Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > Engine > FAnimationRuntime > BlendTwoPosesTogether
Module | Engine |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Public/AnimationRuntime.h |
Include | #include "AnimationRuntime.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/Animation/AnimationRuntime.cpp |
static void BlendTwoPosesTogether
const FCompactPose & SourcePose1,
const FCompactPose & SourcePose2,
const FBlendedCurve & SourceCurve1,
const FBlendedCurve & SourceCurve2,
const float WeightOfPose1,
FCompactPose & ResultPose,
FBlendedCurve & ResultCurve
Blends together two poses. This function is lightweight
The blend is done by taking a weighted sum of each atom, and re-normalizing the quaternion part at the end, not using SLERP.
Name | Description |
ResultPose | Output pose of relative bone transforms. |