Python scripting can be used to automate and control various parts of animating your Control Rig in Sequencer. This document provides an overview of the main ways to use Python with animating your Control Rig, Animation Mode, and other various animation workflows.
- You have some experience with Python scripting in Unreal Engine, as well as scripting in Sequencer.
- You have an understanding of creating and using Control Rigs.
Create an FK Control Rig Track
Creating a Control Rig track is slightly different from normally creating Tracks in Sequencer. A Control Rig track needs to have a Control Rig class defined to be created. To create a Control Rig Track, use the following commands:
# Get the Editor world
editor_system = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.UnrealEditorSubsystem)
world = editor_system.get_editor_world()
# Get the rig class
rig_class = unreal.FKControlRig.static_class()
# Using the level sequence and actor binding, we can either find or create a control rig track from the class
rig_track = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.find_or_create_control_rig_track(world, level_sequence, rig_class, actor_binding)
# Get actor_binding from default mesh
level_sequence = unreal.LevelSequenceEditorBlueprintLibrary.get_focused_level_sequence()
skeletal_mesh_component = rig.get_preview_mesh()
actor_binding = level_sequence.add_spawnable_from_instance(skeletal_mesh_component)
# Get actor_binding from skeletal mesh path
skeletal_mesh_component = unreal.load_asset(skeletal_mesh_path)
actor_binding = level_sequence.add_spawnable_from_instance(skeletal_mesh_component)
Create a Control Rig Track
Same as an FK Control Rig Track, you need to get the specific Control Rig class:
# Get the Editor world
world = unreal.EditorLevelLibrary.get_editor_world()
# Get the control rig asset
rig = unreal.load_asset("/Game/Animation/ControlRig/Mannequin_ControlRig")
# Get the rig class
rig_class = rig.get_control_rig_class()
# Using the level sequence and actor binding, we can either find or create a control rig track from the class
rig_track = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.find_or_create_control_rig_track(world,level_sequence, rig_class, actor_binding)
Layered Control Rig
Create a Layered Control Rig Track
Creating a Layered Control Rig track is the same as adding a normal Control Rig track, but using the is_layered
keyword argument on find_or_create_control_rig_track
# Get the Editor world
editor_system = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.UnrealEditorSubsystem)
world = editor_system.get_editor_world()
# Get the control rig asset
rig = unreal.load_asset("/Game/Animation/ControlRig/Mannequin_ControlRig")
# Get the rig class
rig_class = rig.get_control_rig_class()
# Using the level sequence and actor binding, we can either find or create a control rig track from the class
rig_track = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.find_or_create_control_rig_track(world, level_sequence, rig_class, actor_binding, is_layered_control_rig = True)
Check If Control Rig Is Layered
In the cases where you need to determine if a Control Rig is layered or not, you can check from the Control Rig object from the ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy
# Get the first Control Rig in Sequencer, then get the Rig object
rig_proxy = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_control_rigs(level_sequence)[0]
rig = rig_proxy.control_rig
Change Rig Evaluation Order
You can layer multiple Control Rigs and change the priority order. Similar to Hierarchal Bias with Subsequences, Layered Control Rigs operate with the highest number evaluating first. For example, if FKControlRig
is set to 100
and CR_Mannequin_Body
is set to 99
, then the FKControlRig
will evaluate first.
# Get rigs inside Sequencer
rigs = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_control_rigs(level_sequence)
# Loop through each rig
for rig in rigs:
rig_track = rig.track
rig_obj = rig.control_rig
# get and set the priority order
unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.set_control_rig_priority_order(rig_track, 200)
Change Layered Mode
You can also change the mode by changing it on the rig track:
unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.set_control_rig_layered_mode(rig_track, True)
Masking Sections
For sections where you want to show only some controls, you can set the masking within Python:
# Get the control rig track and the section to key
ls = unreal.LevelSequenceEditorBlueprintLibrary.get_current_level_sequence()
rig = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_control_rigs(ls)[0]
rig_track = rig.track
keyed_section = rig_track.get_section_to_key()
# Hide these specific controls on the keyed section
ctrls = ["thigh_l_fk_ctrl", "calf_l_fk_ctrl", "foot_l_fk_ctrl", "ball_l_fk_ctrl"]
unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.set_controls_mask(keyed_section, ctrls, False)
# Show all controls
Animating Controls
The following examples explain a variety of ways you can edit and animate controls.
Control Selection
These commands can be used to select controls and query control selection:
# Get the Control Rigs in Sequencer, returns a list of ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy
rig_proxies = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_control_rigs(level_sequence)
# Get the first proxy, assuming it is Mannequin_ControlRig
rig_proxy = rig_proxies[0]
# From the ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy, we can get the ControlRig object
rig = rig_proxy.control_rig
# Selects a specified control
# Get the current control selection
selected_controls = rig.current_control_selection()
# Clear the control selection
Get and Set Control Values
You can get specific values from any of the controls at any given frame number with the following commands:
# Get the Control Rigs in Sequencer - returns a list of ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy
rig_proxies = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_control_rigs(level_sequence)
# Get frame 0
frame_num = unreal.FrameNumber(0)
# Grab the first proxy - let's assume it is the Mannequin_ControlRig
rig_proxy = rig_proxies[0]
# From the ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy, we can get the ControlRig object
rig = rig_proxy.control_rig
# Gets the local control values, each control type will have their own typed function
transform = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_local_control_rig_transform(level_sequence, rig, "body_ctrl", frame_num)
bool = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_local_control_rig_bool(level_sequence, rig, "twist_ctrl_vis", frame_num)
You can also set specific values on any of the controls at any given frame number using these commands:
# Get the Control Rigs in Sequencer - returns a list of ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy
rig_proxies = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_control_rigs(level_sequence)
# Grab the first proxy - let's assume it is the Mannequin_ControlRig
rig_proxy = rig_proxies[0]
# From the ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy, we can get the ControlRig object
rig = rig_proxy.control_rig
# Get the current time
current_time = unreal.LevelSequenceEditorBlueprintLibrary.get_current_time()
# Convert current time to a FrameNumber object
current_frame = unreal.FrameNumber(current_time)
# Create the proper value objects for the controls
transform_value = unreal.Transform(location=[0, 10, 20], rotation=[0,30,0], scale=[1,1,1])
bool_value = True
# Sets the local control values, each control type will have their own typed function
# Each typed function will also have a set_key flag that is by default True
unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.set_local_control_rig_transform(level_sequence, rig, "body_ctrl", frame_num, transform_value)
unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.set_local_control_rig_bool(level_sequence, rig, "twist_ctrl_vis", frame_num, bool_value, set_key = False)
Querying Selected Keyframes
# Get channels from selected keys - assuming there was is a selection
keyed_channels = unreal.LevelSequenceEditorBlueprintLibrary.get_channels_with_selected_keys()
# Get select keys
selected_keys = unreal.LevelSequenceEditorBlueprintLibrary.get_selected_keys(keyed_channels[0])
# Getting channel object
channel_obj = keyed_channels[0].section.get_channel(keyed_channels[0].channel_name)
# Convert key indices to key objects
key_objs = channel_obj.get_keys_by_index(selected_keys)
# Print all the time values from the selected keys
for key_obj in key_objs: print(key_obj.get_time().frame_number.value)
Editing Keyframe Selection
The following example assumes that there is a level sequence using the Mannequin/MH Control Rig with keys on hand_l_fk_ctrl
ls = unreal.LevelSequenceEditorBlueprintLibrary.get_current_level_sequence()
start_frame = ls.get_playback_start()
end_frame = ls.get_playback_end()
# Get control rig
rig = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_control_rigs(ls)[0]
rig_track = rig.track
keyed_section = rig_track.get_section_to_key()
# Getting channel proxy by providing a simple channel name
sc = unreal.SequencerChannelProxy()
sc.section = keyed_section
sc.channel_name = 'hand_l_fk_ctrl.Location.X'
# Get channel object and get all key objects
channel_obj = keyed_section.get_channel('hand_l_fk_ctrl.Location.X')
keys = channel_obj.get_keys()
# Empty array for keys to select
timed_keys = []
# Loop through all the keys
for key in keys:
# Get the key time
key_time = key.get_time().frame_number.value
# Check if the key's time is right after start frame and right before end frame
if key_time >= start_frame+1 and key_time <= end_frame-1:
# Add key to array
# Select keys
unreal.LevelSequenceEditorBlueprintLibrary.select_keys(sc, timed_keys)
Curve Editor
# Getting the curve editor
ses = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.LevelSequenceEditorSubsystem)
curve_editor = ses.get_curve_editor()
if not curve_editor.is_curve_editor_open(): curve_editor.open_curve_editor()
# Get selected keys and channels
keyed_channels = curve_editor.get_channels_with_selected_keys()
selected_keys = curve_editor.get_selected_keys(keyed_channels[0])
# Reselect every key
# getting channel object
channel_obj = keyed_channels[0].section.get_channel(keyed_channels[0].channel_name)
# Convert key indices to key objects
key_objs = channel_obj.get_keys_by_index(selected_keys)
# Print all the times of the selected keys
for key_obj in key_objs: print(key_obj.get_time())
# Close the curve editor
Load Animation Sequence into Control Rig Sections
level_sequence = unreal.LevelSequenceEditorBlueprintLibrary.get_focused_level_sequence()
rig_proxies = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_control_rigs(level_sequence)
rig_proxy = rig_proxies[0]
sequencer_binding_proxy = rig_proxy.proxy
# Frame at which to insert animation
start_frame = unreal.FrameNumber(0)
# Gather movie scene section from control rig
cr_tracks = sequencer_binding_proxy.find_tracks_by_type(unreal.MovieSceneControlRigParameterTrack)
cr_movie_scene_section = cr_tracks[0].get_section_to_key()
# Bring in the animation to apply
anim_sequence = "/Game/Characters/Mannequins/Animations/Manny/MM_Walk_Fwd"
anim_sequence = unreal.load_asset(anim_sequence)
# Get the skeletal mesh component
seq_bindings = level_sequence.get_bindings()
playback_range = level_sequence.get_playback_range()
editor_system = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.UnrealEditorSubsystem)
world = editor_system.get_editor_world()
bound_objects = unreal.SequencerTools.get_bound_objects(world, level_sequence, seq_bindings, playback_range)
# Note: assuming first bound object has the skeletal mesh
skel_mesh_comp = bound_objects[0].bound_objects[0].skeletal_mesh_component
# load animation into CR (uses backwards solve graph under the hood)
unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.load_anim_sequence_into_control_rig_section(cr_movie_scene_section, anim_sequence, skel_mesh_comp, start_frame, reset_controls = True)
Animation Mode
Animation Mode Tools can also be affected with Python scripting. The following examples are provided.
Tween Tool
The following commands can be used for the Tween Tool:
# Set tween value between -1 - 1
# -1 will blend to previous frame
# 1 will blend to next frame
tween_value = -1
unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.tween_control_rig(level_sequence, rig, tween_value)
Snapper Tool
The following commands can be used for the Snapper Tool. If the driver object is animated, then the driver object has to be added to the active sequence.
# Get the Control Rigs in Sequencer - returns a list of ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy
rig_proxies = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_control_rigs(level_sequence)
# Grab the first proxy - let's assume it is the Mannequin_ControlRig
rig_proxy = rig_proxies[0]
# From the ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy, we can get the ControlRig object
rig = rig_proxy.control_rig
# Get the editor actor subsystem to add an actor
editor_actor_subsystem = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.EditorActorSubsystem)
# Add a cube to the editor world and set the location
cube_mesh = unreal.load_asset("/Engine/BasicShapes/Cube")
cube_location = unreal.Vector(0, 10, 20)
cube_actor = editor_actor_subsystem.spawn_actor_from_object(cube_mesh, cube_location)
# Set start and end frame ranges
start_frame = unreal.FrameNumber(0)
end_frame = unreal.FrameNumber(5)
# Create ControlRigSnapperSelection objects for the parent and the children
parent = unreal.ControlRigSnapperSelection()
children = unreal.ControlRigSnapperSelection()
# Create an ActorForWorldTransforms object
# Set the cube actor as the parent
parent_actor = unreal.ActorForWorldTransforms() = cube_actor
# Create a ControlRigForWorldTransforms object
# Set to the proper control rig and the left hand control as the control
# It is possible to have multiple control names in here
child_control_rig = unreal.ControlRigForWorldTransforms()
child_control_rig.control_rig = rig
child_control_rig.control_names = ["hand_l_ctrl"]
# Take the ActorForWorldTransforms object, set it as the parent ControlRigSnapperSelection
# Take the ControlRigForWorldTransforms object, set as the child ControlRigSnapperSelection
parent.actors = [parent_actor]
children.control_rigs = [child_control_rig]
# Create and set snap settings
snap_settings = unreal.ControlRigSnapSettings()
snap_settings.keep_offset = False
snap_settings.snap_position = True
snap_settings.snap_rotation = True
snap_settings.snap_scale = False
# Then snap the left hand control to the cube from frame 0-5
unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.snap_control_rig(level_sequence, start_frame, end_frame, children, parent, snap_settings)
Space Switching
The following commands and examples can be used for Space Switching.
To start space switching, you will need to create space keyframes. You can set a control's space to its default parent, world space, or to another control at any given frame number.
# Get the Control Rigs in Sequencer - returns a list of ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy
rig_proxies = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_control_rigs(level_sequence)
# Grab the first proxy - let's assume it is the Mannequin_ControlRig
rig_proxy = rig_proxies[0]
# From the ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy, we can get the ControlRig object
rig = rig_proxy.control_rig
# Set the space of the left hand control to world space at frame 0
control_name = "hand_l_ctrl"
space = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_world_space_reference_key()
time = unreal.FrameNumber(value = 0)
unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.set_control_rig_space(level_sequence, rig, control_name, space, time)
# Afterwards, set space switch to the head control at frame 30
space = unreal.RigElementKey(type = unreal.RigElementType.CONTROL, name = "head_ctrl")
time = unreal.FrameNumber(value = 30)
unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.set_control_rig_space(level_sequence, rig, control_name, space, time)
# Then lastly, set space switch to it's default parent at frame 60
space = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_default_parent_key()
time = unreal.FrameNumber(value = 60)
unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.set_control_rig_space(level_sequence, rig, control_name, space, time)
Once space keyframes are created, you can move them to any frame number by using these commands:
# Get the Control Rigs in Sequencer - returns a list of ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy
rig_proxies = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_control_rigs(level_sequence)
# Grab the first proxy - let's assume it is the Mannequin_ControlRig
rig_proxy = rig_proxies[0]
# From the ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy, we can get the ControlRig object
rig = rig_proxy.control_rig
# Let's assume from the Set Space Key example that we have space keys at 0, 30, and 60
# on the left hand control. Let's move the space key from frame 30 to frame 45
control_name = "hand_l_ctrl"
old_time = unreal.FrameNumber(value = 30)
new_time = unreal.FrameNumber(value = 45)
unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.move_control_rig_space(level_sequence, rig, control_name, old_time, new_time)
Space keyframes can be deleted by using these commands:
# Get the Control Rigs in Sequencer - returns a list of ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy
rig_proxies = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_control_rigs(level_sequence)
# Grab the first proxy - let's assume it is the Mannequin_ControlRig
rig_proxy = rig_proxies[0]
# From the ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy, we can get the ControlRig object
rig = rig_proxy.control_rig
# Let's assume from the Move Space Key example that we have space keys at 0, 345 and 60
# on the left hand control. Let's remove the space key from frame 45
control_name = "hand_l_ctrl"
time = unreal.FrameNumber(value = 45)
unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.delete_control_rig_space(level_sequence, rig, control_name, time)
You can bake the final animation to a specific space by using the following commands:
# Get the Control Rigs in Sequencer - returns a list of ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy
rig_proxies = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_control_rigs(level_sequence)
# Grab the first proxy - let's assume it is the Mannequin_ControlRig
rig_proxy = rig_proxies[0]
# From the ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy, we can get the ControlRig object
rig = rig_proxy.control_rig
# Get all selected rig controls
control_names = rig.current_control_selection()
# Get the start and end frame from the level sequence, create FrameNumber objects for bake settings
start_frame_num = level_sequence.get_playback_start()
end_frame_num = level_sequence.get_playback_end()
start_frame = unreal.FrameNumber(value = start_frame_num)
end_frame = unreal.FrameNumber(value = end_frame_num)
# Set baking settings for space, we will be baking to the default parent space
space_bake_settings = unreal.RigSpacePickerBakeSettings()
space_bake_settings.target_space = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_default_parent_key()
space_bake_settings.start_frame = start_frame
space_bake_settings.end_frame = end_frame
space_bake_settings.reduce_keys = False
space_bake_settings.tolerance = 0
unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.bake_control_rig_space(level_sequence, rig, control_names, space_bake_settings)
Animation Mode Settings
Animation Mode Settings can be edited using Python scripting. Each property uses the following terminology:
Name | Description |
bDisplayHierarchy | Draws Bones on the character. |
bDisplayNulls | Draws Nulls on the character. |
bHideManipulators | Hides all Controls in the Viewport. This will also hide Bones and Nulls if Display Hierarchy or Display Nulls are enabled. |
bCoordSystemPerWidgetMode | Restores the coordinate space when changing Gizmo modes in the Viewport. |
bOnlySelectRigControls | Enabling this will only make Control Rig controls be selectable in the Viewport. All other objects, including the character, will not be selectable. |
bLocalTransformsInEachLocalSpace | Enabling this will transform each selected control relative to their local transform space, if your transformation gizmo is set to local coordinates. |
GizmoScale | Increases or decreases the gizmo scale. |
The following commands can be used:
# load the mode settings class and get default object
ControlRigSettingsClass = unreal.load_class(None, '/Script/ControlRigEditor.ControlRigEditModeSettings')
ControlRigSettings = unreal.get_default_object(ControlRigSettingsClass)
# print out the queried data
# set the properties
ControlRigSettings.set_editor_property('bDisplayHierarchy', True)
ControlRigSettings.set_editor_property('bDisplayNulls', True)
ControlRigSettings.set_editor_property('GizmoScale', 5)
Constraints are used to create a relationship between one object to another. This can be useful for animation authoring. Constraints can be added to animated and non-animated scenarios.
Have a Camera Look At Constrained to a Cube without Sequencer
import unreal
# Create a camera
camera_location = unreal.Vector(0.0,0.0,200.0)
camera_actor = unreal.EditorLevelLibrary().spawn_actor_from_class(unreal.CineCameraActor, camera_location)
# Create a cube
obj = unreal.load_asset("/Engine/BasicShapes/Cube")
cube_location = unreal.Vector(400.0,0.0,200.0)
cube_actor = unreal.EditorLevelLibrary().spawn_actor_from_object(obj, cube_location)
# Get the Editor world
world = unreal.EditorLevelLibrary().get_editor_world()
# Create a constraints library
constraints_lib = unreal.ConstraintsScriptingLibrary()
# Create child handle to the camera
child_handle = constraints_lib.create_transformable_component_handle(world, camera_actor.root_component, "")
# Create parent handle to the cube
parent_handle = constraints_lib.create_transformable_component_handle(world, cube_actor.root_component, "")
# Create and add the constraint (note that this will create the constraints manager if needed)
look_at_constraint = constraints_lib.create_from_type(world, unreal.TransformConstraintType.LOOK_AT)
constraints_lib.add_constraint(world, parent_handle, child_handle, look_at_constraint, True)
Have a Control Rig Control Parent Constrained to a Cube with Sequencer
# Get the current level sequence
level_sequence = unreal.LevelSequenceEditorBlueprintLibrary.get_current_level_sequence()
# Get the Control Rigs in Sequencer - returns a list of ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy
rig_proxies = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_control_rigs(level_sequence)
# Grab the first proxy- let's assume it is the Mannequin_ControlRig
rig_proxy = rig_proxies[0]
# From the ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy, we can get the ControlRig object
rig = rig_proxy.control_rig
# Get the first selected control
selected_ctrl = rig.current_control_selection()[0]
# Create a cube that will drive the control
obj = unreal.load_asset("/Engine/BasicShapes/Cube")
cube_location = unreal.Vector(400.0,0.0,200.0)
cube_actor = unreal.EditorLevelLibrary().spawn_actor_from_object(obj, cube_location)
# Get the world
world = unreal.EditorLevelLibrary().get_editor_world()
# Create a Constraints scripting library object
constraints_lib = unreal.ConstraintsScriptingLibrary()
# Create a child handle for the Control Rig Control
child_handle = rig.create_transformable_control_handle(selected_ctrl)
# Create a parent handle for the cube
parent_handle = constraints_lib.create_transformable_component_handle(world, cube_actor.root_component, "")
# Create a Parent Constraint object
parent_constraint = constraints_lib.create_from_type(world, unreal.TransformConstraintType.PARENT)
# Add the constraint with the handles, turn off maintain offset
constraints_lib.add_constraint(world, parent_handle, child_handle, parent_constraint, False)
Baking and Merging
Bake to Control Rig
If you already have an animation sequence on your Actor in Sequencer, you can create a Control Rig Track by baking the current animation to a Control Rig. To do this, use the following commands:
# Get the current editor level
editor_system = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.UnrealEditorSubsystem)
world = editor_system.get_editor_world()
# Get the animation sequence export options
anim_seq_export_options = unreal.AnimSeqExportOption()
anim_seq_export_options.export_transforms = True
anim_seq_export_options.export_curves = True
# Get key tolerance number and key reduction state
tolerance = 0.01
reduce_keys = False
# Bake to Control Rig
unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.bake_to_control_rig(world, level_sequence, rig_class, anim_seq_export_options, False, tolerance, actor_binding)
Bake to Animation Sequence
Once a Control Rig animation is completed, you can export the animation as an Animation Sequence to be used in other areas of Unreal Engine by using the following commands:
# Get the current level sequence
level_sequence = unreal.LevelSequenceEditorBlueprintLibrary.get_current_level_sequence()
# Get the SkeletaMeshActor binding called SK Mannequin
# This is the default name when dragging a Mannequin_ControlRig into the Level Editor
binding = level_sequence.find_binding_by_name("SK Mannequin")
# Grab the Level Editor World
editor_subsystem = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.UnrealEditorSubsystem)
world = editor_subsystem.get_editor_world()
# Create animation sequence export options
anim_seq_export_options = unreal.AnimSeqExportOption()
anim_seq_export_options.export_transforms = True
anim_seq_export_options.export_morph_targets = True
# Get asset tools
# Create an empty AnimSequence - /Game/Test_Anim
asset_tools = unreal.AssetToolsHelpers.get_asset_tools()
anim_sequence = unreal.AssetTools.create_asset(asset_tools, asset_name = "Test_Anim", package_path = "/Game/", asset_class = unreal.AnimSequence, factory = unreal.AnimSequenceFactory())
# Bake to the created AnimSequence
unreal.SequencerTools.export_anim_sequence(world, level_sequence, anim_sequence, anim_seq_export_options, binding, False)
# If we want to create a linked animation sequence, simply change the last arg to True
unreal.SequencerTools.export_anim_sequence(world, level_sequence, anim_sequence, anim_seq_export_options, binding, True)
Merging Animation Layers
If you are using multiple sections and layers within the Control Rig Track, you can bake and merge their animations into a single layer using these collapse commands:
# Get the Control Rigs in Sequencer - returns a list of ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy
rig_proxies = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_control_rigs(level_sequence)
# Grab the first proxy - let's assume it is the Mannequin_ControlRig
rig_proxy = rig_proxies[0]
# From the ControlRigSequencerBindingProxy, we can get the MovieSceneControlRigParameterTrack object
# With the track, we can collapse all the sections in the track to one section
rig_track = rig_proxy.track
(level_sequence, rig_track, key_reduce = False, tolerance = 0.001)
Accessing Linked Animation Sequences from a Level Sequence
# We will first get the current level sequence
level_sequence = unreal.LevelSequenceEditorBlueprintLibrary.get_current_level_sequence()
# Then check if there are any links to animation sequences
link_check = unreal.SequencerTools.get_anim_sequence_link_from_level_sequence(level_sequence)
# If there are...
if link_check:
# Get the links
links = link_check.anim_sequence_links
# Loop through each link
for link in links:
# Get the soft object path
anim_seq_soft_path = link.path_to_anim_sequence
# Resolve it to get the asset
anim_seq = unreal.SystemLibrary.conv_soft_obj_path_to_soft_obj_ref(anim_seq_soft_path)
Accessing Linked Level Sequences from an Animation Sequence
# Let's assume we have a linked animation sequence called Test_Anim in the Content folder
anim_seq = unreal.load_object("/Game/Test_Anim")
# See if there is a link
link = unreal.SequencerTools.get_level_sequence_link_from_anim_sequence(anim_seq)
# If there is...
if link:
# Get the soft object path
level_seq_soft_path = link.path_to_level_sequence
# Resolve it to get the asset
level_seq = unreal.SystemLibrary.conv_soft_obj_path_to_soft_obj_ref(level_seq_soft_path)
FBX Export and import
FBX Export
# Get the level sequence and the rig section
ls = unreal.LevelSequenceEditorBlueprintLibrary.get_current_level_sequence()
rig = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_control_rigs(ls)[0]
rig_track = rig.track
keyed_section = rig_track.get_section_to_key()
filename = "D:/test.fbx"
# Create export fbx settings with the filename
export_fbx_settings = unreal.MovieSceneUserExportFBXControlRigSettings()
export_fbx_settings.set_editor_property("ascii", True)
export_fbx_settings.set_editor_property("export_file_name", filename)
# Export the Control Rig FBX
unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.export_fbx_from_control_rig_section(ls, keyed_section, export_fbx_settings)
FBX Import
# Get the level sequence and the rig track & section and the editor world
ls = unreal.LevelSequenceEditorBlueprintLibrary.get_current_level_sequence()
rig = unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.get_control_rigs(ls)[0]
rig_track = rig.track
keyed_section = rig_track.get_section_to_key()
editor_system = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.UnrealEditorSubsystem)
world = editor_system.get_editor_world()
# Create a list for selected controls, only works if import_onto_selected_controls is set to True
selected_ctrls = ["thigh_l_fk_ctrl", "calf_l_fk_ctrl", "foot_l_fk_ctrl", "ball_l_fk_ctrl"]
# Create import settings object, assign settings and file name
import_fbx_settings = unreal.MovieSceneUserImportFBXControlRigSettings()
import_fbx_settings.set_editor_property("import_onto_selected_controls", True)
import_fbx_settings.set_editor_property("insert_animation", True)
fbx_file = "D:/test.fbx"
# Import the Control Rig FBX
unreal.ControlRigSequencerLibrary.import_fbx_to_control_rig_track(world, ls, rig_track, keyed_section, selected_ctrls, import_fbx_settings, fbx_file)
Editing Animation Mode Window
When animating with Control Rig in the Level Editor and Sequencer, the Animation Mode window will pop up with tools and options that an animator would need. These options are also editable via Python.
The Animation Mode window includes the following properties:
- bDisplayHierarchy: Draws lines and dots for each control and bone in the control rig
- bDisplayNulls: Draws lines and dots for each null in the control rig
- bHideManipulators: Hides all the controls and displays in the control rig
- bCoordSystemPerWidgetMode: Option to maintain local/global space manipulator state per translate, rotate, and scale mode
- bOnlySelectRigControls: Allows only viewport selection of control rig controls
- bLocalTransformsInEachLocalSpace: When transform multiple selected controls, each control will transform in their own local space
- GizmoScale: Change the scale of the viewport gizmo manipulator
# load the mode settings class and get default object
ControlRigSettingsClass = unreal.load_class(None, '/Script/ControlRigEditor.ControlRigEditModeSettings')
ControlRigSettings = unreal.get_default_object(ControlRigSettingsClass)
# print out the queried data
# set the properties
ControlRigSettings.set_editor_property('bDisplayHierarchy', True)
ControlRigSettings.set_editor_property('bDisplayNulls', True)
ControlRigSettings.set_editor_property('GizmoScale', 5)