FAsyncReallocationRequest |
Asynchronous reallocation request. |
FBlendStateInitializerRHI |
FBoundShaderStateInput |
FBoundShaderStateKey |
Key used to map a set of unique decl/vs/ps combinations to a vertex shader resource |
FBoundShaderStateLookupKey |
Non-reference-counted version of shader state key. |
FByteAddressBuffer |
FCachedBoundShaderStateLink |
Encapsulates a bound shader state's entry in the cache. |
FCachedBoundShaderStateLink_Threadsafe |
FClearValueBinding |
FCopyBufferRegionParams |
FCrossGPUTransferFence |
FDebugName |
A type used only for printing a string for debugging/profiling. |
FDefaultRHIRenderQueryPool |
FDepthStencilStateInitializerRHI |
FDrawCallCategoryName |
FDumpTransitionsHelper |
FDynamicReadBuffer |
FDynamicRHI |
The interface which is implemented by the dynamically bound RHI. |
FDynamicRHIPSOFallback |
Dynamic RHI for RHIs that do not support real Graphics/Compute Pipelines. |
FExclusiveDepthStencil |
FGenericDataDrivenShaderPlatformInfo |
FGenericRHIGPUFence |
Generic implementation of FRHIGPUFence. |
FGenericRHIStagingBuffer |
FGenericStaticFeatureLevel |
FGenericStaticShaderPlatform |
FGPUDefragAllocator |
Simple best fit allocator, splitting and coalescing whenever/ wherever possible. |
FGPUProfiler |
Encapsulates GPU profiling logic and data. |
FGPUProfilerEventNode |
Stats for a single perf event node. |
FGPUProfilerEventNodeFrame |
An entire frame of perf event nodes, including ancillary timers. |
FGPUProfilerEventNodeStats |
Stats for a single perf event node. |
FGpuProfilerTrace |
FGPUTiming |
Holds information if this platform's GPU allows timing |
FGPUTimingCalibrationTimestamp |
Two timestamps performed on GPU and CPU at nearly the same time. |
FGraphicsPipelineRenderTargetsInfo |
FGraphicsPipelineStateInitializer |
FImmutableSamplerState |
FLastRenderTimeContainer |
Textures |
FLockTracker |
FPipelineCacheFileFormatPSO |
FPipelineCacheFileFormatPSORead |
FPipelineCachePSOHeader |
FPipelineFileCacheManager |
FPipelineFileCacheRasterizerState |
FPipelineStateStats |
Tracks stats for the current session between opening & closing the file-cache. |
FPSOPrecacheRequestID |
Unique request ID of PSOPrecache which can be used to boost the priority of a PSO precache requests if it's needed for rendering. |
FPSOPrecacheRequestResult |
Result data of a precache pipeline state request. |
FPSOUsageData |
FPipelineFileCacheManager: The RHI-level backend for FShaderPipelineCache, responsible for tracking PSOs and their usage stats as well as dealing with the pipeline cache files. |
FRasterizerStateInitializerRHI |
FRawBufferShaderResourceViewInitializer |
FRawBufferShaderResourceViewInitializer can be used to explicitly create a raw view for any buffer, even if it was not created with EBufferUsageFlags::ByteAddressBuffer flag. |
FRayTracingAccelerationStructureSize |
FRayTracingGeometryBuildParams |
FRayTracingGeometryInitializer |
FRayTracingGeometryInstance |
High level descriptor of one or more instances of a mesh in a ray tracing scene. |
FRayTracingGeometrySegment |
FRayTracingPipelineStateInitializer |
FRayTracingPipelineStateSignature |
FRayTracingSceneBuildParams |
FRayTracingSceneInitializer2 |
FReadBuffer |
Encapsulates a GPU read buffer with its SRV. |
FReadSurfaceDataFlags |
To customize the RHIReadSurfaceData() output |
FRenderTask |
FRenderThreadIdleScope |
Helper to mark scopes as idle time on the render or RHI threads. |
FResolveRect |
FRHIAmplificationShader |
FRHIBatchedShaderParameters |
Collection of parameters to set in the RHI. |
FRHIBatchedShaderUnbinds |
Collection of parameters to unbind in the RHI. |
FRHIBlendState |
FRHIBoundShaderState |
FRHIBuffer |
FRHIBufferCreateInfo |
Descriptor used to create a buffer resource |
FRHIBufferDesc |
FRHIBufferRange |
FRHIBufferSRVCreateInfo |
FRHIBufferUAVCreateInfo |
FRHIBufferUpdateInfo |
FRHIBufferViewCache |
FRHICommand |
FRHICommandBase |
FRHICommandBeginDrawingViewport |
FRHICommandBeginDrawingViewportString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandBeginFrame |
FRHICommandBeginFrameString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandBeginRenderPass |
FRHICommandBeginRenderPassString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandBeginRenderQuery |
FRHICommandBeginRenderQueryString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandBeginScene |
FRHICommandBeginSceneString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandBeginSpecificUAVOverlap |
FRHICommandBeginSpecificUAVOverlapString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandBeginTransitions |
FRHICommandBeginTransitionsString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandBeginUAVOverlap |
FRHICommandBeginUAVOverlapString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandBeginUpdateMultiFrameResource |
FRHICommandBeginUpdateMultiFrameResourceString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandBeginUpdateMultiFrameUAV |
FRHICommandBeginUpdateMultiFrameUAVString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandCalibrateTimers |
FRHICommandCalibrateTimersString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandClearUAVFloat |
FRHICommandClearUAVFloatString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandClearUAVUint |
FRHICommandClearUAVUintString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandCopyBufferRegion |
FRHICommandCopyBufferRegionString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandCopyTexture |
FRHICommandCopyTextureString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandCopyToStagingBuffer |
FRHICommandCopyToStagingBufferString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandDiscardRenderTargets |
FRHICommandDiscardRenderTargetsString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandDispatchComputeShader |
FRHICommandDispatchComputeShaderString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandDispatchIndirectComputeShader |
FRHICommandDispatchIndirectComputeShaderString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandDispatchIndirectMeshShader |
FRHICommandDispatchIndirectMeshShaderString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandDispatchMeshShader |
FRHICommandDispatchMeshShaderString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandDrawIndexedIndirect |
FRHICommandDrawIndexedIndirectString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandDrawIndexedPrimitive |
FRHICommandDrawIndexedPrimitiveIndirect |
FRHICommandDrawIndexedPrimitiveIndirectString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandDrawIndexedPrimitiveString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandDrawPrimitive |
FRHICommandDrawPrimitiveIndirect |
FRHICommandDrawPrimitiveIndirectString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandDrawPrimitiveString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandEndDrawingViewport |
FRHICommandEndDrawingViewportString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandEndFrame |
FRHICommandEndFrameString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandEndRenderPass |
FRHICommandEndRenderPassString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandEndRenderQuery |
FRHICommandEndRenderQueryString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandEndScene |
FRHICommandEndSceneString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandEndSpecificUAVOverlap |
FRHICommandEndSpecificUAVOverlapString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandEndTransitions |
FRHICommandEndTransitionsString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandEndUAVOverlap |
FRHICommandEndUAVOverlapString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandEndUpdateMultiFrameResource |
FRHICommandEndUpdateMultiFrameResourceString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandEndUpdateMultiFrameUAV |
FRHICommandEndUpdateMultiFrameUAVString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandInvalidateCachedState |
FRHICommandInvalidateCachedStateString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandList |
FRHICommandList_RecursiveHazardous |
Helper to enable the use of graphics RHI command lists from within platform RHI implementations. |
FRHICommandListBase |
FRHICommandListDebugContext |
FRHICommandListExecutor |
FRHICommandListImmediate |
FRHICommandListIterator |
Helper class for traversing a FRHICommandList. |
FRHICommandListScopedExtendResourceLifetime |
FRHICommandListScopedFlushAndExecute |
All command list members should be contained within FRHICommandListBase. The Immediate/Compute/regular types are just interfaces. |
FRHICommandListScopedPipeline |
Helper to activate a specific RHI pipeline within a block of renderer code. |
FRHICommandListScopedPipelineGuard |
FRHICommandMultiDrawIndexedPrimitiveIndirect |
FRHICommandMultiDrawIndexedPrimitiveIndirectString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandNextSubpass |
FRHICommandNextSubpassString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandPollOcclusionQueries |
FRHICommandPollOcclusionQueriesString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandPopEvent |
FRHICommandPopEventString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandPostExternalCommandsReset |
FRHICommandPostExternalCommandsResetString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandPushEvent |
FRHICommandPushEventString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandResourceTransition |
FRHICommandResourceTransitionString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandResummarizeHTile |
FRHICommandResummarizeHTileString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandSetAsyncComputeBudget |
FRHICommandSetAsyncComputeBudgetString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandSetBlendFactor |
FRHICommandSetBlendFactorString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandSetComputePipelineState |
FRHICommandSetComputePipelineStateString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandSetDepthBounds |
FRHICommandSetDepthBoundsString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandSetGraphicsPipelineState |
FRHICommandSetGraphicsPipelineStateString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandSetLocalUniformBuffer |
FRHICommandSetScissorRect |
FRHICommandSetScissorRectString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandSetShaderParameters |
FRHICommandSetShaderParametersString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandSetShaderUnbinds |
FRHICommandSetShaderUnbindsString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandSetShadingRate |
FRHICommandSetShadingRateString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandSetStaticUniformBuffers |
FRHICommandSetStaticUniformBuffersString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandSetStencilRef |
FRHICommandSetStencilRefString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandSetStereoViewport |
FRHICommandSetStereoViewportString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandSetStreamSource |
FRHICommandSetStreamSourceString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandSetTrackedAccess |
FRHICommandSetTrackedAccessString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandSetViewport |
FRHICommandSetViewportString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandSubmitCommandsHint |
FRHICommandSubmitCommandsHintString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandUpdateRHIResources |
FRHICommandUpdateRHIResourcesString__LINE__ |
FRHICommandWriteGPUFence |
FRHICommandWriteGPUFenceString__LINE__ |
FRHIComputeCommandList |
FRHIComputeCommandList_RecursiveHazardous |
Helper to enable the use of compute RHI command lists from within platform RHI implementations. |
FRHIComputeFence |
FRHIComputePipelineState |
FRHIComputePipelineStateFallback |
FRHIComputeShader |
FRHICopyTextureInfo |
FRHICustomPresent |
FRHIDepthRenderTargetView |
FRHIDepthStencilState |
FRHIDescriptorHandle |
FRHIDispatchIndirectParameters |
FRHIDispatchIndirectParametersNoPadding |
FRHIDrawIndexedIndirectParameters |
FRHIDrawIndirectParameters |
FRHIDrawStats |
FRHIFlipDetails |
Struct to provide details of swap chain flips |
FRHIGeometryShader |
FRHIGlobals |
FRHIGPUBufferReadback |
Buffer readback implementation. |
Generic GPU fence class. |
A mask where each bit is a GPU index. |
FRHIGPUMemoryReadback |
FRHIGPUMemoryReadback: Represents a memory readback request scheduled with CopyToStagingBuffer Wraps a staging buffer with a FRHIGPUFence for synchronization. |
FRHIGPUTextureReadback |
Texture readback implementation. |
FRHIGPUUsageFractions |
Structs that describe how intensively a GPU is being used. |
FRHIGraphicsPipelineState |
Pipeline States |
FRHIGraphicsPipelineStateFallBack |
This PSO is used as a fallback for RHIs that dont support PSOs. It is used to set the graphics state using the legacy state setting APIs. |
FRHIGraphicsShader |
FRHILockTracker |
FRHIMeshShader |
FRHIPerCategoryDrawStats |
FRHIPipelineBinaryLibrary |
FRHIPixelShader |
FRHIPooledRenderQuery |
FRHIR10G10B10A2 |
Helper for accessing R10G10B10A2 colors. |
FRHIRasterizerState |
FRHIRayCallableShader |
FRHIRayGenShader |
FRHIRayHitGroupShader |
FRHIRayMissShader |
FRHIRayTracingAccelerationStructure |
FRHIRayTracingGeometry |
Bottom level ray tracing acceleration structure (contains triangles). |
FRHIRayTracingGeometryUpdateInfo |
FRHIRayTracingPipelineState |
FRHIRayTracingScene |
Top level ray tracing acceleration structure (contains instances of meshes). |
FRHIRayTracingShader |
FRHIRenderPassInfo |
FRHIRenderQuery |
FRHIRenderQueryPool |
FRHIRenderTargetView |
FRHIResource |
The base type of RHI resources. |
FRHIResourceCreateInfo |
FRHIResourceInfo |
FRHIResourceStats |
FRHIResourceTableEntry |
FRHIResourceUpdateBatcher |
FRHIResourceUpdateInfo |
Helper for accessing R16G16 colors. |
Helper for accessing R16G16B16A16 colors. |
FRHISamplerState |
State blocks |
FRHIScopedGPUMask |
FRHISetRenderTargetsInfo |
FRHIShader |
FRHIShaderLibrary |
Shader Library |
FRHIShaderParameter |
Compact representation of a bound shader parameter (read: value). |
FRHIShaderParameterResource |
Compact representation of a bound resource parameter (Texture, SRV, UAV, SamplerState, or UniformBuffer) |
FRHIShaderParameterUnbind |
Compact representation of a resource parameter unbind, limited to SRVs and UAVs |
FRHIShaderResourceView |
FRHIStagingBuffer |
Generic staging buffer class used by FRHIGPUMemoryReadback RHI specific staging buffers derive from this |
FRHISubresourceRange |
FRHITexture |
FRHITextureCreateDesc |
FRHITextureDesc |
Descriptor used to create a texture resource |
FRHITextureReference |
FRHITextureSRVCreateInfo |
FRHITextureUAVCreateInfo |
FRHITextureViewCache |
FRHITimestampCalibrationQuery |
Misc |
FRHITrackedAccessInfo |
FRHITransientAliasingInfo |
FRHITransientAliasingOverlap |
FRHITransientAllocationStats |
FRHITransientBuffer |
FRHITransientHeapAllocation |
Represents an allocation from the transient heap. |
FRHITransientPageAllocation |
Represents a full set of page allocations from multiple page pools. |
FRHITransientPagePoolAllocation |
Represents an allocation from a transient page pool. |
FRHITransientPageSpan |
FRHITransientResource |
FRHITransientTexture |
FRHITransition |
Opaque data structure used to represent a pending resource transition in the RHI. |
FRHITransitionCreateInfo |
FRHITransitionInfo |
FRHIUniformBuffer |
FRHIUniformBufferLayout |
The layout of a uniform buffer in memory. |
FRHIUniformBufferLayoutInitializer |
Initializer for the layout of a uniform buffer in memory. |
FRHIUniformBufferResource |
FRHIUniformBufferResourceInitializer |
Data structure to store information about resource parameter in a shader parameter structure. |
FRHIUnorderedAccessView |
FRHIVertexDeclaration |
FRHIVertexShader |
FRHIView |
FRHIViewableResource |
FRHIViewDesc |
The unified RHI view descriptor. |
FRHIViewport |
FRWBuffer |
Encapsulates a GPU read/write buffer with its UAV and SRV. |
FRWBufferStructured |
Encapsulates a GPU read/write structured buffer with its UAV and SRV. |
FRWByteAddressBuffer |
Encapsulates a GPU read/write ByteAddress buffer with its UAV and SRV. |
FSamplerStateInitializerRHI |
FScopedGPUDefragLock |
FScopedGPUDefragLock can't cover any scope that will add dcb commands or we might deadlock. |
FScopedRHIThreadStaller |
FScopedUniformBufferStaticBindings |
FScreenResolutionRHI |
Screen Resolution |
FShaderCodeValidationStride |
FShaderResourceViewInitializer |
FStaticShaderPlatformNames |
FTextureMemoryStats |
FTextureReadBuffer2D |
Encapsulates a GPU read only texture 2D with its SRV. |
FTextureRWBuffer |
Encapsulates a GPU read/write texture 2D with its UAV and SRV. |
FTransferResourceFenceData |
FTransferResourceParams |
Parameters for RHITransferResources, used to copy memory between GPUs |
FUniformBufferStaticBindings |
A list of static uniform buffer bindings. |
FUnnamedRhiCommand |
FUpdateTexture3DData |
Struct to hold common data between begin/end updatetexture3d |
FUpdateTextureRegion2D |
Specifies an update region for a texture |
FUpdateTextureRegion3D |
Specifies an update region for a texture |
FVertexElement |
FVertexElementTypeSupportInfo |
Info for supporting the vertex element types |
FViewportBounds |
Viewport bounds structure to set multiple view ports for the geometry shader (needs to be 1:1 to the D3D11 structure) |
FVRamAllocation |
IDynamicRHIModule |
Defines the interface of a module implementing a dynamic RHI. |
IRHICommandContext |
The interface RHI command context. |
IRHICommandContextPSOFallback |
Command Context for RHIs that do not support real Graphics/Compute Pipelines. |
IRHIComputeContext |
Context that is capable of doing Compute work. Can be async or compute on the gfx pipe. |
IRHIPlatformCommandList |
Opaque type representing a finalized platform GPU command list, which can be submitted to the GPU via RHISubmitCommandLists(). |
IRHITransientResourceAllocator |
TPsoLruCache |
Implements a Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. |
TRHICommandList_RecursiveHazardous |
Helper class used internally by RHIs to make use of FRHICommandList_RecursiveHazardous safer. |
TRHIComputeCommandList_RecursiveHazardous |
Helper class used internally by RHIs to make use of FRHIComputeCommandList_RecursiveHazardous safer. |
TRHIGlobal |
Wrapper for GRHI## global variables, allows values to be overridden for mobile preview modes. |
TRHILambdaCommand |
TRHIPipelineArray |
Array of pass handles by RHI pipeline, with overloads to help with enum conversion. |
TRHIRange |
Views |
TRHIResourceUpdateBatcher |
TRHIShaderToEnum |
Templates to convert an FRHI*Shader to its enum. |