Unreal Engine Blueprint API Reference > Utilities > Time
Set a timer to execute delegate. Setting an existing timer will reset that timer with updated parameters.
Target is Kismet System Library
Type | Name | Description |
exec | In | |
delegate | Event | |
real | Time | How long to wait before executing the delegate, in seconds. Setting a timer to <= 0 seconds will clear it if it is set. |
boolean | Looping | True to keep executing the delegate every Time seconds, false to execute delegate only once. |
boolean | Max Once Per Frame | For looping timers, whether to execute only once when the timer would otherwise expires multiple times in the current frame. |
real | Initial Start Delay | Initial delay passed to the timer manager, in seconds. |
real | Initial Start Delay Variance | Use this to add some variance to when the timer starts in lieu of doing a random range on the InitialStartDelay input, in seconds. |
Type | Name | Description |
exec | Out | |
struct | Return Value | The timer handle to pass to other timer functions to manipulate this timer. |