
class unreal.TutorialStage

Bases: unreal.StructBase

A single tutorial stage, containing the optional main content & a number of widgets with content attached

C++ Source:

  • Module: IntroTutorials

  • File: EditorTutorial.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • back_button_text (Text): [Read-Write] Text to display on the back button

  • content (TutorialContent): [Read-Write] Non-widget-bound content to display in this stage

  • invert_platform_test (bool): [Read-Write] If false, stage will be skipped if running on any platform in PlatformsToTest. If true, the stage will be if not running on any platform in PlatformsToTest.

  • name (Name): [Read-Write] Identifier for this stage

  • next_button_text (Text): [Read-Write] Text to display on the next button

  • platforms_to_test (Array(str)): [Read-Write] List of platforms to test against. Meaning of test is determined by InvertPlatformTest.

  • widget_content (Array(TutorialWidgetContent)): [Read-Write] Widget-bound content to display for this stage