This page contains a reference listing of properties available on Blueprint Spline Components. The properties displayed will be slightly different if the Blueprint Spline Component is selected in the Blueprint Editor, is a Root Component, or if the component is selected in the Level Editor.

Property | Description |
Location | The location of the Actor or Component in World Space or Relative to its parent. |
Rotation | The rotation of the Actor or Component in World Space or Relative to its parent. |
Scale | The Scale of the Actor or Component in World Space or Relative to its parent. |

Property | Description |
Parent Socket | When this component is the Child of a Skeletal Mesh Component (or Static Mesh Component with a Socket), you can specify a Socket or Joint to attach this component to. |

Property | Description |
Duration | %doxygen:USplineComponent::Duration% |
Override Construction Script | %doxygen:USplineComponent::bSplineHasBeenEdited% |
Input Spline Points to Construction Script | %doxygen:USplineComponent::bInputSplinePointsToConstructionScript% |
Draw Debug | %doxygen:USplineComponent::bDrawDebug% |
Closed Loop | %doxygen:USplineComponent::bClosedLoop% |
Default Up Vector | %doxygen:USplineComponent::DefaultUpVector% |

Property | Description |
Reparam Steps Per Segment | %doxygen:USplineComponent::ReparamStepsPerSegment% |
Stationary Endpoints | %doxygen:USplineComponent::bStationaryEndpoints% |

Property | Description |
Editor Unselected Spline Segment Color | Color of an unselected spline component segment in the editor. |
Editor Selected Spline Segment Color | Color of a selected spline component segment in the editor. |
Should Visualize Scale | Whether or not scale visualization should be displayed in the editor. |
Scale Visualization Width | Width of the spline when scale visualization is enabled in the editor. |
Selected Points

Property | Description |
Input Key | This is the index of the selected Curve Point on the curve. |
Position | This is the location of the selected Curve Point in local space. |
Arrive Tangent | This is the vector that defines the tangent of the curve as it approaches the selected Curve Point. |
Leave Tangent | This is the vector that defines the tangent of the curve as it departs the selected Curve Point. |
Rotation | Rotation can be applied to a Curve Point to modify its tangents. This value is applied separately from the tangents, so both can be modified to create the desired results. |
Scale | Scale can be applied to a Curve Point to modify its tangents. This value is applied separately from the tangents, so both can be modified to create the desired results. |
Type | Defines the type of curve at the selected Curve Point.

Property | Description |
Component Tags | %doxygen:UActorComponent::ComponentTags% |

Property | Description |
Auto Activate | %doxygen:UActorComponent::bAutoActivate% |

Property | Description |
On Component Hit | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnComponentHit% |
On Component Begin Overlap | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnComponentBeginOverlap% |
On Component End Overlap | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnComponentEndOverlap% |
On Component Wake | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnComponentWake% |
On Component Sleep | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnComponentSleep% |
On Begin Cursor Over | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnBeginCursorOver% |
On End Cursor Over | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnEndCursorOver% |
On Clicked | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnClicked% |
On Released | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnReleased% |
On Input Touch Begin | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnInputTouchBegin% |
On Input Touch End | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnInputTouchEnd% |
On Input Touch Enter | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnInputTouchEnter% |
On Input Touch Leave | %doxygen:UPrimitiveComponent::OnInputTouchLeave% |
Physics Volume Changed | Delegate that will be called when PhysicsVolume has been changed. |