Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > MoviePlayer
Module | MoviePlayer |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/MoviePlayer/Public/MoviePlayer.h |
Include | #include "MoviePlayer.h" |
struct FLoadingScreenAttributes
Struct of all the attributes a loading screen will have.
Type | Name | Description | |
bool | bAllowEngineTick | If true, this will call the engine tick while the game thread is stalled waiting for a loading movie to finish. | |
bool | bAllowInEarlyStartup | If true loading screens here cannot have any uobjects of any kind or use any engine features at all. | |
bool | bAutoCompleteWhenLoadingCompletes | If true, the loading screen will disappear as soon as all movies are played and loading is done. | |
bool | bMoviesAreSkippable | If true, movies can be skipped by clicking the loading screen as long as loading is done. | |
bool | bWaitForManualStop | If true, movie playback continues until Stop is called. | |
float | MinimumLoadingScreenDisplayTime | The minimum time that a loading screen should be opened for. | |
TArray< FString > | MoviePaths | The movie paths local to the game's Content/Movies/ directory we will play. | |
TEnumAsByte< EMoviePlaybackType > | PlaybackType | Should we just play back, loop, etc. | |
TSharedPtr< class SWidget > | WidgetLoadingScreen | The widget to be displayed on top of the movie or simply standalone if there is no movie. |
Type | Name | Description | |
Type | Name | Description | |
bool | IsValid () |
True if there is either a standalone widget or any movie paths or both. | |
TSharedRef< class SWidget > | Creates a simple test loading screen widget. |