the Viewport.
- Use the Place Actors menu
Importing Media Sources
Media Plate supports both video files and image sequences. Depending on which media type you use, there are different ways to import them and denote the reference path of the related assets in Unreal Editor.
Common to both of these ways is that they immediately create the Media Plate Actor, which you can then configure using the Media Plate Controls.
Import Video Files
To import a video file:
- Open the Content Browser.
- Drag your video file into the Content Browser and drop it there.
- Drag the file from the Content Browser into the Viewport. This creates the Media Plate Actor.

Import Media Sequences
To import a media sequence:
- In the Content Browser, create an Img Media Source.
- Under Sequence > Sequence Path, assign the path to the folder containing your images.
- Optional: Under Advanced > Frame Rate Override, set the image sequence frame rate. If you don't specify anything here, the Media Plate Actor uses the default frame rate under your global settings.
- Drag the Img Media Source from the Content Browser into the Viewport. This creates the Media Plate Actor.
Import Media Files to an Existing Media Plate Actor
If you've already created a Media Plate Actor, you can reference media files directly from the Details panel.
To reference media files directly from a Media Plate Actor, follow these steps:
- Select the Media Plate Actor in the Viewport.
- In the Details panel, go to Media Plate > Playlist.
- Set First Item in Playlist to File.
- Click the ellipsis (…) to select a media file and set the Media Path.

Media Plate Settings
In the Media Plate Actor settings, you can adjust the look and playback of your video or image sequence. You do not need to create a Media Texture or Media Player.
The Media Plate has the following settings
In the Transform section, you can adjust the position, scale, and orientation of the Media Plate Actor. To read more about these settings, refer to Transforming Actors in Unreal Engine.
Property | Description |
Play on Open | Makes the video or image automatically start playing when opened. |
Auto Play | Automatically opens the video or image sequence when you enter game mode. |
Enable Audio | If an audio track exists, this setting enables audio for the active video decode engine. |
Start time | You can use this to set a custom start time. This allows different Media Plate Actors that use the same source video to start at different times. You can then use the same loopable clip in multiple instances in your level, appearing different each time. |
Play Only when Visible | Applies frustum culling to the Media Plate Actor so the whole video decode and streaming stops when the Actor is outside of the frustum. This is typically useful for large installations with clustered rendering like nDisplay. Especially if you're using several large and resource heavy Media Plates. |
Loop | Automatically loops the video when it reaches the last frame. |
Here, you can select whether to use a Plane, Sphere, or a Custom mesh. When you select one, the referenced mesh automatically appears and the relevant settings for that mesh type become available for you to configure.
If you are using a tiled EXR image sequence and have DX12, or above, graphics capability, we recommend you select a Plane or Sphere mesh. Both these pre-built meshes use the Media Plate Actor's optimized streaming, so only the tiles visible to the camera are streamed. Custom meshes stream all tiles, regardless of their visibility to the camera. If you want to convert your media to the EXR format, you can use the Process EXR tool.
When you add a video or image sequence, Unreal Editor automatically creates a Media Playlist to hold the video asset reference, visible in the Media Playlist section. This section also displays the references to the initial Media Source as well as the Media Path.
This section also contains clickable icons you can use to Restart, Rewind, Play, Pause, Fast Forward, Open, and Close the playlist.
The Open Media Plate button lets you open a media plate window with a flat-facing mesh that shows you more in-depth information about the media. In this window, you can also use the Previous and Next icons to access other media in your playlist.
Media Details
The Media Details section includes information about your media's resolution, frame rate, size, method, format, combined level of detail bias, and its number of mips and tiles.
Media Texture
Property | Description |
Enable RealTime Mips | If true, the Media Texture generates the Mip Map chain for every video frame. When enabled, video frames visible in the Media Plate Quad are smoother and without aliasing artifacts. |
Mips Quantity | Sets how many Mip Map levels are generated in real-time. |
The Materials section lets you pick another Material to override the existing default Media Plate Material. The default is a translucent and non-lit Material that renders pixels in the emissive channel. This Material is bundled within the Media Plate Plugin content directory.
To pick another material for the Media Plate Actor:
- Select the Media Plate Actor.
- In the Details panel, click the Rendering filter to bring up the Materials section.
- In the Materials section, click the Select Media Plate Material dropdown and select the new material.

The Media Plate Actor looks for a special Texture parameter called MediaTexture. This parameter must exist within the chosen Material so that it can bind and access the pixels received from the video decoder MediaTexture.
Media Plate comes with the following default materials:
For 2D plates:
Material name | Description |
M_MediaPlate | Is translucent. This is the default selection. If you move away from a translucent material, you might experience TSR ghosting artifacts. |
M_MediaPlateCC | Color correction material. |
For Skies:
Material name | Description |
M_Sky | Opaque, with the IsSky boolean enabled. |
M_SkyCC | Color correction material for skies. |
EXR Tiles and Maps
Property | Description |
Visible Mips Tiles Calculations | By default, this setting matches the static mesh you've chosen. If you want to use a Plane or Sphere, but do not want the Media Plate to only stream pixels visible to the camera, then you can set this to None. This can be useful for debugging, but we recommend that you do not use this for production. |
Mip Map Bias | Offsets the requested mipmap level to adjust performance. Sometimes, a PC is unable to playback a certain EXR sequence because of bandwidth, even though the sequence is split in tiles and mips. To reduce the input/output (IO) bandwidth, you can offset the Media Plate Actor in either direction to load higher mips, which are lower resolution. The estimated Mip Map level matches the renderer by default, which makes it dependent on Field Of View (FOV) and resolution. |
Enable Mip Map Upscaling | If true, this option forces upscale the selected Mip Map level set in the Upscale Mip Level setting. Normally, Media Plate only loads the required quality mips and tiles in the viewport. In some cases, for example for reflections and skylights, you might have to load lower-quality tiles outside of the viewport for areas of the EXR texture that are not directly visible to the camera but do still contribute to lighting and reflection. |
Upscale Mip Level | The Mip Map level that’s enabled by the Enable Mip Map Upscaling setting. For example, if this property is set to 3, then textures with a Mip Map level of 3 or higher are fully read into the texture. Textures with a Mip Map level of 2 or lower use the texture for Mip Map level 3, but are scaled up to the dimensions of the texture for the actual Mip Map level. When recording, the area visible by the camera contains the proper quality mips, while everything not directly visible by the camera contains lower quality mips that have been upscaled. |
When Visible Tiles & Mips Logic is set to Sphere, the section includes another property:
Property | Description |
Adaptive Pole Mip Upscale | Reduces quality at the poles of the sphere to reduce load. Only available if spheric mesh is used. With a spheric mesh, the tiles are bunched up near the poles of the sphere. If you have a large .exr file (16k), the system needs to load more tiles. Using this option, the system decides if it should load higher level mips (lower quality) to reduce load. |
Property | Description |
Override | Reduces quality at the poles of the sphere to reduce load. Only available if spheric mesh is used. With a spheric mesh, the tiles are bunched up near the poles of the sphere. If you have a large .exr file (16k), the system needs to load more tiles. Using this option, the system decides if it should load higher level mips (lower quality) to reduce load. |
Look Ahead | The time in seconds to look ahead for caching. For adequate caching, we suggest 2-4 frames. At 24fps, 2 frames should take 0.084 seconds. The default value of this setting is 0.2s. The more frames you cache, the more frames need to be invalidated and reloaded when the camera moves. |
Advanced Settings
Property | Description |
Audio Component | Contains details of any audio components used. |
Static Mesh Component | Contains advanced details and properties of the mesh component used. |
Other > Letterboxes | Contains details of any letterboxes used. |
Overlay Materials Technique
To help with temporal and anti-aliasing artifacts present while doing playback, Overlay Materials allow the Media Plate Actor to render the video frame in its own compositing pass. The actor does so without jitter into the after-motion-blur translucency render target, and composites back into scene color after Temporal Super Resolution (TSR). You can set the overlay material to the correct final resolution (after upscale) with r.Translucency.SeparateResolution.Basis.
Because the Overlay Materials technique uses the translucency render target, it is only effective on videos with no translucency.
To apply Overlay Materials, follow these steps:
- Create a Media Plate Actor in your level.
- In the Level Editor, right-click on the Media Plate Actor and click Apply Overlay Composite Materials. This replaces the Base Material, adds an Overlay Material, and enables the translucency variable.

To remove the Overlay Composite Material from the Mediate Plate Actor, you can click Reset Default Materials.
Sequencer integration
Sequencer integration is important to precisely control when video or image sequence clips start, end, or loop. You can also use it to make sure all clips are framelocked to the exact Sequencer time, providing you the means to finely control sequences with the overall level animation and logic.
To add your Media Plate Actor to Sequencer:
- Drag the Actor from within the World Outliner and drop it in your Sequencer Track.

For proper sync in Sequencer, you must disable audio in the Media Plate Controls (general settings > uncheck Enable Audio) or any manually-created Blueprint using Electra Media Player.
Crossfade between clips
Using the Sequencer, you can apply a crossfade to two Media Tracks:
- Set the Media Plate Material to M_MediaPlateCrossFade.
- In the Details panel, under Materials, click Create Dynamic Material. This requires the Virtual Production Utilities plugin.
- To open the Sequencer, in the main menu bar, go to Window > Cinematics > Sequencer. If the Sequencer is blank, you need to create a level sequence.
- From the Outliner panel, click and drag a Media Plate Actor into the Sequencer panel to create a Media Track. a. In the popup window, click Yes to disable autoplay.
- Repeat step 4 to create a second Media Track.
After you've created two Media tracks, you can either create a crossfade automatically by merging the tracks, or create a crossfade manually on separate tracks.
Create a Crossfade Automatically
- Drag the newly created track into the first.
Drag one track so that it overlaps the other. Sequencer will automatically compute crossfade values.
Create a Crossfade manually
- Press the Ctrl key to show arrows on the tracks.
Right-click and drag the arrows to define ease-in and ease-out curves for the first track.
Repeat step 2 for the second track.
Considerations and Limitations
When you use the Media Plate Actor, be aware of the following considerations and limitations:
- Media Players: Only Electra and IMGMedia Players support synchronization. By default, the engine picks the first player it finds. To guarantee sync playback, you can manually force Electra as your player by selecting it inside FileMediaSource > Player Overrides > Windows > Electra player (ElectraPlayer).
- Genlock: If you are using an nDisplay cluster setup and want to optimize image playback frame accuracy, you can use a custom timestep known as Genlocked Fixed Rate.
- Real-time skylights and reflections: If you want to use the mips and tiles outside of your viewport to contribute to real-time skylights and reflections, you must use the [anchor link upscalehigherlevelmip] console variable.
Genlocked Fixed Rate
To implement the Genlocked Fixed Rate timestep, follow these steps:
- In the Content Browser, click Add (+) > Media and create a new Media Profile.
- Under Media Sources > Index [0], choose File Media Source.
- Tick Override Project Settings.
- Click Genlock > CustomTimeStep > Genlocked Fixed Rate.
Untick Should Block.
- Save the Media Profile, but do not load it on your editor machine. This Media Profile is for nDisplay nodes only.
- After creating the Media Profile, you need to deploy it to the nDisplay nodes. In the Switchboard settings menu, click the Media Profile dropdown, then select the media profile.
- You can also set the Media Profile for individual nodes using the Media Profile dropdown in each node's settings.
Useful Console Variables
ImgMedia.FieldOfViewMultiplier: (
)Since Media Plate only loads tiles visible by the current views, in some cases a fast-panning shot can cause temporary missing tiles around the edges. This console variable lets you increase the number of tiles loaded around the edges of the view.
ImgMedia.MipMapLevelPadding: (
)If the mipmap estimation doesn't match the renderer with sufficient precision, this value is padded onto the calculated minimum and maximum mipmap levels.This increases the number of loaded tiles but can help eliminate artifacts under exceptional conditions.
Concert.EnableLoopingOnPlayer: (
) (Default)By default, the Multi-User Sequence Manager ensures media playback is looped when looping is enabled on the Sequencer player. Prior to 5.1 Multi-user would not enable looping on the nDisplay sequence player and the looping would be handled by the reset of the play head with sequencer. This allows the playhead to remain in sync with the content on an ICVFX wall. If you prefer the playhead to be synchronized between the editor and nDisplay cluster then set this value to 0.
r.EXRReaderGPU.UpscaleHigherLevelMip: (
)Normally, Media Plate only loads the required quality mips and tiles in the viewport. However in some cases, such as reflections and skylights, you might want to load lower-quality tiles outside of the viewport for the areas of the EXR texture that are not filled with any data, in order for them to contribute to lighting and reflection.
For example, if you set this console variable to a mip level of 3, then mip level 3 will be fully read, loaded and upscaled into mip 0, 1, 2. Mip levels including and above 3 (4, 5, 6 etc) will be fully read into the texture. When recording, the area visible by the camera contains the proper quality mips, while everything not directly visible by the active views contains lower quality mips.
You can use the following Stat commands for debugging the Media Plate Actor:
- Stat Media: Displays information about the current Media being played.
- ImgMedia.MipMapDebug 1: Prints visible tile and mip debug information to the screen in game mode. Only usable for files in the
media format. - Log LogImgMedia Verbose: Enables verbose log data specific to ImgMedia.