Targeted RHIs
Here, you can select which Rendering Hardware Interface (RHI) to use.
Setting | Description |
Vulkan Desktop (SM5) | Vulkan Desktop (SM5). |
Vulkan Mobile (ES3.1) | Vulkan Mobile (ES3.1). |
Setting | Description |
Editor Splash | Editor Splash. |
Game Splash | Game Splash. |
Setting | Description |
Game Icon | Game Icon. |
Setting | Description |
Spatialization Plugin | Defines which of the currently enabled spatialization plugins to use. If your desired spatialization isn't found in the dropdown menu, make sure it's enabled in the Plugins window (main menu: Edit > Plugins). You can choose from the following options:
Reverb Plugin | Defines which of the currently enabled reverb plugins to use. If your desired reverb plugin isn't found in the dropdown menu, make sure it's enabled in the Plugins window (main menu: Edit > Plugins). You can choose from the following options:
Occlusion Plugin | Defines which of the currently enabled occlusion plugins to use. If your desired occlusion plugin isn't found in the dropdown menu, make sure it's enabled in the Plugins window (main menu: Edit > Plugins). You can choose from the following options:
Sound Cue Cook Quality | Quality level to cook SoundCues at (if set, all other levels will be stripped by the cooker). |