FAnalogInputEvent |
FAnalogEvent describes a analog key value. It is passed to event handlers dealing with analog keys. |
FCaptureLostEvent |
FCharacterEvent |
FCharacterEvent describes a keyboard action where the utf-16 code is given. |
FCursorReply |
A reply to the OnQueryCursor event. |
FDragDropEvent |
Like a mouse event but with content |
FDragDropOperation |
A base class for a DragAndDrop operation which supports reflection. |
FExternalDragOperation |
An external drag and drop operation that originates outside of slate. E.g. an OLE drag and drop. |
FFocusEvent |
FFocusEvent is used when notifying widgets about keyboard focus changes It is passed to event handlers dealing with keyboard focus |
FGameDragDropOperation |
FHittestGrid |
FInputEvent |
Base class for all mouse and keyevents. |
FKeyEvent |
FKeyEvent describes a key action (keyboard/controller key/button pressed or released.) It is passed to event handlers dealing with key input. |
FMotionEvent |
FMotionEvent describes a touch pad action (press, move, lift) It is passed to event handlers dealing with touch input. |
FNavigationEvent |
FNavigationEvent describes a navigation action (Left, Right, Up, Down) It is passed to event handlers dealing with navigation. |
FNavigationReply |
A FNavigationReply is something that a Slate navigation event returns to the system to notify it about the boundary rules for navigation. |
FNoReply |
A reply type for events that return a void reply. e.g. OnMouseLeave() |
FPointerEvent |
FPointerEvent describes a mouse or touch action (e.g. Press, Release, Move, etc). |
FPopupMethodReply |
Reply informs Slate how it should express the popup: by creating a new window or by reusing the existing window. |
FReply |
A Reply is something that a Slate event returns to the system to notify it about certain aspect of how an event was handled. |
FReplyBase |
Base class for all the ways that a Slate Widget can reply to events. |
FTouchKeySet |
Helper class to auto-populate a set with the set of "keys" a touch represents |
FVirtualPointerPosition |
Represents the current and last cursor position in a "virtual window" for events that are routed to widgets transformed in a 3D scene. |
FWindowActivateEvent |
FWindowActivateEvent describes a window being activated or deactivated. |
ICustomHitTestPath |
TReplyBase |