Unreal Engine C++ API Reference > Plugins > GeometryCacheAbcFile > FGeomCacheTrackAbcFileProxy
- FGeomCacheTrackProxy::FindSampleIndexesFromTime()
- FGeomCacheTrackAbcFileProxy::FindSampleIndexesFromTime()
Module | GeometryCacheAbcFile |
Header | /Engine/Plugins/Experimental/GeometryCacheAbcFile/Source/GeometryCacheAbcFile/Public/GeometryCacheAbcFileSceneProxy.h |
Include | #include "GeometryCacheAbcFileSceneProxy.h" |
Source | /Engine/Plugins/Experimental/GeometryCacheAbcFile/Source/GeometryCacheAbcFile/Private/GeometryCacheAbcFileSceneProxy.cpp |
virtual void FindSampleIndexesFromTime
float Time,
bool bLooping,
bool bIsPlayingBackwards,
int32 & OutFrameIndex,
int32 & OutNextFrameIndex,
float & InterpolationFactor
Find the two frames closest to the given time InterpolationFactor gives the position of the requested time slot between the two returned frames. 0.0 => We are very close to OutFrameIndex 1.0 => We are very close to OutNextFrameIndex If bIsPlayingBackwards it will return exactly the same indexes but in the reversed order. The InterpolationFactor will also be updated accordingly