The In-Camera VFX Production Structure Example is intended to provide a clean sample organizational structure for a Virtual Production project. You can duplicate this structure and modify it as necessary to meet the requirements of your own project. The structure described is based on the structure of the In-Camera VFX Production Test, expanded to cover additional common use cases.
Content Browser Folders
Inside the Content folder of the Content Browser, create a folder named based on your Project Name, to hold any content specifically for your project. If required, create a folder named Common, which will contain any content that is shared with other projects.
Don't confuse the Project folder created by UE when the project was created (the root folder of the entire project) with the folder with your Project Name you create inside the Content Browser. We recommend varying the names so as not to confuse them.

Content/(Project Name)/Assets
All assets for creating Characters, Environments, and visual effects. Level Assets are not included here.
Content/(Project Name)/Envs
Contains all levels, snapshots, and sublevels. Does not contain any Stage actors.
Content/(Project Name)/Media
Any media framework content such as EXRs and Movie Render Queue Outputs and Profiles.
Content/(Project Name)/Sequences
All level sequences, edits, animations, and related snapshots.
Content/(Project Name)/Stages
Stage-specific files like mocap layouts, green screen stages, and LED stages such as nDisplay Configurations which describe the topology of the LED volumes.
Content/(Project Name)/StageLevels
All the Level Assets that have both environment and stage Actors.
Content/(Project Name)/Tools
Custom Blueprints including utilities and widgets, controls, Level Snapshot Filters and Presets, and Remote Control Presets. Also includes any related Blueprint Actors — structures, enums, and so on.
We recommend using an organized naming convention for your Assets to help make it easy to find them in the Content Browser. Refer to the Recommended Asset Naming Convention for a best-practices example.
Refer to the individual pages for the details of the recommended project structure inside each folder.
A diagram showing the recommended top-level folder structure for your project in the Content Browser.