Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Plugins > ModelingComponents > ToolSceneQueriesUtil::FindNearestVisibleObjectHit
Module | ModelingComponents |
Header | /Engine/Plugins/Runtime/MeshModelingToolset/Source/ModelingComponents/Public/ToolSceneQueriesUtil.h |
Include | #include "ToolSceneQueriesUtil.h" |
Source | /Engine/Plugins/Runtime/MeshModelingToolset/Source/ModelingComponents/Private/ToolSceneQueriesUtil.cpp |
namespace ToolSceneQueriesUtil
bool ToolSceneQueriesUtil::FindNearestVisibleObjectHit
USceneSnappingManager * SnappingManager,
FHitResult & HitResultOut,
const FRay & Ray,
const TArray < const UPrimitiveComponent * > * IgnoreComponents,
const TArray < const UPrimitiveComponent * > * InvisibleComponentsToInclude
Find the nearest object hit by the LineTrace from Start to End that is currently visible (provides correct result in Editor) true if a visible hit was found
Name | Description |
HitResultOut | the resulting hit, if true is returned |
Start | start point of line |
End | end point of line |
IgnoreComponents | optional list of Components to ignore |
InvisibleComponentsToInclude | optional list of Components to explicitly include, even if they are not visible |