This page contains a reference listing of properties available on Blueprint Spline Mesh Components. The properties displayed will be slightly different if the Blueprint Spline Mesh Component is selected in the Blueprint Editor, is a Root Component, or if the component is selected in the Level Editor.

Property | Description |
Location | The location of the Actor or Component in World Space or Relative to its parent. |
Rotation | The rotation of the Actor or Component in World Space or Relative to its parent. |
Scale | The Scale of the Actor or Component in World Space or Relative to its parent. |

Property | Description |
Parent Socket | When this component is the Child of a Skeletal Mesh Component (or Static Mesh Component with a Socket), you can specify a Socket or Joint to attach this component to. |
Static Mesh

Property | Description |
Static Mesh | Specifies the Static Mesh to render for this component. |

Property | Description |
Element # | Once a Static Mesh has been specified in the Static Mesh Property, a number of additional Material Properties will appear. These will be named based on the Material IDs applied to the Static Mesh. |
Spline Mesh

Property | Description |
Start Pos | %doxygen:FSplineMeshParams::StartPos% |
Start Tangent | %doxygen:FSplineMeshParams::StartTangent% |
End Pos | %doxygen:FSplineMeshParams::EndPos% |
End Tangent | %doxygen:FSplineMeshParams::EndTangent% |
Spline Up Dir | %doxygen:USplineMeshComponent::SplineUpDir% |
Forward Axis | %doxygen:USplineMeshComponent::ForwardAxis% |

Property | Description |
Start Scale | %doxygen:FSplineMeshParams::StartScale% |
Start Roll | %doxygen:FSplineMeshParams::StartRoll% |
Start Offset | %doxygen:FSplineMeshParams::StartOffset% |
End Scale | %doxygen:FSplineMeshParams::EndScale% |
End Roll | %doxygen:FSplineMeshParams::EndRoll% |
End Offset | %doxygen:FSplineMeshParams::EndOffset% |
Smooth Interp Roll Scale | %doxygen:USplineMeshComponent::bSmoothInterpRollScale% |
Spline Boundary Min | %doxygen:USplineMeshComponent::SplineBoundaryMin% |
Spline Boundary Max | %doxygen:USplineMeshComponent::SplineBoundaryMax% |

Property | Description |
Allow Spline Editing Per Instance | %doxygen:USplineMeshComponent::bAllowSplineEditingPerInstance% |

Property | Description |
Double Sided Geometry | If enabled, the physics triangle mesh will use double-sided faces when doing scene queries. This is useful for planes and single-sided meshes that need traces to work on both sides. |
Simple Collision Physical Material | Physical material to use for simple collision on this body. Encodes information about density, friction, and so on. |
Physics Type |
Mass in KG | Mass of the body in KG. |
Linear Damping | 'Drag' force added to reduce linear movement. |
Angular Damping | 'Drag' force added to reduce angular movement. |
Enable Gravity | If the object should have the force of gravity applied. |

Property | Description |
Start Awake | If the object should start awake, or if it should initially be sleeping. |
Center Of Mass Offset | User specified offset for the center of mass of this object, from the calculated location. |
Mass Scale | Per-instance scaling of mass. |
Max Angular Velocity | The maximum angular velocity for this instance. |
Sleep Family | The set of values used in considering when to put this body to sleep. Normal, Sensitive, Custom. |
Inertia Tensor Scale | Per-instance scaling of inertia (larger values mean more difficulty rotating) |
Walkable Slope Override | Custom walkable slope setting for this body. See the Walkable Slope documentation for usage information. |
Walkable Slope Behavior | Behavior of this surface (whether we affect the walkable slope). |
Walkable Slope Angle | Override a walkable slope, applying the rules of the Walkable Slope Behavior. |
Custom Sleep Threshold Multiplier | If the Sleep Family is set to Custom, multiply the natural sleep threshold by this amount. A higher number will cause the body to sleep sooner. |
Stabilization Threshold Multiplier | The stabilization factor for this body if Physics stabilization is enabled. A higher number will cause more aggressive stabilization at the risk of loss of momentum at low speeds. A value of 0 will disable stabilization for this body. |
Update Mass when Scale Changes | If true, it will update the mass when the scale changes. |
Generate Wake Events | Determines whether 'wake/sleep' events should fire when this object is woken up or put to sleep by the physics simulation. |

Property | Description |
Never Needs Cooked Collision Data | To do chaos this is to opt out of CreatePhysicsMeshes for certain meshes. Better a long term mesh is not to call CreatePhysicsMesh until is known there is a mesh instance that needs it. |
Collision Complexity | Collision Trace behavior - by default, it will keep simple (convex) and complex (per-poly) separate. |
Collision Responses | See the Collision Response Reference documentation for more information. |
Simulation Generates Hit Events | Should 'Hit' events fire when this object collides during physics simulation. |
Phys Material Override | Allows you to override the PhysicalMaterial to use for simple collision on this body. |

Property | Description |
Use CCD | If true Continuous Collision Detection (CCD) will be used for this component |
Ignore Analytic Collisions | If true, ignore analytic collisions and treat objects as a general implicit surface. |
Smooth Edge Collisions | Remove unnecessary edge collisions to allow smooth sliding over surfaces composed of multiple actors/components. |

Property | Description |
Cast Shadow | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::CastShadow% |

Property | Description |
Affect Dynamic Indirect Lighting | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bAffectDynamicIndirectLighting% |
Affect Distance Field Lighting | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bAffectDistanceFieldLighting% |
Cast Dynamic Shadow | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bCastDynamicShadow% |
Cast Static Shadow | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bCastStaticShadow% |
Cast Volumetric Translucent Shadow | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bCastVolumetricTranslucentShadow% |
Self Shadow Only | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bSelfShadowOnly% |
Cast Far Shadow | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bCastFarShadow% |
Cast Inset Shadow | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bCastInsetShadow% |
Cast Cinematic Shadow | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bCastCinematicShadow% |
Cast Hidden Shadow | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bCastHiddenShadow% |
Cast Shadow as Two Sided | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bCastShadowAsTwoSided% |
Light as if Static | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bLightAsIfStatic% |
Light Attachments as Group | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bLightAttachmentsAsGroup% |
Indirect Lighting Cache Quality | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::IndirectLightingCacheQuality% |
Single Sample Shadow From Stationary Lights | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bSingleSampleShadowFromStationaryLights% |
Lighting Channels | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::LightingChannels% |

Property | Description |
Visible | %doxygen:USceneComponent::bVisible% |
Hidden in Game | %doxygen:USceneComponent::bHiddenInGame% |

Property | Description |
Texture Streaming |
Render In Main Pass | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bRenderInMainPass% |
Receives Decals | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bReceivesDecals% |
Owner No See | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bOwnerNoSee% |
Only Owner See | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bOnlyOwnerSee% |
Treat As Background for Occlusion | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bTreatAsBackgroundForOcclusion% |
Use As Occluder | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bUseAsOccluder% |
Render CustomDepth Pass | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bRenderCustomDepth% |
CustomDepth Stencil Value | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::CustomDepthStencilValue% |
Translucency Sort Priority | Translucent objects with a lower sort priority draw behind objects with a higher priority. Translucent objects with the same priority are rendered from back-to-front based on their bounds origin. |
Lpv Bias Multiplier | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::LpvBiasMultiplier% |
Bounds Scale | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::BoundsScale% |
Use Attach Parent Bound | %doxygen:USceneComponent::bUseAttachParentBound% |

Property | Description |
Component Tags | %doxygen:UActorComponent::ComponentTags% |

Property | Description |
Auto Activate | %doxygen:UActorComponent::bAutoActivate% |

Property | Description |
On Component Hit | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnComponentHit% |
On Component Begin Overlap | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnComponentBeginOverlap% |
On Component End Overlap | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnComponentEndOverlap% |
On Component Wake | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnComponentWake% |
On Component Sleep | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnComponentSleep% |
On Begin Cursor Over | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnBeginCursorOver% |
On End Cursor Over | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnEndCursorOver% |
On Clicked | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnClicked% |
On Released | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnReleased% |
On Input Touch Begin | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnInputTouchBegin% |
On Input Touch End | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnInputTouchEnd% |
On Input Touch Enter | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnInputTouchEnter% |
On Input Touch Leave | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnInputTouchLeave% |
Physics Volume Changed | Delegate that will be called when PhysicsVolume has been changed. |

Property | Description |
Receive Combined Static and CSM Shadows from Stationary Lights | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::bReceiveCombinedCSMAndStaticShadowsFromStationaryLights% |