Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > Engine > Engine
Inheritance Hierarchy
Module | Engine |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Classes/Engine/GameInstance.h |
Include | #include "Engine/GameInstance.h" |
class UGameInstance :
public UObject,
public FExec
GameInstance: high-level manager object for an instance of the running game. Spawned at game creation and not destroyed until game instance is shut down. Running as a standalone game, there will be one of these. Running in PIE (play-in-editor) will generate one of these per PIE instance.
Type | Name | Description | |
bool | bReportedPIEStartupTime | ||
FLatentActionManager * | LatentActionManager | ||
TArray< TObjectPtr< ULocalPlayer > > | LocalPlayers | List of locally participating players in this game instance | |
FOnPreClientTravel | NotifyPreClientTravelDelegates | Listeners to PreClientTravel call | |
FOnUserInputDeviceConnectionChange | OnInputDeviceConnectionChange | Callback for when an input device connection state has changed (a new gamepad was connected or disconnected) | |
TObjectPtr< class UOnlineSession > | OnlineSession | Class to manage online services | |
FOnLocalPlayerEvent | OnLocalPlayerAddedEvent | Local player access | |
FOnLocalPlayerEvent | OnLocalPlayerRemovedEvent | ||
FOnPawnControllerChanged | OnPawnControllerChangedDelegates | Gets triggered shortly after a pawn's controller is set. | |
FDelegateHandle | OnPlayTogetherEventReceivedDelegateHandle | Handle for delegate for handling PS4 play together system events | |
FOnUserInputDevicePairingChange | OnUserInputDevicePairingChange | Callback when an input device has changed pairings (the owning platform user has changed for that device) | |
FString | PIEMapName | ||
double | PIEStartTime | ||
TArray< TObjectPtr< UObject > > | ReferencedObjects | List of objects that are being kept alive by this game instance. | |
FTimerManager * | TimerManager | ||
FWorldContext * | WorldContext |
Type | Name | Description | |
const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer |
Type | Name | Description | |
int32 | AddLocalPlayer
ULocalPlayer* NewPlayer, |
Adds a LocalPlayer to the local and global list of Players. | |
void | AddReferencedObjects
UObject* InThis, |
void | AddUserToReplay
const FString& UserString |
Adds a join-in-progress user to the set of users associated with the currently recording replay (if any) | |
void | Non-virtual dispatch for OnStart, also calls the associated global OnStartGameInstance. | ||
void | |||
bool | ClientTravelToSession
int32 ControllerId, |
Helper function for traveling to a session that has already been joined via the online platform Grabs the URL from the session info and travels | |
AGameModeBase * | CreateGameModeForURL
Call to create the game mode for a given map URL | |
ULocalPlayer * | CreateInitialPlayer
FString& OutError |
ULocalPlayer * | CreateLocalPlayer
FPlatformUserId UserId, |
Adds a new player. | |
ULocalPlayer * | CreateLocalPlayer
int32 ControllerId, |
Adds a new player. | |
void | CreateMinimalNetRPCWorld
const FName InPackageName, |
Static util function used by InitializeForMinimalNetRPC and LoadMap to create the minimal world suitable for basic network RPC | |
void | DebugCreatePlayer
int32 ControllerId |
Debug console command to create a player. | |
void | DebugRemovePlayer
int32 ControllerId |
Debug console command to remove the player with a given controller ID. | |
bool | Return true to delay player controller spawn (sending NMT_Join) | ||
bool | Return true to delay an otherwise ready-to-join PendingNetGame performing LoadMap() and finishing up useful to wait for content downloads, etc | ||
bool | EnableListenServer
bool bEnable, |
Turns on/off listen server capability for a game instance By default this will set up the persistent URL state so it persists across server travels and spawn the appropriate network listener | |
ULocalPlayer * | FindLocalPlayerFromControllerId
const int32 ControllerId |
Returns the local player assigned to a physical Controller Id, or null if not found | |
ULocalPlayer * | FindLocalPlayerFromPlatformUserId
const FPlatformUserId UserId |
Returns the local player assigned to this platform user id, or null if not found | |
ULocalPlayer * | FindLocalPlayerFromUniqueNetId
FUniqueNetIdPtr UniqueNetId |
Returns the local player that has been assigned the specific unique net id | |
ULocalPlayer * | FindLocalPlayerFromUniqueNetId
const FUniqueNetIdRepl& UniqueNetId |
Returns the local player that has been assigned the specific unique net id | |
ULocalPlayer * | FindLocalPlayerFromUniqueNetId
const FUniqueNetId& UniqueNetId |
Returns the local player that has been assigned the specific unique net id | |
UEngine * | GetEngine () |
ULocalPlayer * | Returns the first local player, will not be null during normal gameplay | ||
APlayerController * | GetFirstLocalPlayerController
const UWorld* World |
Returns the player controller assigned to the first local player. | |
UGameViewportClient * | |||
FLatentActionManager & | |||
ULocalPlayer * | GetLocalPlayerByIndex
const int32 Index |
Returns the local player at a certain index, or null if not found | |
TArray< ULocalPlayer * >::TConstIterator | Returns const iterator for searching list of local players | ||
const TArray< ULocalPlayer * > & | Returns reference to entire local player list | ||
bool | GetMapOverrideName
const TCHAR* CmdLine, |
Find a map override argument on the command-line string (the first argument without a leading '-' or -map=..., whichever comes first). | |
int32 | Returns number of fully registered local players | ||
FName | Retrieves the name of the online subsystem for the platform used by this instance. | ||
UOnlineSession * | |||
TSubclassOf< UOnlineSession > | |||
FOnPawnControllerChanged & | |||
APlayerController * | GetPrimaryPlayerController
bool bRequiresValidUniqueId |
Get the primary player controller on this machine (others are splitscreen children) (must have valid player state) | |
FUniqueNetIdRepl | Get the unique id for the primary player on this machine (others are splitscreen children) | ||
TSubsystemClass * | GetSubsystem () |
Get a Subsystem of specified type | |
TSubsystemClass * | GetSubsystem
const UGameInstance* GameInstance |
Get a Subsystem of specified type from the provided GameInstance returns nullptr if the Subsystem cannot be found or the GameInstance is null | |
const TArray< TSubsystemClass * > & | Get all Subsystem of specified type, this is only necessary for interfaces that can have multiple implementations instanced at a time. | ||
UGameInstanceSubsystem * | GetSubsystemBase
TSubclassOf< UGameInstanceSubsystem > SubsystemClass |
Get a Subsystem of specified type | |
FTimerManager & | |||
UWorld * | GetWorld () |
FWorldContext * | |||
void | HandleDemoPlaybackFailure
const UE::Net::TNetResult< EReplayResult >& Result |
void | HandleDemoRecordFailure
const UE::Net::TNetResult< EReplayResult >& Result |
Called when demo recording fails for any reason | |
bool | HandleDisconnectCommand
const TCHAR* Cmd, |
void | HandleGameNetControlMessage
UNetConnection* Connection, |
Handle a game specific net control message (NMT_GameSpecific) this allows games to insert their own logic into the control channel the meaning of both data parameters is game-specific | |
void | HandleInputDeviceConnectionChange
EInputDeviceConnectionState NewConnectionState, |
Callback for handling an Input Device's connection state change. | |
void | HandleInputDevicePairingChange
FInputDeviceId InputDeviceId, |
Callback for handling an Input Device pairing change. | |
void | HandleNetworkError
ENetworkFailure::Type FailureType, |
Opportunity for blueprints to handle network errors. | |
bool | HandleOpenCommand
const TCHAR* Cmd, |
bool | HandleReconnectCommand
const TCHAR* Cmd, |
bool | HandleTravelCommand
const TCHAR* Cmd, |
void | HandleTravelError
ETravelFailure::Type FailureType |
Opportunity for blueprints to handle travel errors. | |
void | Init () |
Virtual function to allow custom GameInstances an opportunity to set up what it needs | |
void | InitializeForMinimalNetRPC
const FName InPackageName |
Called to initialize the game instance with a minimal world suitable for basic network RPC | |
FGameInstancePIEResult | InitializeForPlayInEditor
int32 PIEInstanceIndex, |
Called to initialize the game instance for PIE instances of the game | |
void | InitializeStandalone
const FName InWorldName, |
Called to initialize the game instance for standalone instances of the game | |
bool | Returns true if this instance is for a dedicated server world | ||
bool | JoinSession
ULocalPlayer* LocalPlayer, |
bool | JoinSession
ULocalPlayer* LocalPlayer, |
void | LoadComplete
const float LoadTime, |
void | ModifyClientTravelLevelURL
FString& LevelName |
Game instance has an opportunity to modify the level name before the client starts travel | |
void | NotifyPreClientTravel
const FString& PendingURL, |
Broadcast a notification that travel is occurring | |
void | OnConsoleInput
const FString& Command |
Delegate for handling external console commands | |
FOnPreClientTravel & | |||
void | OnPlayTogetherEventReceived
int32 UserIndex, |
Delegate for handling PS4 play together system events | |
void | This gets called when the player scrubs in a replay to a different level | ||
void | OnStart () |
Called when the game instance is started either normally or through PIE. | |
void | OnWorldChanged
UWorld* OldWorld, |
Callback from the world context when the world changes | |
TSubclassOf< AGameModeBase > | OverrideGameModeClass
TSubclassOf< AGameModeBase > GameModeClass, |
Return the game mode subclass to use for a given map, options, and portal. | |
bool | PlayReplay
const FString& InName, |
Start playing back a previously recorded replay. | |
bool | PlayReplayPlaylist
const FReplayPlaylistParams& PlaylistParams |
Start playing back a playlist of previously recorded replays. | |
FGameInstancePIEResult | PostCreateGameModeForPIE
const FGameInstancePIEParameters& Params, |
Called as soon as the game mode is spawned, to allow additional PIE setting validation prior to creating the local players / etc... | |
void | PreloadContentForURL
Call to preload any content before loading a map URL, used during seamless travel as well as map loading | |
void | ReceivedNetworkEncryptionAck
const FOnEncryptionKeyResponse& Delegate |
Called when a client receives the EncryptionAck control message from the server, will generally enable encryption. | |
EEncryptionFailureAction | ReceivedNetworkEncryptionFailure
UNetConnection* Connection |
Called when a connecting client fails to setup encryption | |
void | ReceivedNetworkEncryptionToken
const FString& EncryptionToken, |
Handle setting up encryption keys. | |
void | ReceiveInit () |
Opportunity for blueprints to handle the game instance being initialized. | |
void | Opportunity for blueprints to handle the game instance being shutdown. | ||
void | RegisterReferencedObject
UObject* ObjectToReference |
Registers an object to keep alive as long as this game instance is alive | |
bool | RemoveLocalPlayer
ULocalPlayer* ExistingPlayer |
Removes a player. | |
void | |||
void | Calls HandleDisconnect on either the OnlineSession if it exists or the engine, to cause a travel back to the default map. | ||
void | SetPersistentTravelURL
Call to modify the saved url that will be used as a base for future map travels | |
void | Shutdown () |
Virtual function to allow custom GameInstances an opportunity to do cleanup when shutting down | |
void | Starts the GameInstance state machine running | ||
FGameInstancePIEResult | StartPlayInEditorGameInstance
ULocalPlayer* LocalPlayer, |
Called to actually start the game when doing Play/Simulate In Editor | |
void | StartRecordingReplay
const FString& InName, |
Start recording a replay with the given custom name and friendly name. | |
void | Stop recording a replay if one is currently in progress | ||
void | UnregisterReferencedObject
UObject* ObjectToReference |
Remove a referenced object, this will allow it to GC out |
Overridden from UObject
Type | Name | Description | |
void | Called to finish destroying the object. |
Deprecated Functions
Type | Name | Description | |
int32 | AddLocalPlayer
ULocalPlayer* NewPlayer, |
This version of AddLocalPlayer has been deprecated, pleasse use the version that takes a FPlatformUserId instead. | |
FUniqueNetIdPtr | Use GetPrimaryPlayerUniqueIdRepl. | ||
EDemoPlayFailure::Type FailureType, |
Now takes a EReplayResult instead. |