FMatrix |
Adjusts a projection matrix to output in the correct clip space for the current RHI. |
void |
Defragment the texture pool. |
void |
Log the current texture memory stats. |
bool |
Checks if the texture data is allocated within the texture pool or not. |
Returns the memory required to store an image in the given pixel format (EPixelFormat). |
int32 |
Calculate the index of the sample in GRHIDefaultMSAASampleOffsets. |
TRHI * |
void |
Performs a clear render pass on an RHI texture. The texture is expected to be in the RTV state. |
uint32 |
uint64 |
Helper for fast compute of hash for a shader table. |
bool |
void |
Convert the ESimpleRenderTargetMode into usable values |
void |
void |
FRHIComputePipelineState * |
FRHIGraphicsPipelineState * |
FComputePipelineState * |
FGraphicsPipelineState * |
int32 |
int32 |
Returns the shader index within the ray tracing pipeline or INDEX_NONE if given shader does not exist. |
int32 |
EPixelFormat |
FString |
Returns a string of friendly name bits for the buffer usage flags enum. |
const TCHAR * |
FCachedBoundShaderStateLink * |
Searches for a cached bound shader state. |
FBoundShaderStateRHIRef |
Searches for a cached bound shader state. Threadsafe version. |
FComputePipelineState * |
ERenderTargetActions |
TRHI * |
ERHIPipeline |
uint32 |
Return what the expected number of samplers will be supported by a feature level Note that since the Feature Level is pretty orthogonal to the RHI/HW, this is not going to be perfect If should only be used for a guess at the limit, the real limit will not be known until runtime |
bool |
Finds a corresponding ERHIFeatureLevel::Type given a string, or returns false if one could not be found. |
bool |
Finds a corresponding ERHIFeatureLevel::Type given an FName, or returns false if one could not be found. |
void |
Creates a string for the given feature level. |
void |
Creates an FName for the given feature level. |
EShaderPlatform |
Get the shader platform associated with the supplied feature level on this machine |
FGraphicsPipelineState * |
ERenderTargetLoadAction |
uint32 |
uint64 |
uint64 |
uint64 |
uint32 |
FStaticFeatureLevel |
uint32 |
uint32 |
uint32 |
FVector2f |
Gets the MSAA sample's offset from the center of the pixel coordinate. |
FString |
FString |
FRHIComputePipelineState * |
uint32 |
uint32 |
FString |
TArrayView< const ERHIPipeline > |
FRHIRayTracingPipelineState * |
uint32 |
ERHIResourceType |
FRHIWorkGraphPipelineState * |
const TCHAR * |
Name of the RHI module that will be created when PlatformCreateDynamicRHI is called NOTE: This function is very slow when called before RHIInit |
const TCHAR * |
const TCHAR * |
Needs to stay inline for shader formats which can't depend on the RHI module. |
const TCHAR * |
bool |
Finds a corresponding ERHIShadingPath::Type given an FName, or returns false if one could not be found. |
void |
Creates an FName for the given shading path. |
void |
Creates a string for the given shading path. |
EShaderPlatform |
ERenderTargetActions |
ERenderTargetStoreAction |
FString |
Returns a string of friendly name bits for the texture create flags enum. |
const TCHAR * |
const TCHAR * |
const TCHAR * |
uint32 |
Computes the vertex count for a given number of primitives of the specified type. |
FRHIViewableResource * |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
Returns true if the feature level is supported by the shader platform. |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
Whether the shader platform corresponds to the ES3.1/Metal/Vulkan feature level. |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
Returns whether the shader parameter type references an RDG buffer. |
bool |
Returns whether the shader parameter type is for RDG access and not actually for shaders. |
bool |
Returns whether the shader parameter type is a reference onto a RDG resource. |
bool |
Returns whether the shader parameter type references an RDG texture. |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
To trigger GPU specific optimizations and fallbacks |
bool |
To trigger GPU specific optimizations and fallbacks |
bool |
To trigger GPU specific optimizations and fallbacks |
bool |
To trigger GPU specific optimizations and fallbacks |
bool |
Whether the RHI commands are being run on a dedicated thread other than the render thread |
bool |
UE::Trace::FChannel& FORCEINLINE GetRHICommandsChannel() {} Whether the RHI commands are being run in a thread other than the render thread |
bool |
Whether the RHI commands are being run on a dedicated thread other than the render thread |
bool |
Returns whether the shader parameter type needs to be passdown to RHI through FRHIUniformBufferLayout when creating an uniform buffer. |
bool |
Returns whether the shader parameter type in FRHIUniformBufferLayout is actually ignored by the RHI. |
bool |
bool |
bool |
Returns true if the shader platform Platform is used to simulate a mobile feature level on a PC platform. |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
Returns whether a static uniform buffer slot index is valid. |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
FName |
const TCHAR * |
FString |
Stringifies ERHIFeatureLevel |
const TCHAR * |
Stringifies ERHIDescriptorHeapType |
FString |
Stringifies EShaderPlatform |
EDepthStencilTargetActions |
ERenderTargetActions |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
EShaderBindingLayoutFlags |
ERayTracingHitGroupIndexingMode |
ERayTracingShaderBindingMode |
ERayTracingAccelerationStructureFlags |
ERayTracingInstanceFlags |
ERHIPipeline |
EResourceTransitionFlags |
ERHITransitionCreateFlags |
ETextureCreateFlags |
EBufferUsageFlags |
EUniformBufferBindingFlags |
ERHISubmitFlags |
ERHIAccess |
ERayTracingPipelineCacheFlags |
EApplyRendertargetOption |
FRHITransientAllocationStats::EMemoryRangeFlags |
ERHIUniformBufferFlags |
ERequestedGPUCrash |
ERHIUniformBufferFlags & |
EBufferUsageFlags & |
FRHITransientAllocationStats::EMemoryRangeFlags & |
EShaderBindingLayoutFlags & |
ERayTracingHitGroupIndexingMode & |
ERayTracingShaderBindingMode & |
ERayTracingAccelerationStructureFlags & |
ERayTracingInstanceFlags & |
ERHIPipeline & |
ETextureCreateFlags & |
EResourceTransitionFlags & |
ERHITransitionCreateFlags & |
EApplyRendertargetOption & |
ERayTracingPipelineCacheFlags & |
ERHIAccess & |
ERHISubmitFlags & |
EUniformBufferBindingFlags & |
ERequestedGPUCrash & |
FRHITransientAllocationStats::EMemoryRangeFlags |
EShaderBindingLayoutFlags |
ERayTracingHitGroupIndexingMode |
ERayTracingShaderBindingMode |
ERayTracingAccelerationStructureFlags |
ERayTracingInstanceFlags |
ERHIPipeline |
ERequestedGPUCrash |
ERHITransitionCreateFlags |
ETextureCreateFlags |
EBufferUsageFlags |
ERHIUniformBufferFlags |
EUniformBufferBindingFlags |
ERHIAccess |
ERayTracingPipelineCacheFlags |
EApplyRendertargetOption |
EResourceTransitionFlags |
ERHISubmitFlags |
ERayTracingShaderBindingMode & |
ERayTracingHitGroupIndexingMode & |
EShaderBindingLayoutFlags & |
FRHITransientAllocationStats::EMemoryRangeFlags & |
ERayTracingInstanceFlags & |
EApplyRendertargetOption & |
ERayTracingAccelerationStructureFlags & |
ERHIPipeline & |
ERequestedGPUCrash & |
ERHITransitionCreateFlags & |
ETextureCreateFlags & |
EResourceTransitionFlags & |
ERHIUniformBufferFlags & |
EUniformBufferBindingFlags & |
ERHISubmitFlags & |
ERHIAccess & |
ERayTracingPipelineCacheFlags & |
EBufferUsageFlags & |
ERequestedGPUCrash |
ERayTracingHitGroupIndexingMode |
ERayTracingShaderBindingMode |
ERayTracingAccelerationStructureFlags |
ERayTracingInstanceFlags |
ERHIPipeline |
EResourceTransitionFlags |
ERHISubmitFlags |
ETextureCreateFlags |
EBufferUsageFlags |
ERHIUniformBufferFlags |
EUniformBufferBindingFlags |
ERHIAccess |
EShaderBindingLayoutFlags |
ERHITransitionCreateFlags |
FRHITransientAllocationStats::EMemoryRangeFlags |
ERayTracingPipelineCacheFlags |
EApplyRendertargetOption |
ERayTracingPipelineCacheFlags & |
ERHIAccess & |
ERHISubmitFlags & |
EUniformBufferBindingFlags & |
ERHIUniformBufferFlags & |
EBufferUsageFlags & |
ETextureCreateFlags & |
ERHITransitionCreateFlags & |
EResourceTransitionFlags & |
EShaderBindingLayoutFlags & |
ERHIPipeline & |
ERayTracingInstanceFlags & |
ERayTracingAccelerationStructureFlags & |
ERayTracingShaderBindingMode & |
FRHITransientAllocationStats::EMemoryRangeFlags & |
EApplyRendertargetOption & |
ERequestedGPUCrash & |
ERayTracingHitGroupIndexingMode & |
ERayTracingInstanceFlags |
ERayTracingHitGroupIndexingMode |
ERayTracingShaderBindingMode |
ERayTracingAccelerationStructureFlags |
ERHIPipeline |
ERequestedGPUCrash |
EResourceTransitionFlags |
ERHITransitionCreateFlags |
EShaderBindingLayoutFlags |
ETextureCreateFlags |
ERHIUniformBufferFlags |
EUniformBufferBindingFlags |
ERHISubmitFlags |
ERHIAccess |
ERayTracingPipelineCacheFlags |
EApplyRendertargetOption |
EBufferUsageFlags |
FRHITransientAllocationStats::EMemoryRangeFlags |
bool |
void |
Boost the priority of the given PSO request ID |
EPSOPrecacheResult |
Retrieve the current PSO precache result state (slightly slower than IsPrecaching) |
EPSOPrecacheResult |
Retrieve the current PSO precache result state (slightly slower than IsPrecaching) |
FComputePipelineState * |
FGraphicsPipelineState * |
FWorkGraphPipelineState * |
void |
Evicts unused state entries based on r.pso.evictiontime time. |
FComputePipelineState * |
FGraphicsPipelineState * |
FRayTracingPipelineState * |
Retrieves RTPSO object from cache or adds a task to create it, which will be waited on by RHI thread. |
FWorkGraphPipelineState * |
int32 |
Returns the number of PSO precompiles currently in progress |
FRHIVertexDeclaration * |
FRayTracingPipelineState * |
Retrieves RTPSO object from cache or returns NULL if it's not found. |
void |
Initializes any required component. |
bool |
Is the given PSO initializer still precaching? |
bool |
Is the given PSO still precaching? |
bool |
Any async precaching operations still busy |
bool |
Is the given PSO initializer still precaching? |
bool |
Is precaching currently enabled - can help to skip certain time critical code when precaching is disabled |
uint32 |
Return number of active or pending PSO precache requests |
FPSOPrecacheRequestResult |
Precache the compute shader and return a request ID if precached async |
FPSOPrecacheRequestResult |
Precache the graphic PSO and return an optional graph event if precached async |
void |
Set all subsequent high priority requests to highest priority, useful in non-interactive scenarios where maximum PSO throughput is preferable. |
void |
Called when PSO precompile has completed |
void |
void |
Reset the PSO hitch tracking counters |
uint64 |
void |
Clears all pipeline cached state. |
FDynamicRHI * |
Each platform that utilizes dynamic RHIs should implement this function Called to create the instance of the dynamic RHI. |
void |
void |
FTextureRHIRef |
FTextureRHIRef |
FTextureRHIRef |
FTextureRHIRef |
void |
FUpdateTexture3DData |
void |
void |
void |
FRayTracingAccelerationStructureSize |
FRayTracingAccelerationStructureSize |
FRayTracingAccelerationStructureSize |
uint64 |
uint64 |
uint64 |
uint64 |
FRHICalcTextureSizeResult |
void |
uint64 |
ETextureReallocationStatus |
void |
void |
Signals the completion of the specified task graph event when the given frame has flipped. |
uint32 |
uint64 |
uint64 |
EGpuVendorId |
FAmplificationShaderRHIRef |
FBlendStateRHIRef |
FBoundShaderStateRHIRef |
FBoundShaderStateRHIRef |
FComputePipelineStateRHIRef |
FComputeShaderRHIRef |
FCrossGPUTransferFence * |
FDepthStencilStateRHIRef |
FGeometryShaderRHIRef |
FGraphicsPipelineStateRHIRef |
Before using this directly go through PipelineStateCache::GetAndOrCreateGraphicsPipelineState() |
FBufferRHIRef |
Forward declare RHI creation function so they can still be called from the deprecated immediate command list resource creation functions. |
FMeshShaderRHIRef |
FPixelShaderRHIRef |
FRasterizerStateRHIRef |
FRayTracingGeometryRHIRef |
TRefCountPtr< FRHIRayTracingPipelineState > |
FRayTracingSceneRHIRef |
FRayTracingShaderRHIRef |
FRenderQueryRHIRef |
FRenderQueryPoolRHIRef |
FSamplerStateRHIRef |
FShaderBundleRHIRef |
FRHIShaderLibraryRef |
FStagingBufferRHIRef |
FBufferRHIRef |
FTextureRHIRef |
FTextureReferenceRHIRef |
FTransferResourceFenceData * |
IRHITransientResourceAllocator * |
const FRHITransition * |
FUniformBufferRHIRef |
FUniformBufferLayoutRHIRef |
FBufferRHIRef |
FVertexDeclarationRHIRef |
Before using this directly go through PipelineStateCache::GetOrCreateVertexDeclaration() |
FVertexShaderRHIRef |
FViewportRHIRef |
TRefCountPtr< FRHIWorkGraphPipelineState > |
FWorkGraphShaderRHIRef |
void |
Detect whether the current driver is denylisted and show a message box prompting to update it if necessary. |
void |
Helper to force dump all RHI resource to CSV file |
void |
void |
void |
Shuts down the RHI. |
ETextureReallocationStatus |
void |
void |
Utility function to generate pre-transfer sync points to pass to CrossGPUTransferSignal and CrossGPUTransfer. |
bool |
ERHIBindlessSupport |
True if the given shader platform supports bindless resources/views. |
EColorSpaceAndEOTF |
IRHICommandContext * |
ERHIAccess |
Get the best default resource state for the given buffer creation flags |
ERHIAccess |
Get the best default resource state for the given texture creation flags |
ERHIAccess |
Get the best default resource state for the given texture creation flags |
ERHIAccess |
Get the best default resource state for the given buffer creation flags |
ERHIAccess |
Get the best default resource state for the given texture creation flags |
void |
float |
Sets the FrameIndex and InputTime for the current frame. |
uint32 |
uint32 |
ERHIInterfaceType |
uint32 |
Helper to return the shader language version for Metal shader. |
uint64 |
void * |
void * |
void * |
void * |
void * |
void * |
FRHIPanicEvent & |
EGpuVendorId |
Returns the VendorID of the preferred vendor or -1 if none were specified. |
int32 |
Helper to check which resource type should be used for clear (UAV) replacement shaders. |
void |
Returns the top and bottom vsync present thresholds (the values of rhi.PresentThreshold.Top and rhi.PresentThreshold.Bottom) |
bool |
Helper to check if a preview feature level has been requested. |
bool |
ERHIBindlessConfiguration |
ERHIBindlessConfiguration |
ERHIStaticShaderBindingLayoutSupport |
True if the given shader platform supports static shader resource tables. |
void |
bool |
Returns the value of the rhi.SyncAllowVariable CVar. |
uint32 |
Returns the value of the rhi.SyncInterval CVar. |
float |
Returns the value of the rhi.SyncSlackMS CVar or length of a full frame interval if the frame offset system is disabled. |
void |
void |
FTextureRHIRef |
FUnorderedAccessViewRHIRef |
uint32 |
void |
bool |
void |
RHI base resource types. |
void |
Initialize the 'best guess' pixel format capabilities. |
void |
bool |
bool |
void * |
void * |
void * |
void * |
void * |
bool |
uint32 |
ERHIBindlessConfiguration |
bool |
void |
Performs additional RHI initialization before the render thread starts. |
EPixelFormat |
Helper to check if preferred EPixelFormat is supported, return one if it is not |
void |
void |
bool |
void |
void |
Takes a reference to defer deletion of RHI resources. |
void |
Releases a reference to defer deletion of RHI resources. |
ERHIResourceType |
void |
void |
Sets the FrameIndex and InputTime for the current frame. |
void |
Set runtime selection of mobile feature level preview. |
void |
Sets the Vsync information for a new frame |
void |
bool |
bool |
Returns true if SV_VertexID contains BaseVertexIndex passed to the draw call, false if shaders must manually construct an absolute VertexID. |
bool |
bool |
True if the given shader platform supports overestimated conservative rasterization |
bool |
bool |
bool |
Helper to check that the shader platform supports creating a UAV off an index buffer. |
bool |
Whether this platform can compile shaders with inline ray tracing features. |
bool |
bool |
Whether Manual Vertex Fetch is supported for the specified shader platform. |
bool |
Can this platform compile mesh shaders with tier0 capability. |
bool |
Can this platform compile mesh shaders with tier1 capability. |
bool |
bool |
bool |
Can this platform implement instanced stereo rendering by rendering to multiple viewports. |
bool |
bool |
Whether this platform can build acceleration structures and use full ray tracing pipelines or inline ray tracing (ray queries). |
bool |
Whether this platform can compile ray tracing callable shaders. |
bool |
Whether this platform can compile ray tracing shaders (regardless of project settings). |
bool |
True if the given shader platform supports a render target write mask |
bool |
bool |
True if the given shader platform supports shader bundle dispatch |
bool |
bool |
True if the given shader platform supports shader root constants |
bool |
bool |
bool |
bool |
Helper to check whether rendering to volume textures is supported. This takes both GSupportsVolumeTextureRendering and DDPI entries into account as this is dependent on the preview platform. |
bool |
Whether the platform supports reading from volume textures (does not cover rendering to volume textures). |
bool |
Can this platform compile shaders that use shader model 6.0 wave intrinsics. |
bool |
True if the platform supports wave size of 64 |
bool |
True if the platform supports Work Graphs |
void |
void |
void |
void |
void |
void |
void |
void |
void |
void |
const TCHAR * |
Helper to convert VendorId into a printable string, or "Unknown" if unknown. |
const TCHAR * |
Helper to convert GRHIVendorId into a printable string, or "Unknown" if unknown. |
void |
void |
bool |
Return true if and only if the GPU support rendering to volume textures (2D Array, 3D) is guaranteed supported for a target platform. |
void |
void |
void |
void |
EShaderPlatform |
EShaderPlatform |
FName |
const TCHAR * |
Returns a string of friendly name bits for the texture create flags enum. |
void |
void |
FRayTracingShaderBindings |
Backwards compatibility adaptor to convert new FRHIBatchedShaderParameters to legacy FRayTracingShaderBindings. |
void |
Workaround for layering issue. |
FBufferRHIRef |
FBufferRHIRef |
FBufferRHIRef |
FBufferRHIRef |
FBufferRHIRef |
FBufferRHIRef |
FBufferRHIRef |