Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > UMG > Components
Inheritance Hierarchy
- UObject
- UVisual
- UWidget
- UTextLayoutWidget
- UMultiLineEditableText
- UMultiLineEditableTextBox
- URichTextBlock
- UTextBlock
Module | UMG |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/UMG/Public/Components/TextWidgetTypes.h |
Include | #include "Components/TextWidgetTypes.h" |
UCLASS (Abstract, BlueprintType, MinimalAPI)
class UTextLayoutWidget : public UWidget
Base class for all widgets that use a text layout. Contains the common options that should be exposed for the underlying Slate widget.
Type | Name | Description | |
bool | ApplyLineHeightToBottomLine | Whether to leave extra space below the last line due to line height. | |
uint8: 1 | AutoWrapText | True if we're wrapping text automatically based on the computed horizontal space for this widget. | |
TEnumAsByte< ETextJustify::Type > | Justification | How the text should be aligned with the margin. | |
float | LineHeightPercentage | The amount to scale each lines height by. | |
FMargin | Margin | The amount of blank space left around the edges of text area. | |
FShapedTextOptions | ShapedTextOptions | Controls how the text within this widget should be shaped. | |
ETextWrappingPolicy | WrappingPolicy | The wrapping policy to use. | |
float | WrapTextAt | Whether text wraps onto a new line when it's length exceeds this width; if this value is zero or negative, no wrapping occurs. |
Type | Name | Description | |
const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer |
Type | Name | Description | |
bool | |||
float | |||
void | OnApplyLineHeightToBottomLineChanged
bool InApplyLineHeightToBottomLine |
void | OnAutoWrapTextChanged
bool InAutoWrapText |
void | OnJustificationChanged
ETextJustify::Type InJustification |
void | OnLineHeightPercentageChanged
float InLineHeightPercentage |
void | OnMarginChanged
const FMargin& InMargin |
void | OnShapedTextOptionsChanged
FShapedTextOptions InShapedTextOptions |
void | OnWrappingPolicyChanged
ETextWrappingPolicy InWrappingPolicy |
void | OnWrapTextAtChanged
float InWrapTextAt |
void | SetApplyLineHeightToBottomLine
bool InApplyLineHeightToBottomLine |
void | SetAutoWrapText
bool InAutoWrapText |
void | SetJustification
ETextJustify::Type InJustification |
void | SetLineHeightPercentage
float InLineHeightPercentage |
void | SetMargin
const FMargin& InMargin |
void | SetShapedTextOptions
FShapedTextOptions InShapedTextOptions |
void | SetWrappingPolicy
ETextWrappingPolicy InWrappingPolicy |
void | SetWrapTextAt
float InWrapTextAt |
void | SynchronizeTextLayoutProperties
TWidgetType& InWidget |
Synchronize the properties with the given widget. |