The goal of calibration is to have the virtual and physical cameras match up in the virtual world.
At runtime, the game needs to know a few things, like:
- The type of camera and lens that you're using.
- Where your camera is in relation to your virtual scene.
And to composite your scene, the game needs to know things like:
- The color of your chroma backdrop (usually green).
- How aggressively to cut out the chroma color.
- Areas you want fully cut out from the camera frame.
The game needs to know these things so the virtual camera can emulate the physical one. This is where the calibration tool comes into play. The calibration tool lets you configure all of these settings at once, and produces a calibration settings file with that information. The settings file can then be reused across different games.
Pre-Calibration Setup
Before you can start a Mixed Reality capture, you will need the right equipment. Here is quick overview of the equipment you will need, and some tips on how set it up. This include the basic green screen and camera setup for the capture process, as well as the equipment and software needed for calibration.
Green Screen and Camera

- Video Camera UE4 only supports a very specific set of video capture devices; see Supported Video Devices for the current list of the supported devices. Using a device from the list, connect it to your PC for streaming.
- Chroma backdrop For chroma keying, we generally use a green screen. When setting up the green screen you will want to make sure it's taut, minimizing any wrinkles, especially behind your subject. If you are setting up lighting, you will want to make sure not to cast shadows directly behind the subject. You want a smooth, flat color. The more shades of green that there are across the backdrop, the harder it is to chroma key. It helps if the subject is far away from the backdrop as possible. If you plan on filming the subject's feet, consider a green screen for the floor as well.
- Camera Mount For initial setup (calibration), your camera needs to be static. If you are using a webcam this may be as simple as attaching it to your desk/monitor. Another option is mount the camera to a tripod.
- Multi-Mount + Tracker (Optional) If you plan on moving the camera around while filming, you will want attach a tracking device to the camera, such as an HTC Vive Tracker. In addition, connect the camera and tracker together with a multi mount, so that they stay firmly locked in place.
Calibration Specific Equipment
There are a few additional items required specifically for the calibration process (as opposed to the capture process).

- HTC Vive or Oculus Rift The calibration tool requires one of these two VR systems to work. The tool uses the controllers' tracking to evaluate the location of the camera. If this is the first time you've set up an HTC Vive or Oculus system, you will need to complete their setup process first for calibration to work properly.
- Printed Checkerboard Pattern
Print and attach a printed checkerboard pattern to a flat rigid surface (like a piece of cardboard). You can find an example of this checkerboard pattern included with the calibration tool download.
When taping down the checkerboard printout, make sure not to cover the checkerboard pattern itself with tape (even clear tape can cause specular reflections that make it hard for the camera to read).
Once the equipment is set up, you can download the calibration tool from here. Once you've downloaded the file, unzip it and launch MRCalibration.exe.
The calibration process is divided into distinct steps. The individual steps are discussed further below.
- Device/Camera/Tracker Selection
- Lens Calibration
- Alignment Calibration
- Alignment Adjustment
- Compositing Calibration
- Garbage Matting
During calibration, at the end of each step your progress is saved. So you can exit and return to the tool if needed. Once the calibration process is complete, the tool generates a settings file that you will then use to start a MRC session in other projects.
Your calibration progress is recorded in the setting file. If you want to restart the calibration process, you will need to delete the settings file. The settings file is named MrcCalibration.sav, and can be found under the tool's /Saved/SaveGames/ directory.
Shared Controls
While each step has its own distinct controls, there are some controls that are used consistently through the tool:
- Enter : Next/Confirm/Accept/Submit
- End : Skip (only applicable when step requirements have been met - some steps can't be skipped)
- P/Thumbstick : Preview
- M : Mirror the video feed
- R : Reset altered settings
- Esc : Exit
The tool is rough around the edges, and usability can be improved in places. The tool is functional, but we plan on improving the usability of it in later releases. We welcome your feedback!
Calibration Process
1. Device/Camera/Tracker Selection
If you have multiple video capture devices connected to your PC, you have to specify which one you want to use. Use the Up/Down keys to cycle through them.

Additionally, each camera may have multiple formats and resolutions available to it. We try to auto-select the best format and resolution, but you can use Left/Right to change the selection.
The resolution of the camera feed does not affect the output resolution of the Mixed Reality capture. The output resolution of the capture is controlled by the game project you will be capturing from. The resolution of the camera feed only controls how clear the feed is within the scene.
Device Selection Controls
- Up/Down : Select video capture source
- Left/Right : Select video capture format
- Tab : Select camera tracker
Tracker Selection
If you're planning on moving your camera while filming, you will need to attach it to a tracking device.
Before continuing to the next step, you can use the Tab key to cycle through the available tracking attachments. For the HTC Vive, the first tracker will be named "Special_1" in the attachments list.
After you have made the appropriate selections, press Enter and continue to the next step.
2. Lens Calibration
Different camera lenses bend and distort the picture in different ways (think of a fisheye lens). You don't want that distortion to be carried over into the captured scene, so use this lens calibration step to figure out how to undistort the image.
During this step, you will need a printout of the checkerboard image that you downloaded along with the calibration tool. In this step, the calibration tool continuously takes screenshots using the checkerboard pattern as a baseline.
Hold the printout at different locations in front of the camera. Use different angles and depths, especially around the edges of your frame, so that the calibration tool gets a wide collection of samples. The text at the top of the screen will change to let you know when the calibration tool has collected enough samples.
If your camera is set to auto-focus, you might find it helpful to disable auto-focus during this step.
Reprojection Error
After the calibration tool has collected enough samples, the tool will show you a preview of the undistorted feed. If the feed looks acceptable, press Enter to continue. If needed, you can add more samples, or press R to reset and start over.
A good way to tell if the undistortion process is working is to find elements in frame that should be straight (wall corners, doorways, etc.). Lens distortion will often warp straight edges (especially towards the edge of the frame).

The reported "reprojection error" lets you know how accurate the process thinks it is. The lower the reprojection error value, the better. You're in great shape if the value is under one!
Angle of View
Probably the most important use of this step is to approximate the camera's angle-of-view (or FOV, 'field-of-view').
The FOV determines how much of the world the camera can see, and it is important that the FOV of our virtual camera matches this as closely as possible.
If you already know the FOV of your camera (in degrees), you can use the mrc.FovOverride console variable to set it.
Most USB camera manufacturers list the diagonal-FOV (DFOV) for their devices. However, we are interested in the horizontal-FOV (in degrees). You can compute the horizontal-FOV from the diagonal-FOV with the below formula, using the height (h) & width (w) of the resolution you selected in the previous step.

There are also ways to calculate the horizontal-FOV for DSLR lenses.
If you do not know your camera's specific FOV offhand, don't worry, this step will approximate it for you.
If you have a camera with an adjustable lens, you will want to be very careful not to adjust the zoom after you've completed calibration. Adjusting the zoom will change the physical camera's field-of-view (FOV), but not the virtual one. The virtual camera will use the FOV that was used during calibration. If you adjust the camera's zoom after calibration, you will need to repeat the calibration process.
3. Alignment Calibration

This step requires you to rerun the Align and Adjust phases until complete.
- Align the controller with an on-screen model.
- Adjust the sampled alignment.
- Repeat.
It is important to cover your headset's sensor, so that we can get accurate tracking data from your controllers.
For the HTC Vive, make sure that the controllers are on before you launch the tool. Otherwise, the calibration tool may not display models to align with (the tool needs to recognize the type of controllers that you are using).
Phase 1 - Align w/ Model
On screen, there will be a pink/fuschia model to align your controller with. Hold the controller up to the screen and pull the trigger when the controller and the model are lined up.
Once you've pulled the trigger, the screen will freeze frame, and switch into the next phase.
Phase 2 - Adjust Sample
Don't expect to be wholly accurate when you first pull the trigger (shaky hands, etc.). In this phase, you adjust the last sample so it is more exactly aligned in the frame.
Phase 3 - Repeat
In total, there are 11 points for you to align with. You don't have to go through all of them, if at any point you think the alignment is satisfactory.

Adjustment Controls
- Up/Down : Move the model vertically
- Left/Right : Move the model horizontally
- Num +/- : Zoom the model in/out
- Alt + Up/Down : Rotate the model vertically (pitch)
- Alt + Left/Right : Rotate the model horizontally (yaw)
- Alt + Num +/- : Rotate the model left & right (roll)
- H : Hide the model & its outline
- Alt + H : Hide the model only (leaving its outline)
- P : Preview alignment
- Enter : Accept alignment
Preview the Result
As you take samples, the screen will show a series of color coded icons (a cross and target). How close each pair is gives you an idea how close the alignment is. You want all pairs to be as close as possible, though don't worry if one is wildly off (it may have been an inaccurate sample).
You can preview how the alignment is coming together by holding P (or the thumbstick). If you're happy with the results and wish to skip the rest of the alignment points, press the End key.

Video Lag:There will likely be some lag between the video feed and controller tracking. It can make it hard to tell if the two are properly aligned. To combat this, you can use the console variable, mrc.TrackingLatencyOverride to introduce delay so that they're more in sync.
4. Alignment Adjustment
Up to this point, you've only adjusted the alignment one sample at a time. This single sample gives the calibration tool a good approximation of the camera's position, but the calibration is likely better in some corners of the frame than others.

In this step, there are five white boxes on-screen. Move one of your controllers to each of the boxes and pull the trigger in each.
You want to perform this process at the same depth (distance away from the camera) that you plan on filming from.
Each box will disappear when it's taken a sample for that region. The model tracking with your hands needs to be fully inside the box for it to take a sample.
Making Adjustments
Once you've hit all 5 boxes, the screen will change to a split-screen like view.

Like in the previous alignment process, move, rotate, and scale the models to match the image.
Adjustment Controls
- Up/Down : Move the models vertically
- Left/Right : Move the models horizontally
- Num +/- : Zoom the models in/out
- Alt + Up/Down : Rotate the models vertically (pitch)
- Alt + Left/Right : Rotate the models horizontally (yaw)
- Alt + Num +/- : Rotate the models left & right (roll)
: Adjust FOV up & down (careful)- R : Reset adjustments
- P : Preview alignment
- Enter : Accept adjusted alignment
You can see how adjusting/optimizing for one sample can throw off the others.
Rotating in this step is a little hard to wrap your head around, as you are moving all the models all at once in unison. Think of them together as a single model that you are rotating about their collective center. Try to keep the middle sample screen center, and align it first, using it as an anchor point.
5. Compositing Calibration
In this step, you tweak specific compositing settings. This is the first step where you get to see the composited scene as you would in a Mixed Reality capture. You could exit now, and everything would work properly.

Use the arrow keys to select and set specific values.
Chroma Key Settings
Most of the settings in this step pertain to the chroma keying process which is discussed in detail in this UE blog post.
Setting | Description |
ChromaColor | The color of your chroma backdrop (generally green). |
Luminance Power | Used to help separate the backdrop color from shadows that may tint the visible color. |
Chroma Clip Threshold | Colors matching the chroma color up to this tolerance level will be completely cut out. The higher the value the more that is cut out. A value of zero means that the chroma color has to be an exact match for the pixel to be completely transparent. |
Chroma Opacity Strength | Scales the opacity of the remaining pixels. The higher the number, the less translucency there will be. The closer a color is to the ChromaColor, the higher you have to turn this up to keep it from going transparent. |
Despill Strength | Scales the despill intensity. A value of zero means no despill correction will be performed. |
Despill Cutoff Cap | Colors that differ from the chroma color beyond this tolerance level will be unaffected by despill correction. The higher the value, the more that will be color corrected. |
Despill Sharpness | Used to smooth out the despill gradient - defines the despill falloff curve. Scales the despill strength exponentially. The lower the value, the more subtle/smooth it will be. |
Faux Bounce Intensity | Used to scale the strength of the color used to replace the color removed as part of the despill process. A value of zero means that the faux bounce color won't be applied. |
Faux Bounce Color | A color to replace the chroma color bleed that was removed as part of the despill process with. |
Other Compositing Settings
Setting | Description |
Tracking Latency | Depending on your video capture device, the video feed may be laggy compared to your controllers. With this setting, you can introduce a delay to the controllers, in order to better sync the two. |
Depth Offset | By default, the video aligns to the depth of the headset. This is used to determine what renders in front of and behind the subject. This lets you offset that forward or backward in the scene. |
Pressing Enter cycles from one setting to the next. Once you're satisfied with the configuration, hit End to save. You can always start the tool again to tweak these values later.
6. Garbage Matting
Garbage matting is the process of blocking out areas that should always be cut out of the video feed.
If your green screen doesn't cover your entire frame, you will need to complete this additional process to cut out those excess regions from the capture.
This is the last step of the calibration process. If you don't have this problem or a need for it, you can skip this step and exit.

This is the only step in the tool that requires you to work in VR. Put your headset on, and the controls should be listed in front of you.
Garbage Matting Controls
- End/Esc : Save & exit the tool
Left Controller | Right Controller |
w/ LGrip held
w/ LGrip held

Similar to how our VR world editor works, you place and position 3D planes. Match the planes up with the real-world sections you want cut out of your capture.
There's a preview window in VR, so you can see the results as you modify the mattes. You may want to to move the camera around at this point (if it's attached to a tracker), to see how it looks from different angles.
Getting the mattes aligned perfectly can be a difficult process. If you are having trouble, try standing where you want the mat to be, and bring it to yourself. Use the picture-in-picture to help guide your progress.
Once you've matted out the areas you want, you can exit the app (End or Esc) - all of your settings will be saved. If necessary, you can start the tool back up again to tweak the settings.
End Result
Once you've finished the calibration process, you can exit the tool. In the tool's Saved/SaveGames/ directory you should find a MrcCalibration.sav file.

Once you have a MrcCalibration.sav file, copy it into your game's /Saved/SaveGames/ folder. If your game doesn't have a SaveGames directory yet, you will need to create it manually.
If you've gone through this process once, you don't need to do it again (as long as your setup doesn't change). You can reuse the same calibration settings file across different UE titles (titles that have enabled the MRC framework plugin).