Navigation Mesh
Section | Description |
Draw Triangle Edges | Draw edges of every NavMesh's triangle. |
Draw Poly Edges | Draw edges of every poly (that is, not only border-edges). |
Draw Filled Polys | If disabled, skips filling drawn NavMesh polygons. |
Draw NavMesh Edges | Draw border-edges. |
Draw Tile Bounds | Draw the tile boundaries. |
Draw Path Colliding Geometry | Draw input geometry, passed to the NavMesh generator. We recommend disabling other geometry rendering via viewport showflags in editor. |
Draw Tile Labels | Draw the labels of the tiles. |
Draw Polygon Indices | Draw a label for every poly that indicates its poly and tile indices. |
Draw Polygon Costs | Draw a label for every poly that indicates its default and fixed costs. |
Draw Polygon Flags | Draw a label for every poly that indicates its poly and area flags. |
Draw Labels on Path Nodes | Draw labels on path nodes. |
Draw Nav Links | Draw navigation links. |
Draw Failed Nav Links | Draw failed navigation links. |
Draw Clusters | Draw NavMesh's clusters and cluster links (requires WITH_NAVMESH_CLUSTER_LINKS=1 ). |
Draw Octree | Draw edges of every NavMesh's triangle. |
Draw Octree Details | Draw octree details. |
Draw Marked Forbidden Polys | Draw marked forbidden polys. |
Draw Offset | Vertical offset added to NavMesh's debug representation for better readability. |
Tile Generation Debug
Section | Description |
Tile Generation Debug Enabled | If set, the selected internal debug data will be kept during tile generation to be displayed with the NavMesh. |
Tile Coordinate | Selected tile will have its internal data kept. Displaying the NavMesh using Draw Tile Labels shows tile coordinates. |
Heightfield Solid from Rasterization | Heightfield solid from rasterization. |
Heightfield Solid Post Radius Filtering | Heightfield solid post radius filtering. |
Heightfield Solid Post Height Filtering | Height solid post height filtering. |
Compact Heightfield | Compact heightfield. |
Compact Heightfield Eroded | Compact heightfield eroded. |
Compact Heightfield Regions | Compact heightfield regions. |
Compact Heightfield Distances | Compact heightfield distances. |
Tile Cache Layer Areas | Tile cache layer areas. |
Tile Cache Layer Regions | Tile cache layer regions. |
Tile Cache Contours | Tile cache contours. |
Tile Cache Poly Mesh | Tile cache poly mesh. |
Tile Cache Detail Mesh | Tile cache detail mesh. |
Section | Description |
Enable Drawing | If enabled, built Navigation Data will display in the Level when the Show Navigation flag is enabled in Editor Preferences. By default, this can be toggled with by pressing the P key. |
Section | Description |
Fixed Tile Pool Size | If enabled, the NavMesh will allocate a fixed size pool for tiles. Should be enabled to support streaming. |
Tile Pool Size | Maximum number of tiles NavMesh can hold. |
Tile Size UU | The size of a single navigation tile, expressed in Unreal Units (1 UU = 1 cm). |
Cell Size | Horizontal size of a voxelization cell. |
Cell Height | Vertical size of a voxelization cell. |
Agent Radius | Radius of the smallest agent to traverse this NavMesh. |
Agent Height | Height of the tallest agent that will be able to find paths using this NavMesh. |
Agent Max Slope | The maximum slope (angle) that the agent can move on. |
Agent Max Step Height | Largest vertical step the agent can perform. |
Min Region Area | The minimum dimension of an area. Areas smaller than this will be discarded. |
Merge Region Size | The size limit of regions to be merged with bigger regions (watershed partitioning only). |
Max Simplification Error | Defines how much navigable shapes can get simplified. Higher values mean more freedom and fewer constraints. |
Sort Navigation Areas by Cost | Controls whether Navigation Areas will be sorted by cost before application to NavMesh during NavMesh generation. This is relevant when there are areas overlapping and you want to have area cost express area relevancy as well. Enabling this option will result in having the area sorted by cost, but it will also increase NavMesh generation cost by a small amount. |
Is World Partitioned | In a world-partitioned map, defines whether this NavMesh is using world partitioning. |
Max Simultaneous Tile Generation Jobs Count | Sets the maximum limit for the number of asynchronous tile generators running at one time. Also used for some synchronous tasks. |
Tile Number Hard Limit | Absolute hard limit to the number of NavMesh tiles. Be very, very careful when modifying this setting while having big maps with NavMesh. A single, empty tile takes 176 bytes and empty tiles are allocated up front (subject to change in future releases).
Poly Ref Tile Bits | Poly ref tile bits. |
Poly Ref Nav Poly Bits | Poly ref nav poly bits. |
Poly Ref Salt Bits | Poly ref salt bits. |
NavMesh Origin Offset | Set this value if you don't want your tiles to start at (0,0,0) . |
Region Partitioning | Partitioning method for creating NavMesh polys. You can choose from the following options:
Layer Partitioning | Partitioning method for creating tile layers. You can choose from the following options:
Region Chunk Splits | Determines how many chunks are used to divide the current region along each axis when you select the Chunky Monotone option in the Region Partitioning setting. |
Layer Chunk Splits | Determines how many chunks are used to divide the current layer along each axis when you select the Chunky Monotone option in the Layer Partitioning setting. |
Perform Voxel Filtering | Controls whether voxel filtering will be applied (via Results in the generated NavMesh better fitting navigation bounds, but slightly lowers generation performance. |
Mark Low Height Areas | Mark areas with insufficient free height above instead of cutting them out (accessible only for area modifiers using replace mode). |
Use Extra Top Cell when Marking Areas | Expand the top of the area nav modifier's bounds by one cell height when applying to the NavMesh. |
Filter Low Span Sequences | If set, only a single low height span will be allowed under a valid one. |
Filter Low Span from Tile Cache | If set, only low height spans with corresponding area modifier will be stored in tile cache (reduces memory, can't modify without full tile rebuild). |
Do Fully Async Nav Data Gathering | If set, NavMesh data gathering will never happen on the game thread and will only be done on background threads. |
Section | Description |
Heuristic Scale | Euclidean distance heuristic scale used while pathfinding. |
Vertical Deviation from Ground Compensation | Value added to each search height to compensate for the error between NavMesh polys and walkable geometry. |
Section | Description |
Force Rebuild on Load | By default, navigation will skip the first update after being successfully loaded. Setting |
Auto-Destroy when No Navigation | Defines whether this instance should destroy itself if there's no navigation system in the world when the world gets created or loaded. |
Runtime Generation | Navigation Data runtime generation options. You can choose from the following options:
Observed Paths Tick Interval | All observed paths will be processed every ObservedPathsTickInterval second. |
Can Be Main Nav Data | If set, Navigation Data can act as default one in navigation system's queries. |
Can Spawn on Rebuild | If set, Navigation Data will be spawned in the persistent Level during rebuild if the Actor doesn't exist. |
Section | Description |
Allow Tick Before Begin Play | Defines whether you allow this Actor to tick before it receives the Normally, Actors shouldn't tick until after This Actor must be able to tick for this setting to be relevant. |
Section | Description |
Generate Overlap Events During Level Streaming | If true, this Actor will generate overlap Begin / End events when spawned as part of level streaming, which includes initial level load. You might enable this if a streaming level loads around an Actor and you want Begin / End overlap events to trigger. See the Update Overlaps Method During Level Streaming setting in this section. |
Update Overlaps Method During Level Streaming | Condition for calling If set to If overlaps are not initialized, this Actor and attached Components will not have an initial state of what objects are touching it, and overlap events may only come in once one of those objects update overlaps themselves (for example, when moving). However, if an object touching it does initialize the state, both objects will know about their touching state with each other. This can be a potentially large performance-saving improvement during level loading and streaming, and is safe if the object and others initially overlapping it do not need the overlap state because they will not trigger overlap notifications. You can choose from the following options:
If See |
Default Update Overlaps Method During Level Streaming | Default value taken from the config file for this class when This allows a default to be chosen per class in the matching config. For example, for Actor, it could be specified in
Another subclass could set their default to something different, such as:
See |
Relevant for Level Bounds | If true, this actor's component's bounds will be included in the level's bounding box unless the Actor's class has overridden IsLevelBoundsRelevant . |
Section | Description |
Include Actor in HLOD | Specifies whether this Actor should be considered during HLOD generation. |
HLOD Layer | The UHLODLayer in which this Actor should be included. |
World Partition
Section | Description |
Runtime Grid | Determines in which partition grid this actor will be placed in the partition (if the world is partitioned). If set to |
Is Spatially Loaded | Determines whether this actor is spatially loaded when placed in a partitioned world. If true, this actor will be loaded when in the range of any streaming sources and if (1) in no data layers, or (2) one or more of its data layers are enabled. If false, this actor will be loaded if (1) in no data layers, or (2) one or more of its data layers are enabled. |
Section | Description |
Is Editor Only Actor | Defines whether this actor is editor only. Use with care, as if this actor is referenced by anything else, that reference will be |
Generate Optimized Blueprint Component Data | Defines whether to cook additional data to speed up spawn events at runtime for any Blueprint classes based on this Actor. This option may slightly increase memory usage in a cooked build. |
Data Layers
Section | Description |
Data Layers | DataLayers the actor belongs to. |