The Physics Components are used to affect any objects that are utilizing physics in your level in varying ways.
Destructible Component
The DestructibleComponent holds the physics data for a Destructible Actor. When adding this component as a sub-object, you must specify the Destructible Mesh asset to use. You can also override and specify the Fracture Effects instead of using the asset's Fracture Effects if you wish.
An example of using this type of component would be in the form of a window frame and window, where the window frame is a StaticMeshComponent and the window is a DestructibleComponent that a player could shoot out causing it to fracture into pieces.

Physics Constraint Component
A PhysicsConstraintComponent is a joint that allows you to connect two rigid bodies together. You can create different types of joints using the various parameters of this Component.
By using a PhysicsConstraintComponent and two StaticMeshComponents, you can create dangling type objects such as a tire swing, heavy bag or sign that reacts to physics in the world allowing players to interact with the Component (see Physics Constraint Component User Guide for an example in Blueprints).

Physics Handle Component
The PhysicsHandleComponent is an object for "grabbing" and moving physics objects around while allowing the object you are grabbing to continue to use physics. An example of this could be in the form of a "gravity gun" where you can pick-up and drop physics objects (see the Physics Content Examples for more information).

Physics Thruster Component
A PhysicsThrusterComponent is used with objects that have physics to apply a specified force down the negative-X direction (i.e. point X in the direction you want to thrust in). The thruster uses continuous force and can be auto-activated, activated or deactivated through script.
An example of using a thruster is in the form of a rocket (pictured below) which continuously applies force propelling the rocket upward (since the thruster is positioned under the rocket). You can contain movement of the Component that is influenced by a thruster by using Blocking Volumes.

Radial Force Component
The RadialForceComponent is used to emit a radial force or impulse that can affect physics objects and or destructible objects. Unlike a PhysicsThrusterComponent, this type of Component applies "fire-and-forget" type of force and is not continuous.
You can use this type of Component to push the fractured pieces of a destroyed object, for example an explosion. Using a RadialForceComponent to specify the force and direction, when an object is destroyed you can "push" the pieces outwards in a particular direction as seen in the example image below (see the Destructibles Content Examples for more information).