Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > Engine > Engine > UWorld > ComponentOverlapMultiByChannel
Module | Engine |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Classes/Engine/World.h |
Include | #include "Engine/World.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/Collision/WorldCollision.cpp |
bool ComponentOverlapMultiByChannel
TArray< struct FOverlapResult > & OutOverlaps,
const class UPrimitiveComponent &42; PrimComp,
const FVector & Pos,
const FQuat & Rot,
ECollisionChannel TraceChannel,
const FComponentQueryParams & Params,
const FCollisionObjectQueryParams & ObjectQueryParams
&41; const
Test the collision of the supplied component at the supplied location/rotation using a specific channel, and determine the set of components that it overlaps
The overload taking rotation as an FQuat is slightly faster than the version using FRotator (which will be converted to an FQuat).. TRUE if OutOverlaps contains any blocking results
Name | Description |
OutOverlaps | Array of overlaps found between component in specified pose and the world |
PrimComp | Component's geometry to test against the world. Transform of this component is ignored |
Pos | Location of PrimComp geometry for test against the world |
Rot | Rotation of PrimComp geometry for test against the world |
TraceChannel | The 'channel' that this query is in, used to determine which components to hit |