
class unreal.DatasmithDeltaGenImportOptions(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.DatasmithFBXImportOptions

Datasmith Delta Gen Import Options

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: DatasmithFBXImporter

  • Module: DatasmithDeltaGenTranslator

  • File: DatasmithDeltaGenImportOptions.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • import_pos (bool): [Read-Write] import POS files

  • import_tml (bool): [Read-Write] import TML files

  • import_var (bool): [Read-Write] import VAR files

  • pos_path (FilePath): [Read-Write] Path to the *.pos file. By default it will search for a *.pos file in the same folder as the FBX file, with the same base filename as it

  • remove_invisible_nodes (bool): [Read-Write] Don’t keep nodes that marked invisible in FBX(an din the original scene), except switch variants

  • shadow_texture_mode (ShadowTextureMode): [Read-Write] How to handle shadow textures

  • simplify_node_hierarchy (bool): [Read-Write] Collapse nodes that have identity transform, have no mesh and not used in animation/variants/switches

  • texture_dirs (Array(DirectoryPath)): [Read-Write] Where to look for textures

  • tml_path (FilePath): [Read-Write] Path to the *.tml file. By default it will search for a *.tml file in the same folder as the FBX file, with the same base filename as it

  • var_path (FilePath): [Read-Write] Path to the *.var file. By default it will search for a *.var file in the same folder as the FBX file, with the same base filename as it

property import_pos

[Read-Write] import POS files



property import_tml

[Read-Write] import TML files



property import_var

[Read-Write] import VAR files



property pos_path

[Read-Write] Path to the *.pos file. By default it will search for a *.pos file in the same folder as the FBX file, with the same base filename as it



property remove_invisible_nodes

[Read-Write] Don’t keep nodes that marked invisible in FBX(an din the original scene), except switch variants



property shadow_texture_mode

[Read-Write] How to handle shadow textures



property simplify_node_hierarchy

[Read-Write] Collapse nodes that have identity transform, have no mesh and not used in animation/variants/switches



property tml_path

[Read-Write] Path to the *.tml file. By default it will search for a *.tml file in the same folder as the FBX file, with the same base filename as it



property var_path

[Read-Write] Path to the *.var file. By default it will search for a *.var file in the same folder as the FBX file, with the same base filename as it

