
class unreal.CurveEditorFFTFilter(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.CurveEditorFilterBase

Curve Editor FFTFilter

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: CurveEditorTools

  • Module: CurveEditorTools

  • File: CurveEditorFFTFilter.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • cutoff_frequency (float): [Read-Write] Normalized between 0-1. In a low pass filter, the lower the value is the smoother the output. In a high pass filter the higher the value the smoother the output.

  • order (int32): [Read-Write] The number of samples used to filter in the time domain. It maps how steep the roll off is for the filter.

  • response (CurveEditorFFTFilterClass): [Read-Write] Which FFT filter implementation to use.

  • type (CurveEditorFFTFilterType): [Read-Write] Which frequencies are allowed through. For example, low-pass will let low frequency through and remove high frequency noise.

property cutoff_frequency

[Read-Write] Normalized between 0-1. In a low pass filter, the lower the value is the smoother the output. In a high pass filter the higher the value the smoother the output.



property order

[Read-Write] The number of samples used to filter in the time domain. It maps how steep the roll off is for the filter.



property response

[Read-Write] Which FFT filter implementation to use.



property type

[Read-Write] Which frequencies are allowed through. For example, low-pass will let low frequency through and remove high frequency noise.

