With the Apply a Percentage of Rotation Animation Blueprint node, you can apply a Source Bone's rotation motion to a Target Bone.
Here, the robot's antena are matching the X-axis rotation its head.
Disabled Apply a Percentage of Rotation | Enabled Apply a Percentage of Rotation |
The Apply a Percentage of Rotation node operates within Component Space, so a space conversion will need to occur to implement the node within your character's Animation Blueprint.
With the Alpha property or pin, you can control the degree of the applied rotation on the generated output pose. A value of 1 will fully use the generated output pose, while a value of 0 will output the source pose.
The Multiplier property or pin allows you to multiply the degree of the rotation beyond the Source Bones rotation.
A Multiplyer value of 0 will not apply any rotation to the Target Bone.
In the Apply a Percentage of Rotation node's Details panel you can select a Source Bone, to copy the rotational movement from, as well as a Target Bone in which to apply the copied rotation motion.
See the Property Reference table for more information about the Apply a Percentage of Rotation node's properties.
Stacking Nodes
Multiple Axis rotation can be used by stacking addition Apply a Percentage of Rotation nodes together, and assigning unique axis of rotation to each.
When stacking Apply a Percentage of Rotation nodes, ensure the Is Additive property is enabled in the Details panel for any additive or stacked nodes applying rotation to the same bone. This property is also important to enable when using the Apply a Percentage of Rotation node in conjunction with any other animation or node making adjustments to the same bone.
Property Reference
Here you can reference a list of the Apply a Percentage of Rotation node's properties.
Property | Description |
Target Bone | Select a bone from the character's Skeleton in which to apply the rotation from the Source Bone. Any child bones of the Target Bone will also be moved relevant to the parent bone motion. |
Source Bone | Select a bone in which to copy the rotational motion from, on the axis defined in the Rotation Axis to Refer property. This rotation motion will then be applied to the Target Bone. |
Multiplyer | Set a multiplier to apply to the rotation motion from the Source Bone as it is applied to the Target Bone. A value of 1 will copy the rotation motion exactly. By default this property is accessible in the AnimGraph on the selected node. |
Rotation Axis To Refer | Here you can select which axis of rotation motion will be copied from the Source Bone, and applied to the Target Bone. |
Is Additive | Enable this property to enable the rotation motion to be applied to the bone as additive. Disabling this property will overwrite any previous motion on the Target Bone. |