The Content Examples project is designed as a showcase of different technology available to you in Unreal Engine (UE). The project is set up as a collection of levels, with each level teaching a different aspect of the engine. As you move through the level, you will see a series of numbered stands that have its own example asset.
Content examples are designed to be an interactive method of learning. For some of them, you must play the level in order to interact with the assets.
Open any examples within the Content Example levels, change or edit them, make your own versions of them, and learn from how they were assembled. You may also use any of the examples in your own levels.
Installing the Content Examples Sample Project
To install the Content Examples sample project, follow these steps:
- Access the Content Examples sample from Fab and click Add to My Library for the project file to show in the Epic Games Launcher.
- Alternatively, you can search for the sample project from the Fab plugin for UE.
From the Epic Games Launcher, go to Unreal Engine > Library > Fab Library to access the project.
Sample projects only appear in Fab Library when you have the compatible engine version installed.
Click Create Project and follow the on-screen instructions to download the sample and start a new project.
- When the project opens, navigate the entry hallway to learn how to use the project file. Select File > Open Level to browse all the available content.
Click image for full size.
- From the Maps folder, choose a level to explore. Click Open to open that level.
Click image for full size.
To learn more about accessing sample content and the Fab plugin for Unreal Engine, see Samples and Tutorials.
Available Content
The following levels are available for you to explore in the Content Examples project.
Level Name | Content |
Animation | This map provides examples of how to apply animation to an Actor. This can be done through one-off events, looping events, through a Blueprint, or by defining behavioral type sequences through Animation Blueprints. It also shows various animation asset techniques, and skeletal retargeting. |
Animation_Basics | This map introduces the basics of animation. Learn about skeletal meshes, root motion, blend spaces, and more. |
Animation Retargeting | This map provides examples of how to reuse animations on different characters, regardless of their proportions and skeletal hierarchies. Learn about techniques like Translation Retargeting, IK Rig and the IK Retargeter. The retargeting process can be done either at runtime, or for offline creation of new animation assets. |
Audio | This map shows a variety of sound Actors and assets. Learn how to apply them in your levels. Also included are examples of how to set up Audio Volumes for effects like reverberation and volume control. |
Blueprint_Communication | This map introduces ways that Blueprints can communicate with each other. Included are demonstrations of direct communication via casting, using Event Dispatchers, and sending data between Blueprints using Interfaces. |
Blueprint_Input_Examples | This map shows examples of possessable Blueprint Pawns. Learn how to capture inputs from the player, then use them in different ways to drive various Blueprints. |
Blueprint_Mouse_Interaction | This map introduces you how to use mouse inputs to control your game. Learn how to set up your Player Controller to enable mouse clicks. |
Blueprint_Splines | This map shows you how to use Spline Components with Blueprints to create paths that can be used in a number of different ways. |
BlueprintRenderToTarget | This map shows how to use the Blueprint render-to-target feature to implement a Texture creator, a Heightfield painter, and a GPU fluid surface simulation. |
Blueprints_Advanced | This map introduces useful tips and techniques for using Blueprints in your levels. Included are randomization examples, creation of object arrays, and gameplay behavior examples like tracking spotlights and working doors. |
Blueprints_Overview | This map introduces the basics of using Blueprint visual scripting in your projects. |
Cascade_Legacy_Effects | This map shows examples of how to use the Cascade particle effects engine. Note: Cascade has been deprecated, and is no longer being actively developed. You should view the Niagara example maps for the latest technology. |
Cascade_Legacy_Particles | This map shows additional examples of how to use the Cascade particle effects engine. Note: Cascade has been deprecated, and is no longer being actively developed. You should view the Niagara example maps for the latest technology. |
Chaos Destruction | This map introduces you to the basics of Destruction using the Chaos engine. Learn about geometry collections, fracture methods, and more. |
Character_Rendering | This map introduces examples of character rending for eye materials and hair shading. |
Cloth | This map shows tips and techniques to use Chaos cloth in your games. Note: Cloth can be authored using the Skeletal Mesh Editor in Unreal Engine 5. |
CommonUI | This map shows how to use CommonUI to create layered, multiplatform user interfaces. |
Control Rig | This map shows how to use Control Rig to manipulate a Skeletal Mesh to create dynamic animations. Contro Rigs can be driven through Animation Blueprints or by Sequencer. Also shown are various Control Rig asset techniques, layering rigs, rig sharing, and splines. |
Decals | This map shows you how to project Materials and material elements onto a surface. You can use decals to add unique effects on specific areas of a surface, for decoration or variation. |
ExampleProjectWelcome | This is the welcome hall that opens when you first open the Content Examples project. It explains how to navigate the project. |
FBX_Import_Options | This map shows some of the key settings to use when importing FBX files. FBX file import can be used for both static and skeletal meshes. |
IKRig | This map provides examples of how to use an IK rig to pose a Skeletal Mesh. Data can be driven by Animation Blueprints, using interactive solvers like Full Body IK. Also shown are various IK Rig asset techniques, and how to use UK additively with animations. |
Landscapes | There are three examples provided inside the Landscape Content Example map which showcase how mountains, hills, and valleys can be created using the Landscape tools. The second and third examples demonstrate the use of two additional tools, the Spline tool (used to create pathways) and the Foliage tool (used to quickly scatter and place Static Meshes like trees). |
Level_Scripting | This map shows a variety of uses for Blueprint scripting within your level. Learn how triggers can be used with the Level Script Blueprint to handle a range of gameplay interactions. |
Level_Streaming | This map introduces the concept of level streaming, showing you different ways to bring content into your levels at runtime. |
Lighting | This map gives an overview of lights and their key properties in the engine. Included are examples of light types, light mobility, shadow settings, and more. |
Material_Advanced | This map includes advanced examples of Material setup. |
Material_Instances | This map shows you how to set up Material Instances. You can set up a master material, and child materials that inherit the parameters from the master material. |
Material_Nodes | This map is an introduction to the different Material inputs. Learn from these examples how the different inputs affect the look of the material overall. |
Material_Properties | This map provides an overview of all Material properties. |
Math_Hall | This map introduces basic math functions, material functions, and trigonometry. Learn how math can be used in game scripting, in examples like making objects face a player, and using vectors to measure distances. |
MorphTargets | This map gives an overview of how to use morph targets on a Skeletal Mesh to change its shape or material. |
NavMesh | This map provides an overview of how to use NavMesh for AI navigation. For example, you can use this to navigate around obstacles. |
Network_Features | This map showcases examples of the Blueprint networking features. |
Niagara_Advanced_Particles | This map shows advanced Niagara particle effect examples. Learn how to do Nearest Neighbor queries, Simulation Stages, Iterative Constraints, Mesh Reproduction, export your particle data to Blueprints, and more. |
Niagara_Fluids | This map shows examples made with the Niagara Fluids plugin. See examples of 2D and 3D gas and liquid simulations. Learn how to set up collisions, lighting, parented simulation, and about quality / performance tradeoffs. Note: You must run the simulations in PIE. Make sure your graphics card is updated to the latest drivers. |
Niagara_Particles | This map is an introductions to the Niagara Particle Effects engine. Learn by immersing yourself in Niagara simulations of increasing complexity. |
Paper2D | This map introduces how to use the Paper2D Plugin to create 2D games. Learn how to create sprites, flipbooks, and apply physics with a locked axis. |
ParallaxOcclusionMapping | This map shows you how to use Parallax Occlusion Mapping to give textures the appearance of displacement using the pixel shader. This is similar to Bump Offset, but gives more accurate intersections by ray tracing through a height map. |
PhysicalAnimation | The examples in this map show how to blend character animation with physics. |
Physics | This map is an introduction to Physics in Unreal Engine. Learn how to apply forces to objects, and about different types of constraints. |
PivotPainter | This map explains how to use the PivotPainter script from 3ds Max in Unreal Engine. The examples were created using Per Object Painter. This MAXScript is used to store model pivot and rotation information in the model's vertex data. This information can then be used to change the shape, position, or orientation of objects dynamically in the engine. Advanced examples show you how to animate grass and trees. |
PivotPainter2 | Pivot Painter 2 is a 3ds MAXScript that can be used to generate complex procedural animations. Pivot Painter 2 has an improved workflow in 3ds Max, improved data accuracy, and increased the number of output options. |
PostProcessing | This map shows examples of Post-Processing effects you can apply to change the look of your level. Explore options like film, bloom, lens flares, and many more. |
ProceduralMesh | This map explains how to use the Procedural Mesh tool to generate shapes using vertex positions, triangles, normals, UVs, and tangents. |
Skin Rendering | This map shows how to use Subsurface Profiles to create realistic-looking human skin. |
StaticMeshes | This map introduces you to Static Meshes and their many different properties. Learn how to make a mesh static or movable in-game. See examples of UV texture mapping, applying materials to a mesh, vertex colors, the MeshPaint tool, and more. |
UMG | Learn all about how to build user interfaces for your game using UMG. See examples of sliders, buttons, progress bars, and more. |
Volumes | Learn how to add Volumes to your level to achieve different effects. Volumes are used to define an area within which you will apply a specific behavior. For example, you can cull objects within a volume based on the distance from the camera. |