Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > Engine > Engine > UWorld
Module | Engine |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Classes/Engine/World.h |
Include | #include "Engine/World.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/Collision/WorldCollisionAsync.cpp |
FTraceHandle AsyncSweepByObjectType
EAsyncTraceType InTraceType,
const FVector & Start,
const FVector & End,
const FQuat & Rot,
const FCollisionObjectQueryParams & ObjectQueryParams,
const FCollisionShape & CollisionShape,
const FCollisionQueryParams & Params,
const FTraceDelegate * InDelegate,
uint32 UserData
Interface for Async trace Pretty much same parameter set except you can optional set delegate to be called when execution is completed and you can set UserData if you'd like if no delegate, you can query trace data using QueryTraceData or QueryOverlapData the data is available only in the next frame after request is made - in other words, if request is made in frame X, you can get the result in frame (X+1)
FTraceDelegate TraceDelegate; TraceDelegate.BindRaw(this, &MyActor::TraceDone);
Name | Description |
InTraceType | Indicates if you want multiple results, single hit result, or just yes/no (no hit information) |
Start | Start location of the shape |
End | End location of the shape |
ObjectQueryParams | List of object types it's looking for |
CollisionShape | CollisionShape - supports Box, Sphere, Capsule |
Params | Additional parameters used for the trace |
InDelegate | Delegate function to be called - to see example, search FTraceDelegate Example can be void MyActor::TraceDone(const FTraceHandle& TraceHandle, FTraceDatum & TraceData) Before sending to the function, |
UserData | UserData |