This page provides a beginner's overview of the Sequencer tool for anyone who is starting to learn about Cinematics and Unreal Engine.
What is Sequencer?
Sequencer is Unreal Engine's cinematic toolset where you can directly animate characters, cameras, properties, and other Actors over time. This workflow is achieved by providing a non-linear editing environment in which tracks and keyframes are created and modified along a timeline.

Sequencer requires the creation of Level Sequence assets. These are created and saved in the Content Browser, and then referenced in your Level.

How to Create and Open Sequencer
The easiest way to start using Sequencer is to click the Cinematics dropdown menu in the main toolbar and select Add Level Sequence. This will prompt you to create a new Level Sequence asset. Give it a name and click Save.

Once the Level Sequence is created, the Sequencer Editor will open at the bottom of the Unreal Editor window.

How to Create Content with Sequencer
The following beginner's guides will assist you in learning common actions performed while using Sequencer.