Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > Engine > Engine > UPackageMapClient
- UPackageMap::SerializeNewActor()
- UPackageMapClient::SerializeNewActor()
- UUnitTestPackageMap::SerializeNewActor()
Module | Engine |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Classes/Engine/PackageMapClient.h |
Include | #include "Engine/PackageMapClient.h" |
Source | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/PackageMapClient.cpp |
virtual bool SerializeNewActor
FArchive & Ar,
class UActorChannel &42; Channel,
class AActor &42;& Actor
Standard method of serializing a new actor. For static actors, this will just be a single call to SerializeObject, since they can be referenced by their path name. For dynamic actors, first the actor's reference is serialized but will not resolve on clients since they haven't spawned the actor yet. The actor archetype is then serialized along with the starting location, rotation, and velocity. After reading this information, the client spawns this actor in the NetDriver's World and assigns it the NetGUID it read at the top of the function.
returns true if a new actor was spawned. false means an existing actor was found for the netguid.