- class unreal.AbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWait(outer: Optional[Object] = None, name: Union[Name, str] = 'None')¶
Ability task to simply play a montage. Many games will want to make a modified version of this task that looks for game-specific events
C++ Source:
Plugin: GameplayAbilities
Module: GameplayAbilities
File: AbilityTask_PlayMontageAndWait.h
Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)
(MontageWaitSimpleDelegate): [Read-Write] On Blend Outon_cancelled
(MontageWaitSimpleDelegate): [Read-Write] On Cancelledon_completed
(MontageWaitSimpleDelegate): [Read-Write] On Completedon_interrupted
(MontageWaitSimpleDelegate): [Read-Write] On Interrupted
- property on_blend_out: MontageWaitSimpleDelegate¶
[Read-Write] On Blend Out
- Type:
- property on_cancelled: MontageWaitSimpleDelegate¶
[Read-Write] On Cancelled
- Type:
- property on_completed: MontageWaitSimpleDelegate¶
[Read-Write] On Completed
- Type:
- property on_interrupted: MontageWaitSimpleDelegate¶
[Read-Write] On Interrupted
- Type: