
class unreal.UsdStageImportOptions(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.Object

Usd Stage Import Options

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: USDImporter

  • Module: USDStageImporter

  • File: USDStageImportOptions.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • collapse (bool): [Read-Write] Attempt to combine assets and components whenever possible

  • existing_actor_policy (ReplaceActorPolicy): [Read-Write] What should happen when imported actors and components try to overwrite existing actors and components

  • existing_asset_policy (ReplaceAssetPolicy): [Read-Write] What should happen when imported assets try to overwrite existing assets

  • import_actors (bool): [Read-Write] Import Actors

  • import_geometry (bool): [Read-Write] Import Geometry

  • import_materials (bool): [Read-Write] Import Materials

  • import_skeletal_animations (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to try importing UAnimSequence skeletal animation assets for each encountered UsdSkelAnimQuery

  • import_time (float): [Read-Write] Time to evaluate the USD Stage for import

  • interpret_lo_ds (bool): [Read-Write] When true, if a prim has a “LOD” variant set with variants named “LOD0”, “LOD1”, etc. where each contains a UsdGeomMesh, the importer will attempt to parse the meshes as separate LODs of a single UStaticMesh. When false, only the selected variant will be parsed as LOD0 of the UStaticMesh.

  • override_stage_options (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to use the specified StageOptions instead of the stage’s own settings

  • prim_path_folder_structure (bool): [Read-Write] When enabled, assets will be imported into a content folder structure according to their prim path. When disabled, assets are imported into content folders according to asset type (e.g. ‘Materials’, ‘StaticMeshes’, etc).

  • purposes_to_import (int32): [Read-Write] Only import prims with these specific purposes from the USD file

  • render_context_to_import (Name): [Read-Write] Specifies which set of shaders to use, defaults to universal.

  • reuse_identical_assets (bool): [Read-Write] If enabled, whenever two different prims import into identical assets, only one of those assets will be kept and reused.

  • stage_options (UsdStageOptions): [Read-Write] Custom StageOptions to use for the stage

property collapse

[Read-Write] Attempt to combine assets and components whenever possible



property existing_actor_policy

[Read-Write] What should happen when imported actors and components try to overwrite existing actors and components



property existing_asset_policy

[Read-Write] What should happen when imported assets try to overwrite existing assets



property import_actors

[Read-Write] Import Actors



property import_geometry

[Read-Write] Import Geometry



property import_materials

[Read-Write] Import Materials



property import_skeletal_animations

[Read-Write] Whether to try importing UAnimSequence skeletal animation assets for each encountered UsdSkelAnimQuery



property import_time

[Read-Write] Time to evaluate the USD Stage for import



property interpret_lo_ds

[Read-Write] When true, if a prim has a “LOD” variant set with variants named “LOD0”, “LOD1”, etc. where each contains a UsdGeomMesh, the importer will attempt to parse the meshes as separate LODs of a single UStaticMesh. When false, only the selected variant will be parsed as LOD0 of the UStaticMesh.



property override_stage_options

[Read-Write] Whether to use the specified StageOptions instead of the stage’s own settings



property prim_path_folder_structure

[Read-Write] When enabled, assets will be imported into a content folder structure according to their prim path. When disabled, assets are imported into content folders according to asset type (e.g. ‘Materials’, ‘StaticMeshes’, etc).



property purposes_to_import

[Read-Write] Only import prims with these specific purposes from the USD file



property render_context_to_import

[Read-Write] Specifies which set of shaders to use, defaults to universal.



property reuse_identical_assets

[Read-Write] If enabled, whenever two different prims import into identical assets, only one of those assets will be kept and reused.



property stage_options

[Read-Write] Custom StageOptions to use for the stage

