Within Sequencer, it is possible to animate variables on Anim Instances through Possessables, enabling you direct control of Anim Blueprint variables, functions and other content. By adding a Skeletal Mesh Component Track, you can gain access to the Anim Instance Track where any variables that are exposed to cinematics will be shown and available to keyframe.
In this how-to, we blend between multiple animation poses that are defined within an Animation Blueprint by keyframing those changes inside Sequencer.
For this guide we are using a new Blueprint Third Person template project.
In the Content/Mannequin/Character/Mesh folder, right-click the SK_Mannequin then select Anim Blueprint under Create and give it any name.
Right-click in the Content Browser and under Blueprints, select Enumeration and call it MoveType.
Create three enumerators called, Idle, Walk and Run by clicking the New button.
Open the Animation Blueprint created in step 1 and create a variable of the MoveType type called MoveType and enable Expose to Cinematics.
On the Anim Graph, add the ThirdPersonIdle, ThirdPersonWalk and ThirdPersonRun animations and a Blend Poses by Move Type node.
Right-click on the Blend Poses node then add a pin for Idle, Walk and Run.
Add the Move Type variable to the graph and connect each of the nodes to the Final Animation Pose as shown below.
Drag the Animation Blueprint into the Level, then create a new Level Sequence (give it any name) and add the Anim Blueprint to the Sequence.
Click the + Track button on the Anim Blueprint and add an SkeletalMeshComponent0 track.
Click the + Track button on the SkeletalMeshComponent and add the Anim Instance track.
Click the + Track button on the Anim Instance and add the Move Type property.
Scrub the Timeline to frame 45 and change the Move Type drop-down to Walk, adding a key.
Scrub the Timeline to frame 90 and change the Move Type drop-down to Run, adding another key.
Add a key for Move Type at frame 120 set to Walk and another key at frame 150 set to Idle.
Set the Level Sequence to Auto Play in the Details panel, then click the Play or Simulate button to play/simulate in the Editor.
End Result
When you Play or Simulate, the Level Sequence will play back and change the character's state based on the key framed property Move Type defined in the Sequence. Animating variable properties is useful in the event that you have characters that have Animation Blueprints that drive their animation logic, however you want to control what animation the character enters through a Sequence.