Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > Core > HAL > IFileManager > IterateDirectoryRecursively
- IFileManager::IterateDirectoryRecursively()
- FFileManagerGeneric::IterateDirectoryRecursively()
Module | Core |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/HAL/FileManager.h |
Include | #include "HAL/FileManager.h" |
bool IterateDirectoryRecursively
const TCHAR &42; Directory,
IPlatformFile::FDirectoryVisitorFunc Visitor
Call the Visit function of the visitor once for each file or directory in a directory tree. This function explores subdirectories. false if the directory did not exist or if the visitor returned false.
Name | Description |
Directory | The directory to iterate the contents of, recursively. |
Visitor | Visitor to call for each element of the directory and each element of all subdirectories (see FDirectoryVisitor::Visit for the signature). |