Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > Core > IO > FIoStoreWriterContext
Module | Core |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/IO/IoDispatcher.h |
Include | #include "IO/IoDispatcher.h" |
struct FProgress
Type | Name | Description | |
uint64[(int8) EIoChunkType::MAX] | BeginCompressChunksByType | The type of chunk that landed in BeginCompress before any opt-outs. | |
uint64[(int8) EIoChunkType::MAX] | CompressedChunksByType | ||
uint64 | CompressedChunksCount | Number of chunks that were passed to the compressor (i.e. passed the various opt-outs), and their types. | |
uint64 | CompressionDDCHitCount | ||
uint64 | CompressionDDCMissCount | ||
uint64[(int8) EIoChunkType::MAX] | HashDbChunksByType | ||
uint64 | HashDbChunksCount | Number of chunks where we avoided reading and hashing, and instead used the result from the hashdb, and their types. | |
uint64 | HashedChunksCount | ||
uint64[(int8) EIoChunkType::MAX] | RefDbChunksByType | ||
uint64 | RefDbChunksCount | The number of chunk retrieved from the reference cache database, and their types. | |
uint64 | ScheduledCompressionTasksCount | ||
uint64 | SerializedChunksCount | ||
uint64 | TotalChunksCount |