Add user interfaces (UI) to your XR project to present information and create interactable objects. This page contains links to documentation about creating UI for XR applications in Unreal Engine.
3D Widgets and Interactions
For XR experiences, the user interface (UI) must be 3D so you can interact with it in the virtual environment. These pages guide you through how to create interactable 3D widgets in Unreal Engine.
Attaching Items to the Head-Mounted Display
You can attach items to the HMD using the Camera Component on the Pawn. This is useful for creating a head-up display (HUD) and attaching any items that need to follow the player. This page guides you through attaching items to your HMD.
Visualizing Play Area Bounds for Head-Mounted XR Experiences
Users can define the size of their play area on their XR device. This page describes how to visualize the boundaries of the user's play area in your project.
Stereo Layers for Head-Mounted Experiences
You can send textures to the head-mounted display (HMD) in a separate rendering pass from the rest of the project. These textures can be displayed without any post-processing effects.
These pages describe the different types of stereo layers and how to use them in your project.
Loading Screens for Head-Mounted Experiences
For apps targeting HMDs, you can use a texture as a loading screen to ease transitions between levels. This page shows how to add loading screens to your project.
Next Steps
After adding user interfaces to your XR project, follow these guides to add more functionality and to improve your project's performance.