BeforeCustomVersionWasAdded |
Before any version changes were made. |
GatheredTextProcessVersionFlagging |
Localizable text gathered and stored in packages is now flagged with a localizable text gathering process version. |
GatheredTextPackageCacheFixesV1 |
Fixed several issues with the gathered text cache stored in package headers. |
RootMetaDataSupport |
Added support for "root" meta-data (meta-data not associated with a particular object in a package) |
GatheredTextPackageCacheFixesV2 |
Fixed issues with how Blueprint bytecode was cached. |
TextFormatArgumentDataIsVariant |
Updated FFormatArgumentData to allow variant data to be marshaled from a BP into C++. |
SplineComponentCurvesInStruct |
Changes to SplineComponent. |
ComboBoxControllerSupportUpdate |
Updated ComboBox to support toggling the menu open, better controller support. |
RefactorMeshEditorMaterials |
Refactor mesh editor materials. |
AddedFontFaceAssets |
Added UFontFace assets. |
UPropertryForMeshSection |
Add UPROPERTY for TMap of Mesh section, so the serialize will be done normally (and export to text will work correctly) |
WidgetGraphSchema |
Update the schema of all widget blueprints to use the WidgetGraphSchema. |
AddedBackgroundBlurContentSlot |
Added a specialized content slot to the background blur widget. |
StableUserDefinedEnumDisplayNames |
Updated UserDefinedEnums to have stable keyed display names. |
AddedInlineFontFaceAssets |
Added "Inline" option to UFontFace assets. |
UPropertryForMeshSectionSerialize |
Fix a serialization issue with static mesh FMeshSectionInfoMapFProperty. |
FastWidgetTemplates |
Adding a version bump for the new fast widget construction in case of problems. |
MaterialThumbnailRenderingChanges |
Update material thumbnails to be more intelligent on default primitive shape for certain material types. |
NewSlateClippingSystem |
Introducing a new clipping system for Slate/UMG. |
MovieSceneMetaDataSerialization |
MovieScene Meta Data added as native Serialization. |
GatheredTextEditorOnlyPackageLocId |
Text gathered from properties now adds two variants: a version without the package localization ID (for use at runtime), and a version with it (which is editor-only) |
AddedAlwaysSignNumberFormattingOption |
Added AlwaysSign to FNumberFormattingOptions. |
AddedMaterialSharedInputs |
Added additional objects that must be serialized as part of this new material feature. |
AddedMorphTargetSectionIndices |
Added morph target section indices. |
SerializeInstancedStaticMeshRenderData |
Serialize the instanced static mesh render data, to avoid building it at runtime. |
MeshDescriptionNewSerialization_MovedToRelease |
Change to MeshDescription serialization (moved to release) |
MeshDescriptionNewAttributeFormat |
New format for mesh description attributes. |
ChangeSceneCaptureRootComponent |
Switch root component of SceneCapture actors from MeshComponent to SceneComponent. |
StaticMeshDeprecatedRawMesh |
StaticMesh serializes MeshDescription instead of RawMesh. |
MeshDescriptionBulkDataGuid |
MeshDescriptionBulkData contains a Guid used as a DDC key. |
MeshDescriptionRemovedHoles |
Change to MeshDescription serialization (removed FMeshPolygon::HoleContours) |
ChangedWidgetComponentWindowVisibilityDefault |
Change to the WidgetCompoent WindowVisibilty default value. |
CultureInvariantTextSerializationKeyStability |
Avoid keying culture invariant display strings during serialization to avoid non-deterministic cooking issues. |
ScrollBarThicknessChange |
Change to UScrollBar and UScrollBox thickness property (removed implicit padding of 2, so thickness value must be incremented by 4). |
RemoveLandscapeHoleMaterial |
Deprecated LandscapeHoleMaterial. |
MeshDescriptionTriangles |
MeshDescription defined by triangles instead of arbitrary polygons. |
ComputeWeightedNormals |
Add weighted area and angle when computing the normals. |
SkeletalMeshBuildRefactor |
SkeletalMesh now can be rebuild in editor, no more need to re-import. |
SkeletalMeshMoveEditorSourceDataToPrivateAsset |
Move all SkeletalMesh source data into a private uasset in the same package has the skeletalmesh. |
NumberParsingOptionsNumberLimitsAndClamping |
Parse text only if the number is inside the limits of its type. |
SkeletalMeshSourceDataSupport16bitOfMaterialNumber |
Make sure we can have more then 255 material in the skeletal mesh source data. |
VersionPlusOne |
--="">---------------------------------------------- |
LatestVersion |