Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Plugins > MovieRenderPipelineCore > UMoviePipelineCameraSetting
UPROPERTY (EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite,
Meta=(DisplayName="Overscan Percentage Override", UIMin="0", UIMax="1", ClampMin="0", ClampMax="1", EditCondition="bOverrideCameraOverscan"),
Category="Camera Settings")
float OverscanPercentage
Overscan percent allows to render additional pixels beyond the set resolution and can be used in conjunction with EXR file output to add post-processing effects such as lens distortion. Please note that using this feature might affect the results due to auto-exposure and other camera settings. On EXR this will produce a 1080p image with extra pixel data hidden around the outside edges for use in post production. For all other formats this will increase the final resolution and no pixels will be hidden (ie: 1080p /w 0.1 overscan will make a 2112x1188 jpg, but a 1080p exr /w 96/54 pixels hidden on each side)