bool |
bClampValue |
Set true if values should be max to 1.0. HDR values may go over 1.0. |
bool |
bExpandAdvancedSection |
Whether to automatically expand the Advanced section. |
bool |
bIsModal |
Whether or not the new color picker is modal. |
bool |
bOnlyRefreshOnMouseUp |
Whether to disable the refresh except on mouse up for performance reasons. |
bool |
bOnlyRefreshOnOk |
Whether to disable the refresh until the picker closes. |
bool |
bOpenAsMenu |
Whether to open the color picker as a menu window. |
bool |
bUseAlpha |
Whether or not to enable the alpha slider. |
TAttribute< float > |
DisplayGamma |
The current display gamma used to correct colors picked from the display. |
FLinearColor |
InitialColor |
The initial color set on the color picker. |
FOnLinearColorValueChanged |
OnColorCommitted |
A delegate to be called when the color changes. |
FOnColorPickerCancelled |
OnColorPickerCancelled |
A delegate to be called when the color picker cancel button is pressed |
FOnWindowClosed |
OnColorPickerWindowClosed |
A delegate to be called when the color picker window closes. |
FSimpleDelegate |
OnInteractivePickBegin |
A delegate to be called when a slider drag, color wheel drag or dropper grab starts |
FSimpleDelegate |
OnInteractivePickEnd |
A delegate to be called when a slider drag, color wheel drag or dropper grab finishes |
TSharedPtr< SWidget > |
OptionalOwningDetailsView |
Allows a details view to own the color picker so refreshing another details view doesn't close it |
TSharedPtr< SWidget > |
ParentWidget |
The parent for the new color picker window |
TOptional< bool > |
sRGBOverride |
If set overrides the global option for the desired setting of sRGB mode. |