Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Runtime > ApplicationCore > GenericPlatform > Accessibility > FGenericAccessibleMessageHandler
Module | ApplicationCore |
Header | /Engine/Source/Runtime/ApplicationCore/Public/GenericPlatform/Accessibility/GenericAccessibleInterfaces.h |
Include | #include "GenericPlatform/Accessibility/GenericAccessibleInterfaces.h" |
virtual void RunInThread
const TFunction < void> & Function,
bool bWaitForCompletion,
ENamedThreads::Type Thread
Request a function to be run in a particular thread. Primarily used to service accessibility requests from the OS thread about accessible Slate widget data in the game thread.
Name | Description |
Function | The function to execute in the game thread. @bWaitForCompletion If true, the function will block until the requested Function completes executing on the requested Thread |
Thread | The thread to run the Function in. |