Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > Engine > GameFramework > AHUD > GetActorsInSelectionRectangle
Module | Engine |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Classes/GameFramework/HUD.h |
Include | #include "GameFramework/HUD.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/HUD.cpp |
UFUNCTION (BlueprintPure, Category=HUD)
void GetActorsInSelectionRectangle
TSubclassOf < AActor > ClassFilter,
const FVector2D & FirstPoint,
const FVector2D & SecondPoint,
TArray < AActor * > & OutActors,
bool bIncludeNonCollidingComponents,
bool bActorMustBeFullyEnclosed
Returns the array of actors inside a selection rectangle, with a class filter.
Sample usage: TArray
Name | Description |
FirstPoint | The first point, or anchor of the marquee box. Where the dragging of the marquee started in screen space. |
SecondPoint | The second point, where the mouse cursor currently is / the other point of the box selection, in screen space. |
bIncludeNonCollidingComponents | Whether to include even non-colliding components of the actor when determining its bounds |
bActorMustBeFullyEnclosed | The Selection rule: whether the selection box can partially intersect Actor, or must fully enclose the Actor. |