Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > FieldSystemEngine > Field > UBoxFalloff
Module | FieldSystemEngine |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Experimental/FieldSystem/Source/FieldSystemEngine/Public/Field/FieldSystemObjects.h |
Include | #include "Field/FieldSystemObjects.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Experimental/FieldSystem/Source/FieldSystemEngine/Private/Field/FieldSystemObjects.cpp |
UFUNCTION (BlueprintPure, Category="Field", Meta=(Magnitude="1.0", MinRange="0.0", MaxRange="1.0"))
UBoxFalloff * SetBoxFalloff
UPARAM(DisplayName="Field Magnitude") float Magnitude,
UPARAM(DisplayName="Min Range") float MinRange,
UPARAM(DisplayName="Max Range") float MaxRange,
UPARAM(DisplayName="Default Value") float Default,
UPARAM(DisplayName="Box Transform") FTransform Transform,
UPARAM(DisplayName="Falloff Type") EFieldFalloffType Falloff
Box scalar field that will be defined only within a box
Name | Description |
Magnitude | Magnitude of the box falloff field |
MinRange | The initial function value between 0 and 1 will be scaled between MinRange and MaxRange before being multiplied by magnitude |
MaxRange | The initial function value between 0 and 1 will be scaled between MinRange and MaxRange before being multiplied by magnitude |
Default | The field value will be set to Default if the sample distance from the box is higher than the scale of the transform |
Transform | Translation, Rotation and Scale of the unit box |
Falloff | Type of falloff function used to model the evolution of the field from the box surface to the sample position |