Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > PakFile > FPakFile > GetPakEntry
Module | PakFile |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/PakFile/Public/IPlatformFilePak.h |
Include | #include "IPlatformFilePak.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Runtime/PakFile/Private/PakFile.cpp |
static EFindResult GetPakEntry
const FPakEntryLocation & FPakEntryLocation,
FPakEntry * OutEntry,
const TArray < uint8 > & EncodedPakEntries,
const TArray < FPakEntry > & Files,
const FPakInfo & Info
Returns the FPakEntry pointed to by the given FPakEntryLocation inside the given EncodedPakEntries or Files Can return Found or Deleted; if the FPakEntryLocation is invalid this function assumes the FPakEntry exists in this pack but as a deleted file If OutEntry is non-null, populates it with a copy of the FPakEntry found, or sets it to an FPakEntry with SetDeleteRecord(true) if not found