Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Plugins > GoogleARCoreServices > UGoogleARCoreServicesFunctionLibrary
Module | GoogleARCoreServices |
Header | /Engine/Plugins/Runtime/AR/Google/GoogleARCoreServices/Source/GoogleARCoreServices/Public/GoogleARCoreServicesFunctionLibrary.h |
Include | #include "GoogleARCoreServicesFunctionLibrary.h" |
Source | /Engine/Plugins/Runtime/AR/Google/GoogleARCoreServices/Source/GoogleARCoreServices/Private/GoogleARCoreServicesFunctionLibrary.cpp |
UFUNCTION (BlueprintCallable, Category="GoogleARCoreServices|CloudARPin",
Meta=(Latent, LatentInfo="LatentInfo", LifetimeInDays=1, WorldContext="WorldContextObject", Keywords="googlear ar service host cloud"))
static void CreateAndHostCloudARPinLatentAction
UObject * WorldContextObject,
struct FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo,
UARPin * ARPinToHost,
int32 LifetimeInDays,
EARPinCloudTaskResult & OutHostingResult,
UCloudARPin *& OutCloudARPin
This will start a Latent Action to host the ARPin and creating a UCloudARPin from it. The complete flow of this Latent Action will be triggered if the hosting is complete or an error has occurred.
Note that a UCloudARPin will be always created when this function is called, even in the case that the CloudId is failed to host. You can check the CloudState of returning UCloudARPin to see why the hosting failed.
Name | Description |
ARPinToHost | The ARPin to host. |
LifetimeInDays | The lifetime of the cloud anchor in days. |
OutHostingResult | The ARPin hosting result. |
OutCloudARPin | A new instance of UCloudARPin created using the input ARPinToHost. |