Asset Manager
Asset Manager
Section | Description |
Primary Asset Types to Scan | List of asset types to scan at startup. |
Directories to Exclude | List of directories to exclude from scanning for Primary Assets, useful to exclude test assets. |
Primary Asset Rules | List of specific asset rule overrides. |
Custom Primary Asset Rules | List of game-specific asset rule overrides for types, this will not do anything by default. |
Only Cook Production Assets | If true, DevelopmentCook assets will error when they are cooked, you should enable this on production branches. |
Should Manager Determine Type and Name | If true, the asset manager will determine the type and name for Primary Assets that do not implement This works in both cooked and uncooked builds, but is slower than directly implementing |
Should Guess Type and Name in Editor | If true, This guesses the correct ID for content that hasn't been resaved after |
Should Acquire Missing Chunks on Load | If true, this will query the platform chunk install interface to request missing chunks for any requested primary asset loads. |
Should Warn About Invalid Assets | If true, the asset manager will warn when it is told to load or do something with assets it does not know about. |
Section | Description |
Primary Asset Id Redirects | Redirect from Type:Name to Type:NameNew . |
Primary Asset Type Redirects | Redirect from Type to TypeNew . |
Asset Path Redirects | Redirect from /game/assetpath to /game/assetpathnew . |
Asset Registry
Section | Description |
Metadata Tags For Asset Registry | The metadata tags to be transferred to the Asset Registry. |
Asset Tools
Advanced Copy
Section | Description |
Advanced Copy Customizations | List of rules to use when advanced copying assets. |